Chapter 621 I Have a Secret (9)

Yu Hua sat next to Luo Tingting.

Luo Tingting looked her up and down, "Are you all right?"

"Don't worry, it's really all right."

The two of them have always communicated with each other, and they have asked all the necessary questions about the car accident, and Luo Tingting didn't mention it any more.

"Zhong Ling, why do I feel that you look good again?" Yu Mengxin, who was sitting on the other side of Luo Tingting, poked her head forward and looked at Yu Hua, "Tingting, didn't you see it?"

The university stipulates that the first year of university must be dormitory. Yu Mengxin, Luo Tingting and the original owner are all in the same dormitory, and they have a good relationship.

The original owner just went home to live in the dormitory in the second year, in order to have a place to rest at noon, and also to have a place to live in the school because of bad weather and other reasons, the original owner did not leave the dormitory.

So the relationship between the few people is not too far away.

Talk to each other more casually.

Luo Tingting looked at Yuhua's face again, "It's true, Zhong Ling's skin has become better. It was white before, but there was no blood. Now it has blood and looks fresh."

Xi Hua imitated the original owner and blinked, "Maybe it's because I've had enough sleep these days."

Luo Tingting sighed, "I can't learn this."

"Oh." Yu Mengxin also sighed, her face drooping, "I just know that the distance between me and the beauty is only one beauty sleep. I can't do it without staying up all night."

"By the way, have you read the news?" Luo Tingting was eager to share it with others, "I heard that the steel fortress built over the film and television city has been built."

She took out her phone and flipped through a page, "Look, it was officially announced this morning that the filming of "Fortress of the Future" is about to start, and the cast will be publicly selected. The interview location will be in Qiyang."

Yu Hua shook her head, "I haven't seen the news yet."

"Really, I didn't notice this." Yu Mengxin turned over her mobile phone and found the page, "It's been built for several years and finally it's done. No matter whether this movie will be good or not, at least the location is not said."

Luo Tingting said longingly, "I'm so looking forward to it, I really want to visit the Steel Fortress. I heard it's not open to the public, oh, it's true.

If it's a holiday shoot, I'd like to see if I can be a group performer, not because of the boxed lunch, but just to have a chance to see what the Steel Fortress is like. "

The film and television base in Qiyang City is not far from Qiyang University. Out of curiosity about making movies, many students from Qiyang University have had the experience of performing in groups in the film and television city. No, but it's all a day trip.

"I want to go too. The building is so technological that I really want to know what it looks like inside." Yu Mengxin, who was sitting on the other side of Luo Tingting, agreed with Luo Tingting, "Tingting, let's go together together. "

Yu Mengxin imitated the classic gesture of a certain concubine in the TV series, pretended to brush the hair on her cheek with the back of her hand, and said, "Look at our momentum, we can make a corpse no matter what."

Luo Tingting burst out laughing immediately, because she was in the classroom, she suppressed her laughter, and only let out a little gasp from her throat, her shoulders shaking violently, "Mengxin, with your gesture, I thought you would say that you can make a eunuch Dangdang!" Woolen cloth."

Yu Mengxin dismissed the gesture, "The eunuch has a dead body to play, the corpse is gone after the performance, and the eunuch is gone when the performance is over."

Not only Luo Tingting, but the students around her burst into laughter.

The topic could not be continued because the teacher stepped on the point.

Yuhua saw the screen on the phone that Luo Tingting showed her, which was a picture of a huge steel building with a sci-fi feel.

This building named Iron Fortress was built by Chengying Media Group, and it is going to be a film and television base with sci-fi elements.

Many film and television bases now play the antique and landscape brand, for example, the film and television city in this city originally engaged in antique.

More than three years ago, Chengying Media said that it would make a science fiction film called "Fortress of the Future", and vigorously promoted it, saying that it was determined to make an epic masterpiece.

Afterwards, Chengying Media said that they could not find a suitable shooting location, so they invested in the construction of the main scene in "Fortress of the Future" - the Iron Fortress.

It is said that more than one billion has been invested, and it is said that several billion have been invested.

In order to make a movie, it costs more than one billion just to get the location. This big deal has caused a long debate on the Internet. Until now, some people are still arguing about whether it should be done or not.

In any case, this film became popular before it was shot, and the public paid a lot of attention to it.

Cities around the world welcomed this billion-dollar investment and offered many preferential treatment.

Surprisingly, Chengying Media chose Qiyang City as the location for the construction.Qiyang City does not have an advantage at all among the cities whose selling points are film and television cities, and the discounts given are not strong.

I don't know what Chengying Media is thinking about.

He was welcomed with both hands in Qiyang City, his hometown, and awarded the land next to Qiyang Film and Television City to Chengying Media.

Chengying Media did not make a fuss at all, and started construction after completing the procedures, and opened a branch in Qiyang City.

Because of Chengying Media's operation, some related companies have also paid attention to Qiyang Film and Television City, and many of them have opened branches here, which has brought Qiyang Film and Television City into flames.

There are more film crews coming to Qiyang Film and Television City, which has brought a lot of benefits to Qiyang City.

Because the original owner went to the film and television city to do group performances from time to time in the past few years, he watched this steel monster build up bit by bit.

In order to make a movie, billions of dollars have been invested to make the set. Although it is not a one-off, how many sci-fi movies with future elements can be shot every year?Almost all domestic sci-fi films hit the street.

Unlike costume films, ancient elements are the only ones, and one scene can be used in many plays, but there is no uniform standard for the background of science fiction films, and the audience mainly sees this inconsistency.

"Fortress of the Future" uses a steel fortress as the main landscape, and other movies will definitely not be able to use it again, unless it is a movie of the same series.

Besides, nowadays, sci-fi and fantasy films are mainly shot with green screen, relying on high-tech applications and post-production, and there is no need to build such an expensive real fortress.

The reason for the construction of this steel fortress is somewhat far-fetched.

Yuhua checked on her mobile phone, and the president of Chengying Media Group was Cheng Kaijing.

Cheng Kaijing's resume in Encyclopedia is very simple. He is 49 years old and graduated from a famous school in Beijing. He has been a shareholder of Chengying Enterprise and became the president of Chengying Enterprise's subsidiary film company five years ago.

Cheng Kaijing is very capable, and managed Chengying Films into Chengying Media Group in two years.

If she remembered correctly, the second ancestor who asked Duanmu Mingying to be his girlfriend was Cheng Kaijing, a native of the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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