Chapter 638 I Have a Secret (26)

Now "Xian Yuan Ji" has been actively mentioned on the Internet, and it is a good thing to have a topic.

How could Zhang Tuo not take advantage of this Dongfeng, and found a screenwriter, asking him to add some scenes to Zhong Ling.

No matter what they think in their hearts, the heroine, the heroine, the heroine, and the second male partner are more polite to Zhong Ling on the surface.

Xi Hua's attitude towards them was the same as before, which made them let go of what they thought about.


Finally got the news from Duanmu Chengyan, Duanmu Mingying rushed to the hospital.

Duanmu Mingying couldn't get in touch with Duanmu Chengyan for several days, so she called the school, and the school said that Duanmu Chengyan had taken sick leave.

She still found out from the school that Duanmu Chengyan was hospitalized.

Seeing Duanmu Chengyan with one leg hanging, she felt uncomfortable.Although she knew that Duanmu Chengyan would leave sooner or later, she made a decision in her heart not to treat Duanmu Chengyan as her own son.

But emotionally, there is no way to tell the truth. For more than ten years, she has spent a lot of effort in it, and she has a lot of affection for Duanmu Chengyan.

Zhong Ling told her that Duanmu Chengyan was Cheng Kaijing's son, and that Cheng Kaijing had come to meet him when Duanmu Chengyan was 12 years old, but the two kept hiding her from her.

Duanmu Chengyan thought that she did not obey his biological mother Xiao Yanqing's last wish and sent him to his biological father Cheng Kaijing, but kept him privately.

Although she finally digested the news, she felt that Duanmu Chengyan was just thinking badly for a while, and his temperament would not be so bad.

She also wanted to give Duanmu Chengyan a chance.

Because she knows Cheng Kaijing well enough, Cheng Kaijing is definitely not a person who attaches great importance to love, and his love is not because he is full of emotion, but very indifferent. She has been with him for almost three years, and she fell in love with him, only to find out that Cheng Kaijing didn't treat her at all. Seriously.

Fortunately, she didn't pester him when he asked her to leave, otherwise she might be ruined and disappeared like her predecessor.

Who did it, don't even ask.

The ex just wanted to bring Cheng Kaijing back, so he went to his residence to block him without Cheng Kaijing's permission. He violated Cheng Kaijing's words, and ended up losing his fortune.

When Zhong Ling said that Cheng Kaijing had other purposes in finding Duanmu Chengyan, she believed it.

She also wanted to remind Duanmu Chengyan today.

Duanmu Mingying walked to the bed in a few steps, "Chengyan, how did your leg hurt?"

Duanmu Chengyan didn't look at her, and kept drooping his eyelids. Hearing her question, he suddenly looked at Duanmu Mingying, as if looking at his enemy, "You are proud, you are happy, my legs can't get better Already!"

Duanmu Mingying's heart was suddenly chilled by Duanmu Chengyan's gaze, "Why am I proud of your bad legs? I'm not happy. I didn't cause your leg injury.

You wanted to kill me and I didn't bother with you, how could I feel sorry for you? "

"Show your true colors." Duanmu Chengyan's eyes were filled with hatred and contempt, "How can you say that you are sorry for me, you have been sorry for me from the very beginning.

If it weren't for you, I would have been reunited with my biological father long ago, and I would have grown up among my relatives instead of being with you, a hypocritical woman. "

Duanmu Mingying suddenly understood that Duanmu Chengyan's attitude towards her is real now, and the previous one was fake.

It cannot be said that it is all false.

From the time when Duanmu Chengyan was two years old until he graduated from elementary school at the age of 12, his attitude towards her was normal. He was sometimes disobedient, but he was still very close to her.

Since a few years ago, Duanmu Chengyan contradicted her from time to time, and sometimes smashed things, and he no longer got close to her. She always thought it was the reason for entering puberty.

Who would have thought that someone was trying to drive a wedge between her and Duanmu Chengyan behind their backs.

Because Cheng Kaijing has been acting high-profile since five years ago, she will inevitably see the news of Cheng Kaijing and know that he got married 15 years ago, and it is a marriage of the same class.

A son was born within a year of marriage, and a daughter was born seven years ago.

Other than that, she didn't inquire further, and she didn't know that Xiao Yanqing was Cheng Kaijing's last girlfriend before getting married.

Cheng Kaijing mentioned an important rule of thumb to all previous girlfriends, don't think that a mother is more expensive than a child.

The Cheng family has no shortage of children.Cheng Kaijing has five brothers and sisters, and each of them gave birth to another child. After letting go of the second child, some gave birth to another child.

Cheng Kaijing's eldest brother is the successor of the Cheng family, and he has two grandchildren.

Xiao Yanqing secretly gave birth to a child, but she would rather let her be raised than send her to the Cheng family, because Xiao Yanqing also knew that the Cheng family had no shortage of children, and the best result would be to send the child to the Cheng family The Cheng family sent the child to an orphanage.

At that time, Cheng Kaijing was married, and the worst possible outcome was possible. For children, a cold could kill her.

Duanmu Mingying couldn't figure out why Cheng Kaijing divorced her relationship with Duanmu Chengyan in private, anyway, it wasn't because she wanted to bring Duanmu Chengyan back to Cheng's house.

Zhong Ling told her that Cheng Kaijing might want to get something from her, but she couldn't think of anything she had that Cheng Kaijing wanted.

She has no ancestral treasures, nor any special experience.

Cheng Kaijing is much richer than her, and Cheng Kaijing will never see the little property in her hand that is quite a lot for ordinary people.

It must be something very important, so important that Cheng Kaijing was willing to spend several years on Duanmu Chengyan.

Can't figure it out, Duanmu Mingying is not going to think about it anymore, just wait for Cheng Kaijing to find her.

Anyway, what she doesn't have is nothing, and she can't change it.

"Although I was entrusted by your biological mother to raise you, I have done my best to you." Duanmu Mingying took out a stack of papers from her bag and listed them one by one in front of Duanmu Chengyan.

"This is the custody agreement I signed with Xiao Yanqing, which states that I will raise you until you reach adulthood, and Xiao Yanqing will pay me 100 million yuan in support."

"This is a property that Xiao Yanqing left for you, with receipts for the annual rental income and property repair fees."

"This is the receipt of your expenses from childhood to adulthood, excluding the expenses for meals and daily necessities after you stop drinking milk powder."

Duanmu Chengyan grabbed the agreement with a sullen face.

The agreement was not long, only one or two pages. After Duanmu Chengyan read it, he threw it out dismissively. The two pieces of paper flew to Duanmu Mingying's feet, "It's fake."

Duanmu Chengyan looked at her mockingly, "You don't know, my mother left me a will, and originally entrusted a lawyer to give it to me when I was, but with my father's help, I got it in advance when I was 16 years old.

My mother said that she entrusted you to send me to the Cheng family, but you asked my mother to be raised by you, saying that you would raise me as your own son.

Because you know that I am my father's son, and want to rely on me to be the superior Cheng family, my mother had no choice but to hand me over to you. "

(End of this chapter)

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