Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 701 This planet belongs to me

Chapter 701 This planet belongs to me (25)

Pengfan touched the top of Pengrui's head habitually, "No, it's all my fault. If I hadn't decided to leave the central star, they wouldn't have noticed anything. On the central star, they wouldn't be so blatant. Get your hands on us."

After escaping from planet Z-43, the two siblings sat on the live broadcast spaceship with other contestants and were taken to the central star for unified resettlement. Except for some inquiries, they were waiting for compensation from Spey Entertainment

The people from Spey Entertainment asked him, besides the star coins for compensation, what else is he asking for?Peng Rui couldn't help but said that she wanted to find out who their biological parents were.

From the information left by the adoptive parents, it is known that the person who handed him and his sister to the adoptive parents may be someone from the central star.

Looking for someone to check their genes, soon there was news that his and Peng Rui's genes matched with someone.

They never imagined that they were the Meng family, and his biological father was the cousin of Meng Yaoming, the head of the Seventh Army.

However, his biological father died of a genetic breakdown many years ago.

As for the mother, it was not found out who it was because the two of them were not conceived in a childcare center, but were conceived and born by their mother herself.

In this case, if the mother does not take the initiative to register, it will be difficult to leave a record.

Although this situation is very uncommon, because women choose to give birth by themselves, as long as they register on the Star Network, the Federation will soon send someone to connect them. From pregnancy to birth, they will receive professional guidance and care, and the fee is free.

But it can happen.

Some mothers regretted their decision to conceive and did not want to keep the child, so they did not register, gave birth at home, and then put the child anonymously in an orphanage.

With the popularity of home robots and medical cabins, pregnancy examinations, production, etc. can all be carried out at home.

This is rare but has happened.

After finding out that they were the Meng family, they were taken to the Meng family by people sent by the Meng family.

Peng Fan is willing to accept this arrangement, one is because he wants to get news of his biological mother from the Meng family, and the other is that he cannot refuse this arrangement.

It was their lobbyist Bo Meng Yaoming who sent someone to pick them up.

Peng Fan has seen the cruelty of the adult world long ago, and the brothers and sisters cannot afford to offend a big man like Meng Yaoming.

The place where the Meng family lives is quite luxurious, but they are out of place there. The other children of the Meng family are full of disdain and contempt for the two, and some young people will call them "beggars" in person.

This contempt was familiar to them, based on a sense of genetic superiority, since both siblings were atavistic.

They lived for a few months, but they couldn't get any news from their mother from the Meng family, saying that only their dead father could know, and no one else had heard of their father, or even knew their existence.

Peng Fan didn't believe everything, so he secretly investigated by himself, which really allowed him to find out something.

It seems that the Meng family is related to mutants.

This discovery put him and Peng Rui in a dangerous situation.

Peng Fan made a decision to leave Central Star.

The two left smoothly, and when they returned to Yahui Star, they found that they were being watched.

Peng Fan immediately thought of the information he found, and the other party probably noticed it, and the purpose of monitoring him was to confirm whether he knew and how much he knew.

It is also possible that they came to silence their mouths, and the surveillance was just looking for the best opportunity to make a move.

Only then did he tell Peng Rui about this, and after several days of preparation, he made this escape.

Although if they escaped, it would be tantamount to confirming that they had found out something, but he didn't dare to bet that the other party was just here to silence them.


Thinking that she would hurt her brother if she rested here, Pengrui forced herself to stand up, bent her feet and shook the arm held by Pengfan, "Brother, let's go."

"Let's go." Knowing that they couldn't stop any longer, Peng Fan held Peng Rui's hand harder, and the two staggered for a few steps, then tried their best to speed up and ran towards the entrance of the underground market.

This time they were lucky, they successfully entered the underground market and made a deal to help them escape from Yahuixing.

Fortunately, the two received a large amount of compensation and had money to pay the commission.

The two were transported several times, and it was only two hours later that they heard the words "stay here, don't move around, don't use personal terminals, someone will come and take you down in a few days."

After the speaker walked away, the two took off the hoods that covered their eyes and ears according to the rules.

They were taken into the cargo bay of a cargo ship.

Both Pengfan and Pengrui showed a hint of joy.

"Brother." Peng Rui rubbed her calf so sore that she was about to lose consciousness, "If only we had stayed on Z-43 at that time, we wouldn't have to hide like this."

On that day, the two of them went to the red sheep habitat to catch the red sheep and make food reserves for the cold season.

Because of the way they hunted the red sheep with the medicine, and the preparation of this medicine was her brother's secret skill, and she didn't want it to be broadcast live, so they used their private time before entering the passage.

It's just that when they were about to walk out of the passage in the mountainside, the sound of red sheep running hurriedly came from outside the cave entrance.

She and her brother thought that a large beast was coming to hunt the red sheep, so they didn't dare to go out, and hid in a hidden place inside the cave.

Then I saw Ye Man, saw the mutant who appeared suddenly, and saw the mutant destroy the flying tracker.

The two dared not run away even if they wanted to, for fear that mutants would find them.

When the mutant ran towards Ye Man with an energy weapon, she was very tangled in her heart. For a moment, she thought about going to help, but her rationality told her that she couldn't help in the past, and could only give away the head.

But what happened next moment was something she would never forget.

Ye Man did not know what method he used to instantly kill the mutant, and then dragged the mutant into the hole.

Peng Fan leaned against the cargo behind, shook his head left and right, "We can't stay here."

Thinking of Ye Man's smile at his and Peng Rui's hiding place before jumping into the hole, it made his hair stand on end.

He was sure that Ye Man had seen them hiding there long ago, but just pretended not to know.

He quickly dragged Pengrui and ran out.

After knowing that the competition was cancelled, and he was taken to the spaceship, he knew why Ye Man did that. She wanted to stay on planet Z-43.

After hearing the news of Ye Man's disappearance, he was even more convinced.

If he had dared to expose Ye Man at that time, maybe the two brothers and sisters would have ended up like mutants.

Afterwards, he and his sister agreed. When they heard the panicked cry of the red sheep, they thought there was a large beast, so they ran back quickly, so they didn't know where Ye Man was and what happened afterwards.

As soon as she relaxed, Pengrui felt the fear behind her. She leaned on Pengfan's shoulder, her body trembling uncontrollably, "Brother, I'm so scared."

(End of this chapter)

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