Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 680 This planet belongs to me

Chapter 680 This planet belongs to me (4)

Yu Hua had already seen what was going on, a man was galloping through the woods, followed closely by a bird with a wide beak and a long beak.

This kind of bird and beast named Saber-billed Bird is a widely distributed beast on Z-43. It is tall, ferocious, and fast. It is one of the species at the upper level of the food chain.

It is mainly carnivorous, and will only eat grass when there is no meat.

The knife-beaked bird has brightly colored feathers. Some people are always blinded by its beautiful appearance and ignore the description in the data that it is extremely aggressive. For more than a month, it died of the knife-beaked bird There are several people with machete-like beaks.

Someone is just plain unlucky.

Some want to catch saber-billed birds for food.

Both want to get the gorgeous feathers of the knife beak bird.The trophies obtained by the contestants during the survival period belong to the contestants personally, and the feathers of the sword beak bird are worth some money.

For unknown reasons, the man was chased by the knife-beaked bird.

He has a slightly round face that has been reduced in age, his fair face is pale, and his black eyes are frightened.

And he was running in the direction of Yuhua.

Yuhua saw him, and he saw Yuhua too. The route did not change, and he shouted "Help" while running.

Without any hesitation, Yuhua held a large bundle of moss and grass leaves with chains in one hand, and climbed up the tree with the other hand, grabbing the branches, and climbing up the tree with one hand.

The trees here are seldom straight, and the tree shape is curved, which is good for climbing.

After climbing up the tree, Yuhua continued to move upwards without stopping, and in a blink of an eye she was more than ten meters above the ground. Then she sat on a tree branch and looked at the situation below.

If she wanted to bring disaster to the east, she had to be willing to continue.

However, she wanted Saberbill meat.

Not now, she has no interest in preventing disasters for others.Besides, if she is going to kill birds now, who owns the meat?

Viewers on Xingwang.com had mixed opinions on Xihua's operation.

"I thought that No. 3410 would deal with the Saber-billed Bird with Kang Dong. In order to feel the tense atmosphere, I turned on full perception, and now it's useless."

"How could Ye Man refuse to save him?"

"Everyone, this is a survival match. No. 3410 and No. 6995 are opponents. No. 3410 has no obligation to save other contestants."

Seeing Yu Hua's reaction, the escaped round-faced man froze, it was different from what he thought.

With this distraction, the knife-beak bird chased him a long way. The knife-beak bird seized the opportunity, spread its wings and increased its speed, and stabbed at the round-faced man with its machete-like long beak.

The round-faced man turned around quickly and dodged behind a tree to avoid the attack.

The knife-beaked bird was fierce, and its long, sharp-edged beak stabbed at the round-faced man again.

The round-faced man and the knife-beaked bird circled a few times, found a gap, jumped up and grabbed a horizontal branch and climbed up to the branch, making the same choice as Yuhua, and continued to go up until soon Stopped at the top of the tree.

Seeing that Kang Dong also fled to the tree, most of the audience breathed a sigh of relief, after all, there are only a few who like to watch bloody scenes.

"Fortunately, I escaped the bird's mouth of the big sword bird."

"Ye Man just sat on it and watched, her heart was cold enough."

"I was in Kang Dong's live broadcast room just now. It was the knife beak bird that Kang Dong took the initiative to provoke. After killing one, he then attracted this one. He couldn't beat him, so he attracted Ye Man."

"I don't think it was intentional, how could Kang Dong know that Ye Man was there?"

"The place where Kang Dong killed the first knife-billed bird is not far away. With Kang Dong's C-level mental power, it is easy to find Ye Man."

"Who's mental power will be released all the time, maybe Kang Dong didn't see it."

"I'm just telling you the fact that Kang Dong climbed up the tree all at once. Since Kang Dong could climb up the tree all at once, why didn't he climb the tree early and run away and call for help."


The knife-beaked bird saw that the food that was almost in its mouth ran up the tree, screamed angrily, and jumped up with flapping wings.It can't fly, but it can jump very high. This jump is seven or eight meters.

Its large mouth was opened and closed, revealing the fine fangs in its long beak.

The knife-beaked bird hovered at a height of eight meters for a while, and stretched its neck to reach upwards. Its body was too heavy, and its degenerated wings could not bear the weight. After hovering for a few seconds, it slid down unwillingly .

"Huh—" Kang Dong exhaled, with a harmless smile on his slightly round face, "It's a good thing this one is heavy, it can't fly so high."

But the knife-billed bird didn't intend to leave, it kept adjusting the angle and flew upwards.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault." Kang Dong shouted to Yuhua sincerely, "The knife I was carrying was knocked away by this knife-beaked bird, and I ran here in a panic. My name is Kang Dong, No. 6995, how about you?"

Yu Hua ignored him and looked at the knife-billed bird below.

The trees where the two were located were not far apart, about [-] meters away. The knife-billed bird also found Yuhua, but when he couldn't reach Kang Dong, he ran to the tree where Yuhua was, flapping his wings and leaping upwards.

The branches of Yu Huadai were even higher, but the knife-billed bird still did useless work.

"We can't do it like this." Kang Dong didn't see that Yu Hua ignored him, and said, "The saber-billed bird is a stubborn one, it can stay here for several days. We have to find a way to solve it together .”

Yuhua paid attention this time, and glanced at him lightly, "You are you, and I am me. What you want to do is your business, don't get involved with me."

She had mentally seen this man while mowing grass leaves, and he was killing a knife-beaked bird that had fallen into a trap with a knife.

If 1 contestants are evenly distributed on a planet, it will be difficult to meet another person without transportation.

How could the organizer allow this kind of scene to appear? It is more interesting to watch if there is a conflict between the contestants.

The more conflicts among contestants, the better, so 1 contestants were placed in a designated large area from south to north, and basically every contestant would have neighbors not far away.

This man named Kang Dong is the neighbor of the original owner, and he met the original owner from a distance before.

The contestants themselves are competitors, and the original owner went for the grand prize. He had no intention of forming an alliance with others, and immediately avoided them when he saw them.

The two did not know each other and had no communication.

Kang Dong deliberately lured the Saber-billed Bird over, with the idea that being able to run past her would be the same as running past the Saber-billed Bird. In this case, it is no wonder that Yuhua would give Kang Dong a good face.

As long as the contestants didn't personally kill other contestants, behavior like Kang Dong's did not violate the rules, so Yuhua didn't mention that he intentionally caused trouble.

Kang Dong didn't expect that Yu Hua didn't give him any face, his slightly round face turned into a long face, "I won't regret what I have done. I will make up for you when I return to Central Star. Don't worry, our Kang family It’s all about talking.”

"No need." Yuhua gave Kang Dong a deep look, "Just run somewhere else in a panic next time."

(End of this chapter)

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