Chapter 641 I Have a Secret (29)

After Duanmu Chengyan saw Cheng Kaijing, he couldn't help showing grievance on his face, "Dad, why did you get someone to transfer me to this hospital? Don't you say that you want to ask foreign experts to repair my leg?"

"You don't know what's going on?" Cheng Kaijing pulled off his mask and said displeasedly, "Chengyan, did I tell you to let you stay no matter what, what do you think you did?"

Duanmu Chengyan was a little unconvinced, "Isn't this just right? I just came back to Cheng's house, so I don't need to call Duanmu Mingying's mother anymore. I've been called so disgusting these past few years."

"No. Are you willing to bear the name of an illegitimate child? You can only bear such a name when you return to the Cheng family now."

Duanmu Chengyan has grown up a bit, and he is not as easy to coax as a child. He retorted, "Then it will make no difference when you go back as an adult. It is a fact that I am your son."

"When you become an adult and don't have the trouble of guardianship, then it will be said that you are the blood of my father's long-lost brother. On the surface, you inherit his incense, but in private, you can talk about it."

Yu Hua could tell that Cheng Kaijing was lying, and that he was making a big deal for Duanmu Chengyan.

When she checked Cheng Kaijing, she checked Cheng's family.

The old man of the Cheng family had a younger brother who had been lost for many years, but the younger brother was lost, but the younger sister-in-law did not. The younger sister-in-law gave birth to a daughter, and the daughter recruited a son-in-law and gave birth to a grandson named Cheng.

So the younger brother of the old man of the Cheng family is not short of incense.

Not to mention, Cheng Kaijing lied in a very perfunctory tone, and Yu Hua knew it just by looking at his micro-expression.

But Duanmu Chengyan, who has always believed in Cheng Kaijing, believed it, but he was still very wronged, "Then I can't even call you daddy. I don't want to become like that. Dad, you can transfer me to the capital city."

"Not for now. You can't wait for another two years. You can't even do this little request. How can you be a member of my Cheng family.

It's settled like this, after your leg injury is healed, you go to ask Duanmu Mingying to let her keep you.I don't need to say the reason. "

Duanmu Chengyan's grievance froze on his face, and after a while, it turned into disbelief, "Dad, Duanmu Mingying said to terminate the adoption relationship with me, you still want me to go back?"

The question in his heart came up, and he looked straight at Cheng Kaijing, "Dad, did you recognize me just to get that token of love? Is that really the token of love you gave to my mother? If so, why did you Don't ask Duanmu Mingying to go."

Cheng Kaijing was a little annoyed, and unbuttoned his shirt, "Just do what you are told to do, why ask so much. If you want to do it, it's up to you, and I won't care about you in the future."

Duanmu Chengyan seemed to understand, "Dad, you mean that if I don't help you get back that thing, you won't recognize me, right?"

Cheng Kaijing didn't answer, "Okay, don't think about it. By the way, let me ask you, who injured your leg? Is it that Zhong Ling? I checked the surveillance outside the fortress and saw her leaving behind you of."

Duanmu Chengyan dared not answer, "I don't know. I really don't remember anything. When I woke up, I found myself lying there with a broken leg."

It was unexpected that Duanmu Chengyan lost that memory, but it happened to save her some trouble.

Cheng Kaijing didn't know what he was thinking, and after a while, he said, "Heal your injuries here, and I will come to see you in a few days."

Then he turned and walked out of the ward.

Xihua is here all the time, how can I not find out what happened.

She released her mental power and stunned Cheng Kaijing.

Cheng Kaijing fell to the ground with a plop.

Duanmu Chengyan yelled, "Dad!"

Seeing that Cheng Kaijing didn't move, Duanmu Chengyan called out, "Come on, my dad has passed out."

The door was pushed open vigorously, three people rushed in from outside the door, two bodyguards squatted down, one went to feel the breath, the other went to feel the pulse, and when they saw breathing and pulse, the two were relieved.

Another assistant asked Duanmu Chengyan there, "What's going on, how did Mr. Cheng faint."

"How would I know." Duanmu Chengyan was afraid and angry at the same time, but he was just an assistant, why should he question him, "I rang the call bell, and the doctor will come right away..."

Yu Hua didn't care what they did, she had searched Cheng Kaijing's memory and left the ward.

Originally, there was no cause and effect between her and Cheng Kaijing, but it happened these days.

After she posted a video of Li Mouqiang suspected of being a zombie, she found that someone was following her.She thought it was from the relevant state department, but later found out that it was not, it was Cheng Kaijing.

Knowing that it was Cheng Kaijing, she added an extra layer of protection to the house. Originally, she only put a spiritual force wire in the house, and added a defensive talisman.

Her precautions worked. One night a few days ago, someone sneaked into her house and rummaged around for things.

After receiving a dangerous signal, the mental force silk she kept at home activated the defensive talisman, and the defensive talisman turned into a protective shield to protect grandma's room, preventing intruders from opening the door of grandma's room.

Yuhua received the information feedback from Spirit Lisi immediately, and immediately called the police. After the police came, the infiltrator escaped.

Later, she found Cheng Kaijing based on the information left by the infiltrator.

The purpose of the infiltrator is to find something, but in case the grandmother wakes up in the middle, the infiltrator may kill someone.

There was a cause and effect between Cheng Kaijing and her.

In order not to damage the rules of this world, it's really hard for her to attack Cheng Kaijing without cause and effect.


After returning from the hospital, grandma has already returned home.

After taking Lingquan and pills for a period of time, grandma's body has returned to a healthy state, her face has lost puffiness, the outline of her chin has become clear and beautiful, and the wrinkles have been visibly reduced.

The change is not only in the face, the impurities in the body have been removed, the big belly has disappeared, and the grandmother who has regained her previous neat figure has become a very stylish old lady.

Seeing Yuhua enter the door, grandma's eyes gleamed, "Oh, Lingling is back. I haven't seen you for several days. What I thought in my heart, just the video doesn't count."

She came over in a few steps, and her body recovered, and she walked with wind. She grabbed Yuhua's arm and lifted it, "God, my Lingling has lost weight again. Look at this little arm is so thin, there is not much flesh left.

When I bought native eggs today, I even brought a big rooster over and stewed it for you later.Last time, I bought some hazel mushrooms with my elders, just to stew a big rooster. "

Yuhua found a good way to get along with grandma, so she just praised, "Grandma is so good, she can buy big cocks, it's not easy."

Grandma Le's eyes narrowed, "That's not true. When I bought native eggs last time, I told the egg seller, and he listened, so I brought one this time, and gave the old ones Envious, I told people to bring a few more next time, one for each family."

For the sake of such a grandma, for the sake of ordinary people who are kind and happy like grandma, Yuhua does not allow this world to become a world full of zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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