Chapter 806 I'm Not Personal (62)

It's just that I don't know if the captured one is a queen or one of the four concubines.

However, Fu Jiaying didn't envy this colleague at all. Since Prince Jing became Emperor Yongjing, she was even more fortunate to have escaped here.

Ever since Emperor Yongjing ascended the rank, she knew what killing meant. People's heads rolled away, not to mention, the prefect of Guyuan Township, the prefect, and three county officials were beheaded, and the whole Dayong didn't know how many people were killed.

She was so scared that she broke out in cold sweat many times.

Where did she have the confidence before, thinking that she could charm Prince Jing and live a happy life as the only mistress in Prince Jing's backyard?

Fortunately, she met the demon king.

Fortunately, she escaped to Guyuan Town.

"Miss Fu, haven't you bought land, are you going to get new grain?"

It was Zhang Dongxiu, a neighbor who asked her.

Fu Jiaying has accepted the title Fu Niangzi very frankly.

Otherwise, what would you call her, Miss Fu?Fu girl?She still felt that Mrs. Fu would be more pleasing to her ears.

Fu Jiaying knew what Zhang Dongxiu meant, and wanted to use her space.

It is not a secret in Guyuan Town that she has a magic weapon of space.

Guyuan Town has now been returned to the Yaozu, and those who are unwilling to be ruled by the Yaozu have moved away, and most of the people left have a little connection with the Yaozu or the demon masters.

There were even two exorcists who moved here.

In the past, the exorcist stayed in Guyuan Town to catch the demon, but now, the exorcist came here to express friendship to the demon, mainly to the demon king.

She is not the only one in Guyuan Town who has a magic weapon of space.

This is the reason Fu Jiaying doesn't want to leave Guyuan Town, where she can use the space openly.

She is not afraid of people thinking about her space, because there are people above her.Although the demon king didn't like her very much and was unwilling to teach her how to practice, she acquiesced that she told people that she was covered by the demon king.

Moreover, there are quite a few people with demon blood in Guyuan Town, and all of them have good looks, and her appearance doesn't look too eye-catching.

After what happened to Prince Jing, she was a little afraid of the ancients. She looked down on the poor ones, and feared that the outstanding ones would be another Prince Jing.

After living in Guyuan Town for a while, she had no idea of ​​getting married at all, she just wanted to live a leisurely life in this unusual ancient time.

She used to enjoy being noticed everywhere, but now she doesn't want to be watched too much.

"I'm not going to pick it up. The fields I bought will grow rice." Fu Jiaying declined.

Just kidding, she had a big demon to rely on in Guyuan Town, but she didn't have any in the county town.

Zhang Dongxiu was very disappointed, and wanted to persuade Fu Jiaying to change her mind, "Miss Fu, didn't you buy a few acres of sloping land? The last announcement said that new grains are most suitable for planting on sloping fields. Madam Fu, why don't you try it?" try?"

"No, I bought that land to grow fruits and medicinal materials." Fu Jiaying bought the land to cover up the things produced in her space.

The space instruments in this world can only hold dead objects, not living things.

Zhang Dongxiu said a few more words to Fu Jiaying, but she failed to achieve her goal, so she had to give up and hurried home to discuss the matter of getting new grains.

Fu Jiaying finished the fun and returned to her tailor shop.

After a while, someone came to the door, not a customer who came to buy clothes, but a customer who came specifically to find her.

Fu Jiaying took a look and recognized him. He was one of the two exorcists who moved to Guyuan Town.

The two of them were about exorcising demon masters, and they told it when they moved here. Guyuan Town is not big, and it only takes half a day for a news to spread throughout the town.

She invited people into the inner room of the shop.

"Miss Fu, excuse me." Ding Yicheng gave Jiaying a hand.

"Don't disturb, welcome." When Fu Jiaying returned the gift, her eyes flickered a few times, "Master Ding is too polite."

In the past, even a newcomer to exorcising demons was basically aloof in front of ordinary people. According to Sang Bai, this Ding Yicheng's cultivation is only one step away from a master. To her, an ordinary person who has never practiced before, is so arrogant. You're welcome, that's what you want.

She understood, and it was because there was someone behind her, and the exorcist was more polite to her because of the person behind her.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Ding Yicheng smiled awkwardly, "Miss Fu guessed it, I came this time to ask for something. Brother Zhu and I want to visit the Demon King, and we want to ask Madam Fu to introduce you."

Now it is not the past. In the past, the exorcist did not need to have any worries about entering the territory of the demon. Now, if he dared to step into the Thunder Mountain Range without permission, he might not even know how to die.

Every demon exorcist knows how powerful this great demon in Thunder Mountain Range is. No matter whether he hates or fears or curses, no one dares to provoke him anyway.

The person he originally wanted to introduce was Mu Mingxi. His family was related to Cui Shilang's family in the capital, but Mu Mingxi hadn't returned to Guyuan Town for so many days.

They settled for the next best thing and found Fu Jiaying who claimed to have an extraordinary relationship with the Demon King.

Fu Jiaying couldn't help being curious, "You are exorcists, you are not afraid of falling into a trap when you go to meet the demon king."

Fu Jiaying knew that she was worth a lot in front of the Demon King, so she couldn't be introduced, but she could send a message to Mu Feishi through Sang Bai.

As for whether Mu Feishi would like to pass on the words to the Demon King, that's none of her business.

I think so, but she has to ask the matter clearly first, doesn't she?

Ding Yicheng thought that some people would have this question, "Although Brother Zhu and I have both entered the practice, we want to be called a cultivator rather than an exorcist."

Not all human cultivators choose the way of killing monsters for cultivation, although there are few, there are.

Ding Yicheng belongs to one of them. Ascetics think that killing demons is going astray, and they don't want to do it.

Many of their ascetics have also killed demons, but they only kill those who harm the world, and what they do is to eliminate harm for the people. If they don't see demons, they will kill them.

They have different philosophies, so they don't want to be called exorcists.

Under the trend of the general trend, killing demons will not receive any so-called divine punishment. Most demon extermination masters choose to practice killing demons.

A small number of ascetics have become heterogeneous, and ascetics are all practicing in deep mountains and old forests, and they are rarely born, so ordinary people will not know their existence.

Fu Jiaying glanced at Ding Yicheng's robes, "So you are a Taoist priest. I saw you were wearing ordinary clothes, and I thought you were from an aristocratic family."

The exorcising masters are roughly divided into three sects, the Taoist sect, the Buddhist sect, and the aristocratic families composed of the exorcising demon family.

Taoists and Buddhists will wear Taoist robes or monk robes, and those from aristocratic families can do whatever they want.

Ding Yicheng explained, "I am not a Taoist priest. The word Tao for a monk does not refer to a Taoist priest, but to the Tao of heaven."

"Oh." Fu Jiaying understood, it was the monk in the novel.When she first heard about people who practice spiritual energy in this world, what are they called practitioners and exorcists, it didn't sound very pleasant to her ears.

(End of this chapter)

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