Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 696 This planet belongs to me

Chapter 696 This planet belongs to me (20)

The mutants who escaped the killing back then were driven to the star belt where asteroids are densely packed deep in the starry sky.

The planets there are all in bad conditions, with scarce resources, and it will pay a huge maintenance cost to be included in the jurisdiction, and this cost is not a one-time ||

It was also like this that both the Fanyao Federation and the Luoxing Empire had a laissez-faire attitude towards the asteroid star belt, which made the conditions there not only harsh, but also chaotic in management.

After the mutants escaped there, both the Federation and the Empire gave up hunting, and only took precautions against letting the mutants escape to the Federation's territory.

But the mutants are not reconciled, they always want to counterattack and come back, and they will attack the human planet if they have the opportunity.

The Brilliant Federation is closer to the asteroid star belt, and bears the brunt of it, receiving the most attacks from mutants.

Mutants are not killing machines, they have brains.

In the eyes of the Federation people, planet Z-43 is a barren planet with a harsh environment, but compared with the planets in the asteroid belt, Z-43 is the most habitable planet.

More importantly, due to the limitation of the planetary environment, some experiments cannot produce results in the asteroid star belt.

After discovering the planet Z-43, they came here quietly and set up laboratories underground to conduct various experiments.

Over the past few decades, mutants have achieved many experimental results here.

Mutants can also see the news on the star network, and know that Spey Entertainment will hold a survival contest on planet Z-43, and planet Z-43 will be the grand prize.

No matter who the Z-43 planet belongs to, it will no longer be a planet that no one cares about.

Mutants cannot confront the Federation head-on, so they can only withdraw from the planet first.

If mutants can evacuate properly, they are not mutants.

What's more, they have stayed on the Z-43 for decades, and they have long regarded this place as their territory, and they will not let it go.

The Mutants hatched a plan to attack the Federation.

Mutants can drive star beasts.

Star beasts are fierce space beasts. They come in various shapes and are huge in size. Some star beasts are bigger than a large spaceship.

They are carnivorous and gluttonous, and humans are also a member of their diet.

They can survive in space for a long time, wandering in space, and will kill a planet that smells food, and will not leave until the food on this planet is eaten up to find the next habitat.

The mutated human has the gene of the star beast, and the simple-minded star beast regards them as the same kind and will not attack them.

Mutants have spent many years researching a simple way to communicate with star beasts.

Star beasts are born to know how to travel through wormholes, and their tyrannical physique allows them to withstand the tearing force in the wormhole.

The premise is that the wormhole must be stable.

There is a stable wormhole leading to the central galaxy above the planet Z-43.

The wormhole is managed by someone, and Z-43 is an uninhabited planet, so this wormhole will not be open all the time, and it is impossible for mutants to sneak to the central galaxy.

Now is the chance.

The live broadcast needs to transmit the signal to the star network in real time, so the wormhole leading to the central galaxy will always be open.

It is impossible for the people of the Federation to give up on the contestants on Z-43, and they will not close the wormhole immediately. They just use this time difference to drive the star beasts to the central galaxy.

The mutants didn't all evacuate from planet Z-43, leaving about 43 people lurking underground, and when the time came, they would lure the star beasts to the sky above planet Z-[-].

Another part of the mutants looked for the star beasts everywhere, drove them to the nearby space, and blocked the signal.

Three or five star beasts did not cause much damage to the Federation, and the mutants drove dozens of star beasts.

When the planned time came, the mutants who stayed on Z-43 sent a signal to the sky that only the star beast could understand, and the star beast appeared soon.

It's not that the star beasts came quickly, it's that they came to the sky a few days ago, and the spaceship used for live broadcasting did not detect it at all, because the mutants used a new shielding technology, which is difficult for the Federation's existing technology To be aware of.

This kind of shielding technique is really powerful, and it even deceived Yuhua's mental power.

The mutant who appeared suddenly before, before he appeared, Yu Hua didn't notice him.

It can only be explained that the rule basis of this shielding technology is something that Jianhua has never seen before, and it is worth studying.

If there is no accident, some star beasts should have passed through the wormhole.

There are five inhabited planets in the central galaxy, and the Jiaming star is near the wormhole. With the nature of the star beasts, they will run straight towards Jiaming star.

However, there are many troops stationed around the central galaxy, it depends on how fast the reaction is

It took about an hour to receive about [-] contestants on the spacecraft.

"Have you brought everyone back?" Fusheng asked.

"There are three more, two are unwilling to accept the decision to cancel the competition, and one is missing, and her whereabouts cannot be found." The staff said in a low mood.

Fortunately, the star beasts were in a hurry to run into the wormhole, and did not come to attack the spaceship again.

Although the aircraft went around as much as possible, three of them were destroyed by the star beast, and five people died, three of whom were staff members.

The death of a colleague made the staff feel sad.

Fusheng wanted to swear, but held back, "Tell those two people that we have fulfilled our obligation of notification, and if we don't accept it, we can stay on planet Z-43, but we will bear the consequences."

"Got it. What about the missing one?"

"I can only give up." Frey knew the number 3410, and he felt that the possibility of surviving in that situation was extremely small.

Almost empty-handed, facing the mutant with an energy weapon, no matter how you think about it, there is no hope of surviving.

Even if No. 3410 faced the empty-handed mutant with an energy weapon, No. 3410 might not be able to win.

The staff manipulating the spaceship reported to Fu Sheng pleasantly, "Mr. Fu! Good news! Those star beasts scattered again somehow, turned around and ran into the depths of space!

It should be that the mutant's command failed.We have to take advantage of this opportunity to leave quickly. If the star beast turns around and comes back again, this opportunity will be missed. "

It is the official order of the Federation to bring all the contestants back as much as possible, and it is the only way to do so.

As soon as the star beast appeared, it ran towards the wormhole, obviously someone directed it.

Although Z-43 is an uninhabited planet, there are a large number of animals and plants on it. They are the food of the star beasts. According to the nature of the star beasts, they will sense the food and will not let it go.

The star beast didn't even look at the Z-43 planet, and went straight to the wormhole, which was inseparable from the mutants.

The star beast occupied the vicinity of the wormhole, and the spaceship couldn't get close, even if the people on the spaceship abandoned the contestants and ran first.

Originally, I thought that I would have to wait for this group of star beasts to run into the wormhole to find a chance, but I didn't expect these star beasts to leave by themselves.

What a great news.Fu Sheng couldn't help smiling, "Get ready to go back immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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