Chapter 824 I'm Not Personal (80)

Not only the spirit beasts under Zhang Zhi's own contract were freed, but the contracts carried by the spirit beasts under the secondary contract were also gone.

It is easy to understand that what Zhang Zhi controls is equivalent to the general contract, and if the general contract becomes invalid, the secondary contracts attached to the general contract will naturally not work.

This also proves one thing, the servant contract has not been integrated into the rules of heaven in the realm of comprehension.

The servant beast contract can be established because of the inheritance stone.

The rules of heaven in the world of comprehension are generally very inclusive, and spiritual cultivation, physical cultivation, ghost cultivation, and magic cultivation are all allowed to exist.

And the rules carried by the inheritance stone have some similarities with some rules of the magic side world that Yuhua has been in contact with.

The humanities in the magic side world are very different from the world that Yuhua has been to, and the language and characters have little similarity, but the magic is that the spells used by magicians to cast spells are pictographic square characters in the realm of comprehension.

This made Yuhua have to speculate that maybe the cultivation techniques from the cultivation side were brought to the magic side world, and then monks became magicians, and spiritual power became magic power.

Therefore, the inheritance stone that is suspected to come from the magic side world can also be used in this cultivation side world.

But also because it was a foreign object, some of the rules could not be integrated into the way of heaven in this world, so the contract was terminated so easily and smoothly, without causing backlash to the spirit beast.

Zhang Zhi's own contracted spirit beasts were all stored in the beast-controlling space, and Yu Hua inspected them, and all the contracts were released, and none of the spirit beasts were injured.

The contract was terminated, so there was no need for Zhang Zhi to stay.

With Xie Hua's hand retracted, the rope of punishment pulled Zhang Zhi's soul out of his body, and with a slight shake of the chain, Zhang Zhi's soul disappeared.

The soul is not broken up, but thrown into the underworld.

The space that comes with the rope of punishment is equivalent to the transfer station between Yin and Yang, and the soul captured by the rope of punishment can be thrown into the underworld at any time.

Let Zhang Zhi go to the underworld to repay the karma he owed.

Xi Hua released all the monsters and cultivators in the beast control space.

There are dozens of monsters and demon cultivators from the third level to the eighth level.

The monsters with low spiritual intelligence are the most, and they were contracted by Zhang Zhi in the early days.

After the monsters came out, some were panicked, some were excited, and some timidly hid from the high-level demon cultivators.

"Let's all go away." The monsters of the Hua Dynasty sent a signal of this meaning.

The monsters quickly ran away.

Xi Hua deliberately chose the edge of the demon world, and the monsters instinctively ran towards the demon world.

The rest of the demon cultivators looked at Yu Hua vigilantly, even though Yu Hua was also a demon cultivator, only at the sixth level.

But the powerful aura emanating from the punishment rope in Xi Hua's hand made even the eighth-level demon cultivators dare not act rashly.

Yu Hua said, "Zhang Zhi is dead, you go."

The one with the highest rank was an eagle demon. She looked at Zhang Zhi's corpse in disgust, said "repay after the great kindness", and flew away in an instant.

There was a leader, and the other demon cultivators fled quickly.

It's no wonder they ran away in a hurry, they didn't want to lose the freedom they had so hard to get.

The rope of punishment in Xihua's hand made them tremble with fear, fearing that Xihua would change his mind and use this magic weapon to give them a blow. There is not much peace between demon cultivators of different races.


In a secret realm, a foundation-builder cultivator hid aside, commanding his sixth-level spirit beast to entangle a monster beyond the level of a spirit beast, while he waited to lure the monster away so that he could pick up a spirit plant guarded by the monster. fruit.

Suddenly, the spirit beast jumped out of the battle circle. Without the restraint of the spirit beast, the monster rushed towards the foundation-building cultivator who was about to steal its spirit fruit. One bite to death, swallowed.

The spirit beast, no, now he has regained his free body as a demon cultivator. He glanced at the blood stains left by the foundation cultivator and fled away.


In a cave, the cultivators who were practicing noticed something and hurriedly interrupted their cultivation.

There was a crackling sound in the space near him, and a red roc appeared.

The monk was surprised, "Zhuifeng, why did you come out?"

The spirit beasts staying in the spirit beast space cannot come out without his call.

The red roc said bitterly, "My name is Chi Xiao! You have served me for many years, used me as a mount, and endured pain for you. I will pay for the humiliation I have suffered with my life!"

Only then did the monk realize that his connection with the scarlet roc had been broken and he wanted to escape, but the scarlet roc had a space talent and had already sealed off the surrounding space, so the teleportation magic weapon didn't work.

The monk was torn in half by the claws of the red roc.


This kind of thing happens in many places.

Those monks deserve no sympathy.

The monks practice the Tao, and even the monks with a little knowledge know that the servant contract is against the harmony of heaven, that is, it is not in line with the Tao of heaven.

But they still contracted the spirit beasts in this way, and got the maximum benefit and convenience from it, but they had to bear the bad consequences brought about by it.

The monks who can sign the servant beast contract have at least established a foundation, so they are not ignorant, but they think they can go against the way.

Di Shan sensed that the contract on his body disappeared, and once the shackles that had been locked on his body for decades were taken off, he couldn't help but let out a high-pitched and long howl.

In the next step, Li Tong sensed that the contract with Di Shantong was gone, and the contract with the snake demon also disappeared by itself, and his mind was cleared.

Hearing Di Shantong's long howl from sorrow to joy, he felt bad, he wished he could still be the servant of the snake demon, so that Di Shantong could spare his life for the sake of the snake demon.

He knelt down and begged Di Shan for mercy, "Please let me go, as long as you don't kill me, let me do whatever you want."

"Don't listen to him. It's okay to have revenge and revenge. You can't believe the words of the enemy." Mu Feishi reminded Di Shantong, "The night is long and has many dreams. Li Tong wants to survive so that he can find a chance to inform his uncle. Come save him."

After Li Tong was caught, all the magic weapons on his body were taken away. It is impossible for Li Tong to ask for help now, but if he is allowed to survive, maybe he will have some special way to contact his uncle .

Di Shantong nodded, "I won't let him go." After speaking, he carried Li Tong and walked away.

Given the humiliation that Li Tong made him suffer, he would not let Li Tong die.

A stream of light escaped from a certain point in the space and flew towards Mu Feishi. Mu Feishi stretched out his hand and grabbed it. It was a communication talisman.

After receiving the message from Sister Sang, Mu Feishi immediately rushed over.

Because they wanted to lure Zhang Zhi over, Mu Feishi and Di Shantong took Li Tong away from Yuhua.

When Mu Feishi came over, he no longer recognized this place.

She confirmed again and again that this is where she left.

When she left, this place was still a desert without much aura. It was all bare sand and stones. Why did it take a long time to turn into a mountain full of aura.

What made her even more sure was that she found Yuhua on the mountain.

Mu Fei ten cats hurriedly asked, "Sister Sang, where did this mountain come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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