Chapter 633 I Have a Secret (21)

The group performers who sent messages to Jiang Jiao belonged to Wen Shengnan and Qiangzi, and the police had already arrested them.


Yu Yue received a call saying that Zhong Ling was at the police station and asked her to pick him up.

She was a little numb, and reconsidered whether to keep the contract with Zhong Ling.

According to the terms of the contract, Zhong Ling officially debuted more than a month later, and the termination procedure is not too troublesome now.

Artists are most afraid of entering and exiting the police station. Although few people know who Zhong Ling is now, if Zhong Ling's fame rises, no matter how he enters and exits the police station, Heizi and his opponent will always be charged with crimes.

But thinking that Zhong Ling's medical treatment would cost a lot of money, she couldn't bear it anymore.

Just like that, Yu Yue went to the police station with a heavy heart.

After knowing that Zhong Ling was acting bravely, Yu Yue heaved a sigh of relief.

After going through the procedures and leading him out, Yu Yue sent him back to school.

"If you encounter such a thing in the future, call the police first, and try not to do it if you can." This is Yu Yue's last bottom line.

After Chen Zhe's video came out, she thought about letting Zhong Ling hit the star route, but that was playing in a movie, not in reality.

Yu Yue saw the video on the surveillance at the police station, and she almost had a heart attack.

Look at the 1.9-meter-strong man greeting Yu Hua.

He was also like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. This strong man was called Qiangzi, and he was an unbeatable Xiaoqiang. He used a dagger after his leg was broken.

And Zhong Ling dealt with the strong man in a few strokes.

Yu Yue remembered what Zhong Ling said in the morning, she could say six or seven words to Chen Zhe, and she also said that she is not in good health now, is this called bad health?If he was in good health, wouldn't he kick someone into the sky with one kick?
The only good thing is that Zhong Ling didn't suffer.

Yuhua agreed, "I'll listen to Sister Yu, and if I encounter this kind of thing again, I will call the police first, and then reason with the other party. If the reason doesn't make sense, I will do it again."

Fortunately, Duanmu Chengyan didn't dare to call the police, and Yu Yue was less anxious.

If he was going all out, he wouldn't have any evidence to prove that she beat her.

Yu Yue glared at her, "How many times do you want to encounter this kind of thing? Do you know that flags can't stand around?"

"I know." Yuhua was the humble Yazi who was being educated.

Yu Yue sent Yu Hua to the downstairs of the dormitory and drove away.


Luo Tingting was the only one in the dormitory. Seeing Yuhua come back, she leaned on the head of the bed and asked, "Zhong Ling, how did the filming go? Is it different from the group performance?"

Yuhua raised her head and smiled at Luo Tingting, "It's okay. I'm playing a small supporting role, not much different from being a group performer, just do what the director said."

"Are there any celebrities you know?"

"No. It's just a small web drama, no big stars are invited."

"That's right." Luo Tingting asked casually.She knew that many production crews had provisions such as not to disclose actor information at will.

"Hey." Luo Tingting groaned, struggled for a while, and then said, "You know, Chen Zhe has returned to school. He made a high profile and drove here by himself.

It is said that the car he drives is at least 1000 million, his outfit is 1000 million, and the watch he wears is several million.I think he said this himself, otherwise who would have the leisure to care what brand of clothes he is wearing.

I think he may still deal with you, you have to be careful.I really don't know what brains those people have. When Chen Zhe said that his father didn't let him reveal his wealth, they believed it. Can not revealing his wealth be the same as pretending to be poor? "

Hua knew about Chen Zhe's whitewashing. She never thought that she could kill Chen Zhe all at once. With Chen Jingwei standing behind him, Chen Zhe had the capital to jump.

With Chen Zhe's self-proclaimed true temperament, but in fact he will take revenge on everyone, he will definitely attack her, and she will just wait for the attack.

I am not afraid of him making a move, but I am afraid that he will not make a move.

After Xi Hua finished washing, she went to her own bed, and only then did she have time to study the parasite.

This thing has no brain, it cannot think, it has only one instinct: to live.

Hua Hua performed a stress test on the parasite, squeezing it from the size of a thumb to a tiny dot the size of a pinhead, but it was still alive.

It can survive being thrown into water.

In the void state without air, it will enter a state of slumber.

She extracted the rules it carried, transformed it, and got some information.

It is not native to this world.

It cannot survive alone, it needs to parasitize into the body of other creatures, and food is the vitality of other creatures.

After coming to this world, it mutated, and the food in its infancy became the soul power of living beings.

So it parasitizes in the brain of living beings, absorbing the soul power continuously produced by the living souls to grow.

The creatures parasitized by it will not lose their intelligence immediately. After it completely controls the brains of the creatures, it will have the final say on the bodies of the creatures.

Its current state is a juvenile, and when it grows into a mature body, it will split and split into sporophytes one by one, scattered into the air, looking for a host to parasitize.

After the parasite matures, it needs more food for division, and when the supply of soul power is insufficient, it will drive the parasitic creature to devour the flesh and blood of other living beings to convert it into a large amount of life force to supply it for division.

If a large number of humans and animals are parasitized, these parasitized humans and animals will all become puppets of the parasite, who will eat flesh and blood with no pain or injury.

This is the real zombie.

Then the apocalypse came and the world went into chaos.

In addition, this parasite is an outsider, and its existence in large numbers is a kind of violation of the rules of this world.

Fortunately, it is the first generation to come to this world, because it has to adapt to the rules of this world, its growth is very slow, it has been parasitic on the brain of the rough man for ten months, and it is still a long time before it reaches maturity. It takes at least ten months.

The bad thing is that it is not the only parasite that has entered this world, and there is no way to know where the other parasites are from this parasite.

Xi Hua searched the memories of the rough man, and found out that he had stayed in Qiyang City this year.

He was parasitized here.

Yu Hua quickly thought of the steel fortress built by Cheng Kaijing.

The steel fortress is built so tightly that it can prevent the spores from entering.

She had reason to suspect that Cheng Kaijing had known about the existence of parasites and the possible consequences of parasites causing the world to enter a chaotic state through a certain method, and had taken predictive measures.

Looking at it this way, it was right for Xihua to come to Qiyang following her intuition when she entered this world.

The rules of heaven imposed by the Creator God in this world have caused some breaks, and it can be said that it is on the verge of incompleteness.

In the past, it was not clear whether the Heavenly Dao in this world had any self-awareness. Anyway, it doesn’t exist now.

(End of this chapter)

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