Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 840 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 840 There is something wrong with this world (14)

When Yu Hua threw the Ma family out, the dozen or so people who were watching hurriedly followed them out.

Just kidding, what if Lu Banxia cares about them not fighting.

Someone tried to make amends for himself, "This is a mess..."

"Ban Xia, you stay home and rest first, we will report this matter to the factory for you..."

Yu Hua either nodded or responded to the person who was talking to her, and when everyone went out, she closed the door tightly.

The Lu family lived in a remote place, and it was winter, so the people who could be attracted were basically here. The fight was carried out in the yard, and the time was not too long, so these were the only people watching.

She doesn't have any opinion on these people's choice of being wise and safe. They are just neighbors in a family courtyard.

The original owner has very little relationship with these neighbors, and there are many reasons for this.

Lu Changzheng was valued in the machinery factory by relying on his excellent technology. He didn't like to make money, and his connections in the factory were mediocre. Once he fell down, he couldn't perform technically, and his connections were not very strong, so he quickly left. up.

He was injured at work, and the factory paid for his medical expenses and living expenses. At first, it was fine. The wages of the workers were all fixed. No one said anything about Lu Changzheng’s medical expenses. In recent years, the factory has linked wages and bonuses to benefits. Seeing that Lu Changzheng spends so much medical expenses a year, offsetting the benefits, some people have opinions in their hearts.

They were discussing behind their backs that it would be better if Lu Changzheng was stoned to death, and at most the factory would pay some pension, even if it was more, fortunately it was a one-off, unlike now, where he had to pay a large sum of money every year to go out .

Knowing that these are what Lu Changzheng deserves, but he just doesn't feel very comfortable in his heart, so his affection for Lu Changzheng's father and daughter's neighbors is getting less and less.

The original owner has been busy taking care of Lu Changzheng and studying in the past few years, and has no time or energy to increase communication with neighbors. Except for a few families such as Lu Fang's family, the relationship with other neighbors in the family courtyard is mediocre.

If Lu Changzheng was still alive, at least he had worked in the same factory with these neighbors, and Lu Banxia did not belong to the factory, so no one was willing to take the risk of offending the Ma family to help Lu Banxia get ahead.

Seeing that Lu Banxia's attitude towards them was the same as before, the neighbors were relieved.Before 10 minutes, they didn't care how Lu Banxia treated them.

However, they saw a novelty. They only knew that Lu Changzheng's daughter was so strong that she could carry a big man like Lu Changzheng from the house to the outside. They didn't expect that Lu Banxia could still fight like this, knocking down several young men. prime of life.

He can also unload the joints, that guy, rattling, rattling, sounds creepy.

How can such a novel thing be kept in their hearts, they can't wait to tell their relatives and friends right away.

Seeing the Ma family standing up with their teeth bared outside the door, they felt a little bit at ease. The Ma family has grown up in the past two years, and they have taken advantage of others. This time they kicked the iron plate.

"Old horse, are you all right?"

"Oh, this is such a mess, I have to report it to the factory immediately."

"That's right, hurry up and find the leader, let's go."

A group of people looked for the rut, and suddenly ran away.

Lu Banxia can fight, and the Ma family is not easy to offend, so what if he stays and is regarded as a grudge by the Ma family's jokes.

It's better to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

The Ma family came here, and they couldn't believe that they were beaten back by Lu Banxia.

But the faint pain left on their bodies told them that it was true.

"Dad, what should we do?" Second Ma asked Ma Changfu.

The other Ma family members also looked at Ma Changfu.

"Let's go." Ma Changfu's thin hair on his half-bald forehead was blown by the cold wind, making his expression even more sinister, "Go back first."

He knew that he would come to the door again to make trouble, but he still couldn't get it right. Lu Banxia was so good at fighting, he couldn't think of it before he came here.

He couldn't beat it, and the leader was alarmed to say that it would be troublesome if someone reported to the police, and his reason for letting Lu Banxia vacate the house was untenable.

They wanted to sue Lu Banxia for beating them, but they couldn't sue them. The place of the fight was in Lu Banxia's home yard. They fought first, and Lu Banxia counterattacked. Maybe they would make trouble and arrest them.

Go back and discuss a solution, this loss can't be taken for nothing, he doesn't believe that Lu Banxia can't be controlled.

As long as they are not caught on the spot and the Cai family is around, they will be fine.


Yu Hua returned to the house, thought for a while, and put the important things at home and most of the books in the space.

She won't stay at home all the time, and she has to guard against the Ma family's tricks, such as setting fire secretly.

When she was collecting things, a thought appeared in her mind, "The Ma family is too difficult to deal with, why not leave the house and avoid it for a while".

This is a concrete manifestation of timeline error correction.

When she sensed the timeline rushing towards her, Yuhua didn't stop it, and the timeline washed over her body.

Only then will the impact become apparent.

She sensed that this kind of influence is not mandatory, and if people who have been scoured by the timeline ignore it, it will have no effect on themselves.

After figuring out what was going on, she shielded her body from the timeline that fell on her.

The timeline needs to be revised towards the plot, that is to say, the Ma family will come to entangle.

I just don't know what Zheng Hui would do if she wasn't kicked out of the house by the Ma family.

In the plot, Lu Banxia has no place to live and temporarily lives in Lu Fang's house.But living in someone else's house is good for a day or two, but ten days and a half a month is not good. No matter how good the relationship is, you can't waste your affection like this.

Without a home, there is no trust in work matters, which made the original owner feel no sense of security and stability.

Zheng Hui came here in person at this time, and proposed marriage, plus other things, several groups of people, including He Shuyue, came to persuade her to agree, and the original owner finally agreed.

But now, she has shown that she can fight so much, it depends on whether she can scare Zheng Hui.


At noon, Lu Fang came over.

"Ban Xia, what's the matter? I heard that the Ma family came to find trouble, and you beat me up?" Lu Fang asked dubiously.

"That's right. The Ma family wanted to take over my house. They made a move first, and I just fought back." Yu Hua looked at Lu Fang.

There were traces of timeline erosion on Lu Fang's body again.

After she sensed the fluctuation of the timeline, she found traces of timeline erosion on both Ma Changfu and Li Gaiju, but not on the neighbors.

This shows that only the protagonists and supporting characters in the book will have this phenomenon, and others will not.

"Really. When I heard it at first, I thought someone made it up, but I believed it only when I heard it." Lu Fang looked at Yu Hua in surprise, "How did you do it, all by yourself? beat down more than a dozen people."

Yu Hua was not surprised by the distortion of the rumors, "It's not that exaggerated, there are only eight people."

(End of this chapter)

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