Chapter 601 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (40)

[If what the Fox Immortal APP advertisement says is true, it would be quite interesting. 】

[It's better not to be true.It’s okay if what’s said on the ad page is fake, but if it’s true, I don’t know how many families will face...]

[How many people escaped from their original families after a lot of difficulty, but were found again, how desperate are those people]

As long as you surf the Internet, no one can avoid the app of 'Quest Who Are You'. Many websites have received complaints, and the websites have no choice but to stand up and say that they cannot delete this advertisement.

This has pushed up the discussion of this topic even more, and everyone is guessing who or which organization made such a big deal and what its purpose is.

Overtly and secretly, officials and private individuals are tracking down the publisher of the APP.

Who would have thought that the publisher was a cat.

The APP was made by Xihua, and the publishing on the Internet was handed over to the system.

There are blood rules embedded in the APP, which is one of the permissions she asks for from the Heavenly Dao Consciousness.

The original owner was taken away, and if he hadn't been beaten to death, it would be difficult to find him back in the future.

In the plot of the second week, two years after the original owner disappeared, Qiao Feiping's psychological endurance reached the limit and she committed suicide.Qiao Feiping was the original owner's only relative. Once she died, no one would look for the original owner. If the original owner didn't die, it meant that Qiao Xi had disappeared from the world.

With this APP, children who have the same experience as the original owner can be brought home earlier.

It was also to uproot the Qiu family.

There are people behind the Qiu family to protect them, because the Qiu family has red medicine in their hands.

The rich and powerful people are most afraid of death, and the red medicine that can slow down aging and increase life span is their elixir.

Today's genetic technology is immature, and red medicine is not a real genetic medicine.

A single dose of red medicine can implicate an unknown number of lives.

For various reasons, red medicine can only be produced in some private institutions abroad.

The cost of red medicine is high, and its production is not well known. Only those who have reached a certain level of wealth know the existence of red medicine.

The Qiu family is the middleman of the red medicine.

Xihua got out the white fox and headed for the Qiu family, and later found the red medicine.

Unexpectedly, Wen Jiarong's green medicine was found out in the middle, which was a surprise.

The Qiu family had acquaintance with the ancestors of the Wen family in Huaishan, and knew that the Wen family had green medicine, but the production of green medicine was small, and it took ten years for the Qiu family to buy a pill at a high price.

So the Qiu family is willing to send Qiu Chengjun and Wen Jiarong together.

Without the witchcraft, Wen Jiarong's so-called hidden witchcraft status is worthless, and the Qiu family doesn't want to lose the supply of green medicine, so they will definitely not let go of finding the witchcraft.

At that time, Yuhua's body couldn't bear the pull of the force of space, and she couldn't use the teleportation talisman, so she had to hitch a ride back. If the Qiu family wanted to investigate, they would find something.

With the Qiu family's way of doing things, no matter whether the disappearance of Wu Qi has anything to do with her, they will take her and Qiao Feiping away before questioning.

The Qiu family didn't let her go, and she just didn't want to let the Qiu family go.

Wen Jiarong said that he wanted the original owner's jade pendant, but Qiu Chengjun ordered Fu Gang to arrest people and rob things.

After Fu Gang snatched the jade pendant and handed it to Qiu Jun, he sold it to the original owner according to what he understood.

Knowing that someone had found Fu Gang, Qiu Chengjun ordered someone to silence Fu Gang.


"Change the name to Huxian APP." Yuhua ordered the system.

"Test who are you" was started by her in order to arouse the curiosity of the public, and it was not as easy as the fox fairy.

Taking into account the problem of functional abuse, Yuhua has made some restrictions.

It is based on this idea that she only opened the search between parents, children, and siblings.

Because the essence of the APP is that the blood rules are in effect, after downloading, there is no need to fill in personal information, just click the registration button to complete the registration.

Afterwards, there will be several options, one, agree to be searched by others, two, agree to be searched by others but not display the location, and three, refuse to be searched by others.

If not selected, the default is two, agreeing to be searched by people but not showing the location.

And in the past three months, only those who have officially registered a missing person at home can use the function of searching for the other party's location.

After three months, Yuhua will see the situation and will not let go of the function of searching for the other party's location for ordinary people.

Huxian APP has been downloaded by a considerable number of people.

Because of the weird origin of this APP, I have to download it to see what's going on.

【found it!found it!Do you still remember the hero mother who searched for her child on the Internet for ten years? Although she couldn't find her son, she fought wits and courageously to help rescue her three children. Her son was found!

She posted a new post under her account, saying that she was rushing to the location of the app. 】

[? ? ?I don't understand what do you mean? 】

[Fox Fairy APP, for finding the location of relatives. 】

[I downloaded it, how can I only find out that I have a pair of parents and a younger sister, and then say that the location is not open, so I can't find the location of the other party? 】

[Mine is that the other party rejected your inquiry. 】

[Didn’t you read the instructions? The Fox Immortal APP has been linked with the family tracing website. In the past three months, only relatives of missing persons who have registered with the government can check the location of the missing person. 】

[It turned out to be a family-finding software.This is good. 】

Zhang Jianyang opened the game page, and suddenly an advertisement page popped up. He habitually wanted to click the cross, but the bold words on the advertisement page attracted his attention. He said that after downloading, he could find several blood relatives. where.

Zhang Jianyang moved his finger down, and then clicked, not close but download.

He has always had a vague memory of him riding on a merry-go-round in an amusement park, and a woman's voice whispering in his ear, "Well done son."

But the farthest place he went before he was in the third grade of elementary school was the town, and there was only an amusement park in the city, and he had never been to the city.

He is 14 years old and knows about buying a child.

But his parents treated him very well, much better than his sister, and he never doubted it before.

After entering junior high school, my classmates joked that he was nothing like his parents, don't pick him up.

The classmate was playing around with him, and he went to his heart when he heard it.He has double eyelids, while his parents have single eyelids, and his sister also has single eyelids.

"Yangyang, I bought a carton of milk today, do you want to drink it?"

Zhang Jianyang stopped opening the software, and heard his mother call him, "Yangyang? Do you want to drink?" He quickly responded, "No."

Then I heard my mother nagging in a low voice, "I don't drink this, I don't drink that, you choose."

Zhang Jianyang looked down at the phone for a while, and comforted himself, "It's just a game anyway."

He opened the Fox Immortal app.

After 1 minute, the software gave the result, saying that he has a pair of parents and no siblings.

With trembling hands, he clicked to search the location of his parents, which showed that the location of his parents was in other provinces.

And he knew clearly that his parents were at home.

How come there are still a pair of parents in other provinces.

And it shows that his mother has found his location.

And his current mother is illiterate, she can only make phone calls and send language messages on her mobile phone, so it is absolutely impossible to download software to search for him.

Either this software is a lie, or his current parents are not his own.

(End of this chapter)

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