Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 842 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 842 There is something wrong with this world (16)

There are excuses in the book, saying that the brother-in-law wants to work, the parents have to help the brother-in-law look after the children, the older sister is dating, the younger sister is looking for a job after graduating from high school, and both younger sisters are unmarried girls, so it is inconvenient to take care of the elder brother .

Just don't be too far-fetched.

Although Xu Jianping is weak, he can walk and move, and he can take care of himself physically, but he can't do work. Why can't Xu's family take care of him?
In short, the book had to arrange for Lu Fang to resign, and also praised Lu Fang's desperation for love.

It is self-deprecating and self-deprecating for others to say that Lu Fang was caught up with her when she was not married, and it is only Lu Fang's grievance.

From Yu Hua's point of view, Lu Fang's behavior really put her in a situation where she despises herself.

From what she learned about Lu Fang in the real world, as far as the present is concerned, there is no outside interference, and Lu Fang will never resign to take care of Xu Jianping wholeheartedly.

Lu Fang has a strong sense of responsibility to the Lu family. Her parents never let her stop her studies no matter how difficult they were. She is very grateful to her parents, so she gave more than half of her salary to her parents to help the family after work.

She is also very concerned about the studies of her three younger siblings, how could she forget her parents and younger siblings for Xu Jianping?
Based on the world she has experienced, Xihua has some guesses about Lu Fang and Xu Jianping's affairs, but it needs to be confirmed.

Fortunately, in the real world, the overall morality is in line with the way of heaven, but the protagonist is seriously affected.

Xi Hua wants to help Lu Fang.

"Of course I want to learn." Seeing that Yuhua changed the subject, Lu Fang thought she didn't want to talk about the Ma family, so she didn't ask further, "But, I don't have time, and besides, I can't find any good ones. The teacher teaches."

"The teacher is easy to say, I will introduce you to a good teacher, but that teacher has strict requirements on his students, and he must devote himself to it, otherwise the relationship between master and student will be terminated at any time." The book says that Lu Fang's teacher is Lu Banxia and Zheng Hui. Introduced, blurred into Zheng Hui's personal connections.

In fact, Cao Zhengjie, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is a contact of the Lu family. Cao Zhengjie and Lu Banxia's grandfather have known each other for a long time, and they have a good relationship. Lu Banxia's grandfather passed away early, and this relationship has not stopped.

Lu Banxia learned massage, boiling medicine, and making medicinal food from Dr. Cao. Dr. Cao took a fancy to Lu Banxia, ​​who was a fast learner, practical and diligent, and proposed to accept her as a disciple, but the original master's ambition was not here, and he did not have a teacher.

"Banxia, ​​are you talking about Dr. Cao Zhengjie?" Lu Fang's eyes sparkled, and he pulled up the wool cap that covered his ears a little, so that the ears were completely exposed, "Will Dr. Cao take a fancy to me?"

"Well, I'm talking about Grandpa Cao. I don't guarantee whether Grandpa Cao will accept you. If you are willing to learn, I'll tell Grandpa Cao. You may have to pass Grandpa Cao's assessment later.

If you don't want to resign, you can discuss it with Grandpa Cao, and go to study after get off work and on Sundays. When you have something to learn, you can study full-time.Grandpa Cao opened a clinic, and you used to get paid as well. "

"Then—" Lu Fang, who was excited, suddenly thought of something, and the excitement dropped again, "I, I don't have time after get off work...I don't always have time on Sunday..."

"Your family doesn't need you to go back to do housework every day, and if Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu know that you are going to study, they will definitely support you." Yuhua's eyes showed sharpness, "What are you going to do after get off work?"

Facing Shang Yuhua's sharp gaze, Lu Fang couldn't help shrinking her neck, "Well, didn't I tell you that time that I had a date? After work, I agreed to my date and went to his place. "

"What to do."

"That's right. Stay and talk together." Under the piercing gaze of Yuhua, Lu Fang told the truth, "By the way, wash my partner's clothes and cook."

He smiled dryly and defended his behavior, "You don't know how he can't take care of himself, his clothes are dirty and heaps are everywhere, and the noodles can't be cooked well. There's no way, I'll get off work and help He tidies up."

"Lu Fang, who washed his clothes before you helped him do the laundry. How would he eat without you cooking?" Yuhua knew that there was something wrong with Xu Jianping.

This is domesticating Lu Fang.

In the book, Lu Fang's resignation has a lot to do with Xu Jianping crying in front of Lu Fang many times, saying that he wants to see Lu Fang all the time, showing weakness to Lu Fang, saying that he has no sense of security, and is afraid that Lu Fang will not want him.

Lu Fang believed that "men don't shed tears lightly", thinking that Xu Jianping cried because he loved her too much.

But when Lu Fang really resigned and stayed by his side [-]/[-], Xu Jianping's tears never flickered again.

Lu Fang was stunned for a moment, then remembered, "...he, the clothes are washed at home, and he eats in the cafeteria."

"Then why doesn't he continue to take it home to wash, why doesn't he continue to eat in the cafeteria."

"Yeah, why." Lu Fang showed a little confusion on her face, "But, don't women always wash clothes for them when they talk to each other?"

"Your parents raised you so much and provided you for school, so that you can wash and cook for other people. He doesn't use the washing machine at home, but let you wash it by hand? He doesn't eat in the cafeteria, so he specifically asked you to do it?" 妉Hua only asked back, and let Lu Fang come to a conclusion by herself.

Most of the households in the factory have washing machines, and even Lu Fang's family, who is so tight on money, bought one.

"Yes, yes." Lu Fang patted her forehead abruptly, "Why have I never thought about this before?"

"That's it." Yu Hua didn't give Lu Fang a chance to hesitate, "Come over after get off work tomorrow, and I'll take you to Grandpa Cao's house."

The downside of Lu Fang's good temper is that she tends to be soft, so Yu Hua made up her mind for her.

In the book, Zhengjie took a fancy to Lu Fang's comprehension in Chinese medicine, learning the same skill, whether he is talented or not, the difference is not a little bit.

Good character is also one, but it's a pity that Lu Fang learned it too late.

A few years earlier, Li Zhengjie would be more satisfied with Lu Fang.

"Hey, good." Lu Fang agreed, her expression became obviously relaxed.


Xi Hua went around the factory and found his housing certificate. Somebody packed it into the pile of old materials in the reference room at some point. The whole room was full. It's really hard to find out.

After Yu Hua found it out, she put the housing certificate under a pile of documents in the back office.

When Yu Hua went to the back office to look for the housing certificate, the stack of documents suddenly fell down, revealing the housing certificate.

"This is too coincidental." The clerk held the housing certificate in his hand and turned it over for a long time. "Why is it pressed there? It's strange."

She was very happy to finally settle a matter, and gave the housing certificate to Yuhua, "here, you can sign it later and it's over. Hey, that's right." The clerk whispered to Yuhua, " You'd better hurry up and pay the money to buy the house, since it's your house, there's no room for the Ma family to take advantage of it."

"Thank you. I will." The original owner didn't have much money left, and Yuhua had already spent almost all of the food in the past few days.

It's time for her to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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