Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 849 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 849 There is something wrong with this world (23)

The wontons are made of fresh meat, and the soup is boiled chicken broth, with shredded shredded chicken, coriander, chopped green onion, and vinegar and chili oil according to personal preference, the aroma is straight to the stomach.

The Dahai Bowl, which is bigger than your face, is full, but it only costs [-] cents. One bowl will satisfy your stomach and heart.

After being taken to the wonton restaurant by Hua Hua, after eating a large bowl of hot wontons, Lu Fang found that she couldn't get sad anymore.

Ordinarily, after being together for a month or two and being her first date again, she should be sad and angry, but now, even the anger has faded a lot.

Seeing that Lu Fang's mood had calmed down, Yu Hua was relieved.

If Lu Fang is affected physically and mentally because of this, and fails Cao Zhengjie's assessment, then there will be problems with Lu Fang's main line.

Lu Fang is the only foundational pillar. She has to protect her and ensure that Lu Fang's main line does not collapse.

Otherwise, she can't be allowed to end up following the main line of stepmother.

Xi Hua thought of this when she chose to dismantle CP. Lu Fang's greatest strength is not her kindness, but her tenacity, which is usually not shown. Easily shaken.

Lu Fang just sighed, and said, "I really fed the dog. The family only let me pay two-thirds of my salary, and I basically saved the rest. It has cost Xu Jianping almost a month. halfway through.

Seeing him shivering from the cold, I helped him buy a coat. He said he forgot to bring his wallet. I helped him pay for the drinks three times. I was so stupid that I didn't realize that Xu Jianping did it on purpose. "

"Lu Fang, you call it a timely stop loss, you should be happy."

"Stop the loss in time..." Lu Fang smiled from the bottom of her heart, "Ban Xia, you are so right, I should be happy."

The two ate and drank well, and Hua Hua sent Lu Fang back to Lu's house. Before leaving, she put a strand of spiritual strength on Lu Fang, and if Lu Fang was in danger, she would receive a warning immediately.

The next day, Yuhua received a letter from the factory asking her to come to the factory.

After Xi Hua went there, she said that her job had been secured, and arranged for her to work as a front-line worker in the second workshop.

The HR director smiled, "Xiao Lu, the factory has arranged for you to go to the front line according to your request. If you have nothing to do at home, you can sign and report to the second workshop today."

Yu Hua refused, "This arrangement must have something to do with Zheng Hui. I don't agree."

After Zheng Hui was beaten up by her that night, he never came to look for her again, nor did he send Liu Zhaolan and others to send a message. It turned out that he thought of this trick and arranged her under his command so that he could do little tricks.

After knowing what the timeline flushing is all about, and what the world is all about, Xihua has a plan for what she will do, and this plan does not include working in the factory.

The original owner wants to apply what he has learned to serve the motherland, and the only way to enter the factory is not the only way.

In the book, the factory has not been able to arrange work for the original owner until after the original owner married Zheng Hui, Zheng Hui arranged the original owner into the second workshop as a temporary worker.

This is not because Zheng Hui is kind to the original owner. If he is really kind to the original owner, it will cause the factory to make the original owner a formal worker according to the regulations.

Zheng Hui discovered the professional talent of the original owner.

It is mentioned in the book that Zheng Hui has registered patents for several technologies. With these patents, Zheng Hui's company has made a lot of money, and the advanced technology has become the leader in the industry.

Yu Hua, who has received the memory of the original owner, has reason to believe that the real developer of these patents is Lu Banxia, ​​not Zheng Hui, who only understands management and does not even have a professional level of half a bottle of water.

As for why the patents all fell to Zheng Hui, I have to ask the author, just like the food company run by He Shuyue, the major shareholder is Wang Bing.

The author argued in the book that He Shuyue didn't want people to say that Wang Bing was a softie, so she put most of the company's shares in Wang Bing's name. She made no difference.

It is estimated that in the book "Being a Stepmother: Lu Banxia's Struggle", the author will also arrange a "husband and wife together" for Lu Banxia, ​​and so on.

From this point of view, in the book, Zheng Hui discovered Lu Banxia's talent, and he didn't want to realize the original master's dream of using it to serve the motherland, but planned to use Lu Banxia only for him.

Putting it in the second workshop as a temporary worker can not only give Lu Banxia a chance to practice to improve her professional skills, but also keep Lu Banxia under her nose.

The temporary worker status is arranged in case Lu Banxia's talent is discovered by the factory, and he can let Lu Banxia leave the factory at any time.

Later, Zheng Hui resigned and started his own factory. It should be that Lu Banxia produced results, and he quickly used them to make money.

Now, Zheng Hui is doing temporary work again, the reason is different from the book, but he uses the same method.

"Xiao Lu, why don't you want to? You are afraid that being in the same workshop with Zheng Hui will affect you badly. It doesn't matter. After you get married, you can transfer another one out. Other comrades won't say anything."

"I have nothing to do with Zheng Hui."

The HR director was taken aback, and looked at Hua Hua inquisitively, "Really? Xiao Lu, you didn't ask Zheng Hui for a job arrangement? It is true that Zheng Hui proposed your job to the factory, but you also meet the requirements of the factory. According to the regulations, the factory will speed up the arrangement.”

"Really. Zheng Hui asked Liu Zhaolan to propose marriage to me, but I refused on the spot. My father passed away only a few months ago, how could I think about this."

Who in the factory didn't know that the father and daughter of the Lu family had a deep relationship. Thinking of this, the personnel director believed Yu Hua's words, "How about this, since the work has been arranged, you go to report first, and I will transfer you later."

Yuhua shook her head, "No. I don't want to be a temporary worker. I'll go to work again when the regular worker quota comes down."

According to her information collection in the past few days, she can't wait for the regular worker, because her quota has been given to the related household by the new factory manager.

The HR director knew the inside story, he shook his head in his heart, and didn't try to persuade him any more, "It's fine if you don't want to, then you go back first, and I'll tell you when I have new news."

"Okay. One more thing. I want to report Zheng Hui to the factory. He spread rumors everywhere, trying to force me to marry him. If the factory doesn't care, then I will report to the police. I have put the report letter in the comments It's in the box."

Zheng Hui's luck can be weakened a little bit.

Xi Hua took Zheng Hui into Sanwu space that day, and after releasing him, he noticed that Zheng Hui's luck had been lost after he came out.

This is the reason why Xihua didn't easily use Lu Fang and He Shuyue as verification, not sure what temporary isolation of people from this world will bring to the protagonist.

Now that I know it, it will weaken the luck carried by the protagonist, and the protagonist's luck can be weakened.

After the protagonist's luck completely disappears, Zheng Hui will return to an ordinary person and no longer have the status of the pillar of the world.

People like Zheng Hui shouldn't be the protagonist.

(End of this chapter)

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