Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 834 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 834 There is something wrong with this world (8)

"Finish?" Yuhua pointed to the direction of the lower courtyard door, "Let's go when you're done." If it wasn't for the original owner's own mother, or the suspected protagonist, she would have kicked He Shuyue away.

What He Shuyue said was indeed said by someone else, and it reached the ears of the original owner, but the original owner has a righteous heart and is not afraid of being slandered.Can't female nurses take care of male patients in hospitals?Only people with dirty minds can say such dirty things.

But others can say it, but He Shuyue, a mother, cannot.

"You drove me away, but you dared to drive me away." He Shuyue's hands trembled angrily, "You, I want to sue you for being unfilial, go to..." She wanted to sue the unit, but Lu Banxia didn't have a job , which unit should I report to?
Yu Hua no longer spoiled her, and lifted He Shuyue's shoulders, quickly walked to the gate of the courtyard, threw He Shuyue outside, and closed the door.

He Shuyue stood outside the door, and everyone was still confused.

After a while, she realized that she was thrown out by Lu Banxia. She weighed a lot, but Lu Banxia lifted her out of the door like a chick.

Why is Lu Banxia's strength so great? He Shuyue felt a trace of fear and fear in her heart. Fortunately, she never thought of doing anything to Lu Banxia. If she dared to do it, wouldn't she be beaten to death by Lu Banxia?
He Shuyue became timid, and she gave up the idea of ​​sending her daughter and Zheng Hui together.

She hated Lu Changzheng. Who made Lu Changzheng agree to the divorce so readily? If Lu Changzheng didn't go through the formalities, the marriage might not be divorced for a while.

Wang Bing's parents will definitely marry Wang Bing again soon, and by then, she will not want to leave, and may give up her life with Lu Changzheng.

Even Lu Banxia hated her, she divorced Lu Changzheng, the other children were crying and yelling not to let their mother leave, but Lu Banxia only cried a few times and said that she wanted to be with her father.

Lu Changzheng's retribution and accident didn't make her hate disappear. She was already trapped in this kind of life, and Lu Changzheng would not change her life no matter what.

Lu Banxia didn't stop her from becoming someone else's stepmother, so she should go and taste her hardships these years.


After knowing that this might be a world in a book, Yuhua didn't just stay in the house anymore, she wanted to find more clues to determine who the protagonists of this world are.

She is suspected to be the protagonist, and He Shuyue is also suspected, and Zheng Hui.

After two days of wandering around the machinery factory, Xihua found another suspected protagonist, Lu Fang.

Could this be a world evolved from a group portrait novel?
Yu Hua, who was thinking of taking a stroll in the hospital, heard a woman screaming not far away, "What are you doing! Let me go!"

The owner of the voice was an acquaintance. It was Feng Lili who lived in the same family courtyard. She lived in the same courtyard.

Feng Lili and Lu Fang are classmates and have a good relationship, so the original owner said something to Feng Lili, which belongs to the relationship of saying hello when they meet.

"Lili, you can't go!" came a male voice.

"You hurt me by scratching! Get up!"

Even if it is a stranger, Yuhua will not turn a blind eye to such bullying.

Xi Hua took a shortcut. This is a narrow road next to an abandoned factory building, and there are trees planted around it. It is very remote, and few people usually pass by.

She turned into the alley, and saw a strong man, holding Feng Lili's arm tightly with one hand, and embracing Feng Lili's waist with the other, pulling her into her arms, lowering her head, and approaching Feng Lili's face with her mouth.

Feng Lili struggled, turning her head to prevent the man from kissing her.

Yu Hua walked over a few steps, stepped forward and grabbed the man's hand that was around Feng Lili's waist, and squeezed it hard, then twisted his hand to the man's back.

The man let out a cry of pain, and his body couldn't help but bend sideways along with the arm twisted behind his back, and the other hand involuntarily let go of Feng Lili's arm.

Feng Lili escaped from the man's confinement.

Seeing clearly that it was Yu Hua who saved her, Feng Lili's eyes widened.

She was looking forward to the dead person wholeheartedly, so he appeared in front of her eyes and helped her out of the predicament.

What came out of her heart was not gratitude, but thinking about why the other party didn't die.

"Ouch, ouch, what are you doing!" The man also saw clearly that it was a woman who was holding his hand, and wanted to grab Yuhua with the other hand, while shouting angrily, "Let go of me, what are you meddling with? We're talking about objects."

Yu Hua let go of her hand, and then kicked the hollow of her leg. The man threw himself forward and half-kneeled on the ground, "You can't force the person you're talking to."

Feng Lili quickly retorted, "We have already broken up, and he is still pestering me."

The man got up from the ground, still showing no intention of being afraid of Yuhua, he punched Yuhua with his fist, "I'll let you meddle in my own business."

Yu Hua kicked again, kicking the man to the opposite wall, "I'll just take care of it." She didn't like this kind of thing the most, bullying people who were weaker than him by relying on her natural physical strength.

The man with the pancakes let out a howl like a pig being killed, and then slid to the ground, but he didn't dare to shake his fist at Yu Hua again, he got up from the ground enduring the pain, and ran away.

Feng Lili smiled at Yu Hua, "Thank you, Sister Banxia, ​​if it weren't for you, I really don't know what Chen Yong would have done."

"You don't have to thank me, just answer one of my questions." Feng Lili's malice towards her successfully attracted Yu Hua's attention.

Feng Lili felt guilty, and when she was asked by Yu Hua, she felt even more guilty, pretending to be fine, and asked with a smile, "Sister Banxia, ​​what do you want to ask me?"

"Just ask, which world did you travel through?" At first, Yuhua just wanted to save people, but Feng Lili's malice towards her was too obvious, and from memory, the original owner had no problems with Feng Lili before, even There are not many intersections.

Attracting Yuhua's attention, she released her mental strength to check, and it turns out that Feng Lili is not an original, her soul has obvious spatial rules, and her soul and body are not unified, she is a time-traveler.

Feng Lili's original soul is no longer in her body, and this transmigrated soul has established a regular connection with her body, so it is not easy for her to drag Feng Lili's soul out to search for it.

Once pulled out, Feng Lili would die. The man saw her with Feng Lili before, and if Feng Lili died, she couldn't get rid of it.

Others didn't know that this Feng Lili was not the original one, and what they saw was that she was related to Feng Lili's death.

The original owner said that she didn't want her to use the original owner's body to do illegal things, and Yu Hua would abide by it, no matter in fact or in form.

(End of this chapter)

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