Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 7: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 7

"Basic Martial Arts" is adapting to this world that is systematically classified as the scientific side.

Although the world on the scientific side no longer advocates personal force, but at certain times and under certain circumstances, the value of force plays a decisive role.

For example, when the original owner met the four scumbags, he was only abused. If it was replaced by Yu Hua, it was the four scumbags who were abused.

The name is basic martial arts, which means that anyone can practice from scratch.

That being said, anyone with any physique and age can practice. The first step to practice is to memorize the meridians, acupoint maps, and the route of the exercises.

The meridians and acupoints listed in "Basic Martial Arts" are much more than those in this world. There are [-] acupoints alone, and the routes of kung fu are even more complicated.

If you can't memorize it by heart, you can't start practicing.

This is a huge brain threshold for ordinary people, but it can be skipped for Yu Hua, because the whole book has been re-engraved into her consciousness, including the exercise diagram of course.

This exercise can no longer be suitable for the current Yuhua.

In the book, the realm of martial arts is divided into eleven levels, and the No. 11 level can break the void with bare hands.

What level can be cultivated depends on the individual's aptitude, perseverance, and the restrictions of the world's laws.

Yuhua from the void has no interest in breaking the void with bare hands, as long as the force value is sufficient in this world.

Basic martial arts is divided into two parts: mental method and external skills.

If there is no space, the external power will be released first.

The meditation posture is the best way to practice the mind. She is still in the hospital and it is not convenient for her to meditate, and her current physical condition does not allow it. Yu Hua chose the second.

She shook the head of the hospital bed, and began to practice the mental method in a half-lying position.


In the orthopedic ward of the same hospital, there was a very noisy ward.

"×##¥'s! This female watch @#¥......"

"I *! I can't let it out without killing her."

"Yes, if you don't kill it, you have to disable it! I×he##¥%..."

"What the fuck! None of us are adults anyway."

A nurse outside the door wanted to go in to check it out, but when she heard the unsavory words coming from the room, she pouted and turned away, intending to come back later.

In the ward, Zhao Yu was lying on the ward, with a plaster cast on one foot, with a gloomy face, which was quite ugly from what he was supposed to be.

Liu Zijiang's left hand was draped in a bandage, and he was standing beside the hospital bed.

Jiang Chengjie and Qian Erwei were also there.

The three of them gathered around Zhao Yu's bed, following Zhao Yu in unison, uttering the most stinky swear words.

The four of them cursed for a while, and Zhao Yu was so happy that he stopped cursing first, and then the other three followed suit.

"Brother Yu, what are your plans for reconciliation? Let's listen to Brother Yu."

"Yes, Brother Yu can do whatever he says." Qian Erwei and Liu Zijiang expressed their views together.

Zhao Yu was full of hostility, "My foot is broken? NND, fuck it!"

Jiang Chengjie showed a sad face, "But Lawyer Wang said, we have little chance of winning a lawsuit, and you and Jiang Zi are not seriously injured.

On Cheng Wenjin's side, the minor injury appraisal came out.Even if you try hard to characterize the fights, you will have to lose money in the end. "

Liu Zijiang took the words, "This is a wicked thing."

When it came to evil gate, the four of them fell silent for a while.

Isn't it evil? Cheng Wenjin was about to be defeated, and suddenly he seemed to be a different person. Not only did he dare to fight back, but he also acted like a god, making them unable to fight back.

What's even more wicked is that they were in terrible pain when they were beaten by Cheng Wenjin, but they couldn't find any injuries, and the few bruises on their bodies were not considered injuries at all.

Zhao Yu's foot bone was not actually broken, but a fractured bone, and Liu Zijiang's wrist was sprained when he fell.

And if Cheng Wenjin's injury hadn't been for the repeated approval of the appraisal report by his lawyer Wang from Qihai Industrial, he would have thought that there was something shady about Cheng Wenjin's injury. He was sure that Cheng Wenjin hadn't been kicked in the vitals that day.

But the injury of multiple organ bleeding is real.

Zhao Yu's father, Zhao Qihai, knew that Zhao Yu was distressed and angry at being beaten, so he acted late and called the police, resulting in a situation where both parties are now the reporter and the victim.

A settlement between the two parties is the most beneficial solution for their side.

Thinking of the pain of being beaten at that time, the four of them fought in their hearts at the same time.

They thought Cheng Wenjin was a ghost, otherwise how could there be such a big change.Although they don't believe in ghosts and gods.

Later, I heard an expert explain that Cheng Wenjin's successful resistance at that time should be due to the explosion of potential in a crisis state.

This is one of the reasons why Zhao's father chose to reconcile.The expert's explanation was not good for them. Who put Cheng Wenjin in a state of crisis?It's not the four of Zhao Yu.

No one would believe their beatings were for nothing except themselves!

Go to the potential explosion of his M.

The more Zhao Yu thought about it, the more angry he became, he grabbed something at hand and threw it out.

"Don't—" Qian Erwei wanted to stop Zhao Yu when he saw Zhao Yu grabbing his phone, but it was still too late.


The mobile phone hit the opposite wall and immediately fell apart.

Qian Erwei looked at the broken mobile phone distressedly, because this mobile phone belonged to him.

Zhao Yu felt much more comfortable when he sent it out in a hurry. He glanced at the mobile phone that he had smashed on the ground, and didn't care.

Qian Erwei turned happy, "Then thank you Brother Yu."

In the past, he picked up the fragments of the mobile phone and put them in his trouser pocket. "It's just that I didn't upload the video simultaneously, so I can't get it out now."

This made Zhao Yu suddenly think of a trick to vent his anger, "Send the video! Just post the part where Jiang Zi was beaten, that bitch who was violent on the Internet! Anyway, there is no probe in that piece, and the video is in our hands. Jiang Chengjie , this matter is entrusted to you, and it will be posted in a while."

Zhao Qihai, who had been in the business for many years, dared to make a late attack because of the video of Cheng Wenjin throwing Zhao Yu and Liu Zijiang flying on Jiang Chengjie's cell phone.

But this intercepted video cannot withstand investigation, and the complete video is very clear, it was Zhao Yu who made the first move, and Cheng Wenjin's counterattack was a legitimate prevention.

As for what Zhao Yu and the others said about being beaten to death by Cheng Wenjin with a tree branch, they were not photographed.

Zhao Qihai believed in his son, but he didn't have the video and the injuries on his body didn't match, so he just said that he couldn't use it as evidence.

So Zhao Qihai never thought about going to court, and prepared to settle according to Lawyer Wang's advice.

Zhao Yu understood the reasoning, but he couldn't hold back his breath. Now that he came up with an idea that would make Cheng Wenjin's life difficult and possibly difficult, he really couldn't wait.

Seeing that Jiang Chengjie didn't agree, Zhao Yu squinted at him, "Jiang Chengjie, I don't care what grievances you have with Cheng Wenjin, just borrow my hand to play with her. I'm happy with it, and nothing will happen. If I'm not happy..."

Jiang Chengjie was taken aback. He didn't expect that Zhao Yu, who he thought would be coaxed and deceived, knew that he had ulterior motives for drawing Cheng Wenjin into Zhao Yu's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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