Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 61: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 61 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Tan's location is a comprehensive commercial office building. The shopping malls and restaurants under several office buildings have complete entertainment facilities. Yuhua found a quiet tea room downstairs, drank tea, and sent the information converter to Tan's with mental power. in the computer.

Oh, and cell phones of important people.

Yesterday and today, I got all the information I wanted.

The Tan family lives in a high-end villa area, and the security measures are very strict.

But it is not difficult for Xi Hua.

Sitting on a lounge chair near the Tan family villa, she released her mental power.

Very good, Tan Qijun and Li Shixiang are both here.

Li Shixiang was on the phone, "... Who am I doing it for? I don't let your uncle do this, let someone do it. Don't just play around all night, or your father will hate—"

The call was hung up by the other party, and Li Shixiang's words were held back in her mouth. She was so angry that the corners of her mouth were drawn into a horoscope, and her sagging face was even more mean.

It was Li Shixiang's instigation.Xihua found out the real water from the dimensional space, and sent it into Li Shixiang's mind.

Spitting real water amplified Li Shixiang's anger, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she went out to find Tan Qijun's study.

"Tan Qijun, you are not human. I have been with you for so many years, and you treat me like this. You want that bitch to be promoted, and you want to give the company to your illegitimate daughter. Go ahead and dream!"

Tan Qijun, who was disturbed, put down the document in his hand and looked at Li Shixiang sullenly, "Idiot! I said earlier that I have nothing to do with that woman named Cheng Qiuyun, what more trouble do you want!

Don't talk about you and me for so many years, have you suffered for so many years?You haven't done a day's work, except for the first two years, and then you haven't done any housework, but let you watch a child and raise the child crookedly, what right do you have to complain! "

"That's what I should have! What's wrong with the raising, the son is not yours!" Li Shixiang was anxious all the way, the fat on his body was jumping around.

"Okay, okay, go out quickly, I still have work to do."

"No! You have to make it clear to me today." Li Shixiang persisted, "It doesn't matter what you say? What did you say when I asked you that I was not allowed to touch the mother and daughter? Didn't you acquiesce to that bitch? The person is your love, is that bitch your illegitimate daughter?

Now it's okay, if she's not, then who is?I want to expose her online!What a genius, I bah!This will make my son think that if he doesn't learn well, he won't be capable. Who pampered him back then?If you dare to get her into the Tan family, I will never end with you. "

"What exposure! What stupid thing do you want to do?" Tan Qijun slapped the table and pointed at Li Shixiang, "You are a stupid head, if the Tan family is to be destroyed, it will be on you. What kind of exposure is exposed, I don't know Cheng Qiuyun at all!

Do you think this will save Li Shitao?The evidence for Li Shitao's murder was conclusive, and no one could save him, so he could only find a way to give him a lighter sentence for several years.If you dare to toss and let Tan's stock price fluctuate, I will ignore him! "

"It doesn't matter if he bites me out, you'll have a hard time!" Li Shixiang's face was full of ruthlessness, "I figured it out at once, you must be protecting your son. You just want to Let me misunderstand, let me torment the mother and daughter, and protect your real illegitimate child!"

"You don't want to be company with your brother, do you?" Tan Qijun admitted it, and stared at Li Shixiang fiercely, "If you don't want to, just stay at home honestly!"

"I..." The threat worked for Li Shixiang, because Tan Qijun was really determined to get her into prison.

But she was angry in her heart, so she dared to vent her anger elsewhere, "It's bad luck for the mother and daughter. Hmph! They can't be wronged, as long as they look like that, they can be a good thing.

It's a good thing for them to let me vent their anger, and if I do it right in front of my eyes, I'll do it right, and I deserve to be misunderstood if I look like a vixen..."

While listening to the verbal battle between the two, Xi Hua copied the computer in the villa and the mobile phones of the two with an information converter.

It seems that her worry was not overstated. Li Shixiang wanted to save Li Shitao by pouring dirty water on them on the Internet and using public opinion pressure.

Li Shixiang and Tan Qijun are really a good match, the one is stupid and vicious, who can pay for murder based on "what he thinks";

The culprit should be Tan Qijun. Li Shixiang only suspected Cheng Wenjin's identity. She went to question Tan Qijun. In order to protect the real mother and child, Tan Qijun deliberately provoked Li Shixiang.

Otherwise, no matter how stupid Li Shixiang was, she wouldn't buy murder just because of doubts, because in her opinion, Tan Qijun had already admitted that there was no need to test DNA, so she did it directly.

Moreover, Tan Qijun let Li Shixiang do it, because he wanted to hold Li Shixiang's handle when Li Shixiang did it.

Otherwise, in the previous life, why did Cheng Wenjin never encounter life-threatening incidents after Cheng Qiuyun's accident? It was only after several years that the rumor of her illegitimate daughter was exposed.

It is very likely that Tan Qijun seized the evidence of Li Shixiang's attack on Cheng Qiuyun, which made Li Shixiang stop for several years, and only chose to explode the original owner a few years later.

In this life, Hou Wei died unexpectedly, and with Yuhua around, Tan Qijun couldn't even finish it.

Although they are all speculations, Hua Hua believes that the speculation results are reasonable.

The original owner and Cheng Qiuyun simply suffered an innocent disaster.There are more of her now.

Yu Hua did not miss the surveillance records in the study.

With enough information, Yuhua left the villa and returned to the hotel.

Just after returning to the room, she received a call from Jiang Yan. Jiang Yan's voice was never anxious, "Sister, where are you? Outside or in the hotel?"

"I'm in the hotel room." Because Jiang Yan needed to cover for her in front of Cheng Qiuyun, Yuhua told Jiang Yan about her coming to Haicheng.

She and Cheng Qiuyun had a car accident, because it was quickly discovered that it was not a simple accident. In order to facilitate the investigation, the news was blocked from the outside world. The media reports only said that a dump truck rollover accident occurred in a certain street on a certain day, and no mention was made. To her and Cheng Qiuyun.

Among the people she knew, Jiang Yan was the only one who knew what really happened, so she wanted to investigate Tan Qijun without hiding it from Jiang Yan.

Hearing Yu Hua's answer, Jiang Yan obviously breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay in the hotel. Listen, you were raped by the Internet. What happened just now, you don't want to leave the hotel, so as not to be seen by others." You cause trouble.

Someone posted a post saying that you are the illegitimate daughter of a certain wealthy family, and you and Aunt Yun are trying to seize the property of a certain wealthy family.This matter must have been premeditated, many posts with similar content were posted on the Internet at the same time, and the hot searches on the direct search should be the professional sailors you are looking for..."

Xi Hua knew who was the one who abused her online, Li Shixiang.

(End of this chapter)

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