Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 698 This planet belongs to me

Chapter 698 This planet belongs to me (22)

This incident was broadcast live, so many people knew it immediately.

After the spaceship brought back all the remaining contestants, passed through the wormhole safely and returned to the central galaxy, they were applauded by the public on Starnet.

After the federal army killed all the star beasts that came over and the incident came to an end, some people, especially the audience of the survival contest, began to pay attention to the follow-up of the contest.

"What happened to the survival contest? Did it stop like this? I watched it every day, but it suddenly disappeared. I'm not used to it."

"Me too, I have fans of several contestants, hoping that one of them will win the grand prize, and then we will apply to go to Z-43 to celebrate him."

"Will the competition resume, will it continue with the last competition, or start a new competition?

"I see Xuan, don't think about resuming the game in a short time. Let's discuss the game when the wartime status is lifted."

"What will happen to planet Z-43 in the future? Will the wormhole open after it is closed? The Federation will not give up this planet, will it?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could the Federation give up on Z-43? It's so hard to find a living planet, that is, the population of the Federation is not large enough. The existing living planets and agricultural planets are enough to live in. Otherwise, how could the Z-43 planet be Lay it out."

"Actually, it's good to let it go. Let the planet Z-43 evolve slowly, and then transform it when it's useful."

"It's impossible to let it go. Don't forget that there are mutants running up there. I'm afraid they don't want to occupy this planet."

"By the way, who of you has noticed that one of the contestants is missing, the only one, will she fall on the Z-43 star?"

"It's about Ye Man. I often go to her live broadcast room. She is one of my favorite contestants. When the mutant appeared, I happened to be watching the live broadcast. At that time, facing a sound wave A mutant with offensive abilities, the possibility of her surviving is very low.

It is said that no news is good news, but here it is, no news is the worst news.

Didn't the bulletin say that the search and rescue machine sent to find her didn't scan her, and no one was alive or dead.Everyone has not forgotten, there is a kind of mutant who likes to suck human blood. "

"It's a pity. A very smart and capable person. He has taught himself so many skills, and he is especially good at cooking. I still think that I will have the opportunity to taste the food she cooks in the future. Sigh."

Spey Entertainment handled this matter transparently and with a high profile.

First, according to the agreement signed with the contestants, the contestants who were forced to suspend the competition were compensated.

It was announced immediately that the Survival Contest will be held again, and the contestants who are forced to suspend the competition have the priority to participate in the next contest.

The location of the next competition may not necessarily be on planet Z-43, but the prizes of the grand prize will remain the same, and the ownership of planet Z-43 will still remain.

These practices have won the favor of many viewers, and even the other projects of Spey Entertainment have increased many viewers, making Spey Entertainment, which suffered heavy losses due to the suspension of the competition, feel better.

Not only can the survival competition not be held in a short period of time, but other entertainment projects that have to be carried out outside the central galaxy have to be stranded, and everything is compromised for safety.

What happened afterwards made the audience tell Spey Entertainment that it was fortunate that they did not start over too soon.


A total of 43 mutants remained on Z-51, all of whom were killed by Yuhua.

Before killing, Xie Hua searched everything he could remember.

It's a pity that none of the mutants left behind were important figures, and most of them were those whose IQ could not be preserved after mutation.

This is very understandable, those who remain are death squads, and important people will not stay here to take risks.

The decline in IQ caused several mutants to make unwise actions, thus exposing the existence of mutants.

To send a signal to the star beast in space, you only need to put a device on the signal transmitter under the soil layer close to the ground, and you don't need people to go to the ground.

But after the mutant discovered her existence, he jumped out on impulse, with the intention of killing her.

She's a human being, and that's why you want to kill her.

There were three other mutants who did the same thing as the mutants she met. They all saw someone nearby and couldn't help jumping out to kill them.

However, there are 51 people's memories, and [-] of them are of normal IQ, from which Xihua got a lot of information.

One of them made Xihua feel lucky that she drove the star beast away in time.

The purpose of mutants is not only to add chaos to the central galaxy, but also wants to occupy planet Z-43.

The mutants installed explosive devices on the last few star beasts, and the explosive devices would be detonated as soon as they entered the wormhole.

This will cause the collapse of the wormhole.

After the wormhole collapsed, it would be very difficult for the Federation to find a new wormhole, and it would take hundreds of years.

Whether the Federation will spend a lot of money and energy for hundreds of years on this planet that has always been ignored is still a matter of debate.

The goal of the mutants to dominate the **-43 planet has been achieved.

If the mutants are really successful, the remaining contestants and the live broadcast spaceship will never even think about leaving.

Now that the wormhole is not destroyed, there is a high probability that the Federation will temporarily close it.

With the plan going bankrupt, without receiving the safety signal from the remaining mutants, the mutants will not come to Z-43 in the near future.

Xi Hua can be quiet.

She didn't stay underground for too long, because only mutants could adapt to the humid environment full of toxins in the underground space, and the human body couldn't bear it.

She has Xianli Space to rest at any time and detoxify her body, otherwise, she will be poisoned and die after staying for half a day.

The laboratories left by the mutants were taken into the space by her.

Mutants are not good, the experiments they conducted are very good, and some data are exactly what Yuhua wants, so she doesn't need to collect them herself.

Several artificial satellites in the sky had already been added to the hidden program by mutants. When the transmitter on the ground was turned on, the hidden program on the artificial satellite was activated, and the signal was transmitted to the location of the star beast.

Xi Hua shut down these double-agent satellites.

After cleaning up the mutants, Yuhua returned to the house she built.

Now, Z-43 is her own planet, without the flight live broadcaster watching, she can do whatever she wants.

Enjoy the life of the planet lord in advance.

"Ye Crisp, it's time to wake up."


The precautionary measures taken by the Federation against the new attack methods of the mutants were not in vain, and another attack planned by the mutants occurred.

This time the target of the mutants is a remote agricultural planet.

The patrolling starship first discovered that the situation was wrong, and the mutated people saw that the plan had been revealed, and launched an attack hastily, only seven or eight star beasts were driven.

(End of this chapter)

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