Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 85 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 85 Borrowing a space to farm (18)

Xi Hua had some answers in her heart.

The place Zheng Jinghong went to is not remote, and the probability of encountering snakes is very low. Except for cobras, as long as you don't step on them, snakes will not attack people actively under normal circumstances.

Also swam some distance to attack, the probability of this happening is even smaller.

Jiang Jing has a source of spiritual energy, so it is easy for a snake to appear in a designated place.

Animals have an instinctive tendency towards aura. Put a little aura in a designated place, and the snake will stay there and not leave, and regard that place as its new territory. If someone enters that area, the snake will take the initiative as an intruder to attack.

Her inference can explain why the snake specifically ran over to attack Zheng Jinghong.

Seeing that Yuhua had stopped talking, Zheng Jinghong asked, "Is there a problem?"

Yu Hua said, "Maybe. I'll tell you when I'm sure. Did you have any conflicts with anyone before the accident?"

"You ask this." Zheng Jinghong smiled in relief.She thought that Yu Hua was interested in solving the mystery, and took the accident she encountered as a mystery.

Because of Miao Dalan's relationship with Yuhua's favor for helping her catch fish just now, Zheng Jinghong had a good impression of Yuhua, so she didn't care about Yuhua's questioning, and said, "No.

I just came to the meeting not long ago, and I knew very few people. Except for the educated youths in the educated youth spot, I didn't know many people in the Weijiagou brigade, and I didn't have any conflicts with anyone. "

I have asked everything I wanted to ask, but Yuhua didn't ask any more.

No matter whether Jiang Jing is time-traveled or reborn, or has other adventures, I know that her life trajectory is certain.

Otherwise, Jiang Jing, who can't explain it, will harm someone she doesn't know.

And the original owner.Although they are the same age as Jiang Jing and are from the same village, they are on two tracks, and they seldom meet each other. The relationship is average, and there are no conflicts or conflicts of interest.

Moreover, Jiang Jing liked the educated youth Xie Ze three years ago, and many people in the village knew about it.

Regarding Dong Anguo's matter, the original owner and Jiang Jing had no conflicts.

So the original owner and Zheng Jinghong will have conflicts of interest with Jiang Jing.

Xi Hua felt that the promise to find the truth for the original owner would be fulfilled soon.

Zheng Jinghong went to pick up the basket and returned to the stream, took out a fruit knife, and picked up the fish.

Scales scraping, stomach opening, viscera removal, the movements are very skillful, it looks like it is often done.

Zheng Jinghong washed the packed fish in the stream and put them in the aluminum lunch box she brought.

Although her aluminum lunch box is large, there are more than 30 fish, even if the fish is not big, the lunch box is full.

Zheng Jinghong buttoned the lid.

She took out the astragalus in the carrying basket, washed them, and put them back in the carrying basket as well.

Carrying the basket, I went back to the place where the shoes were put, put on the shoes, and said to Yuhua, "I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I'll be leaving first. Xingxi, see you later."

She is not as good as Yuhua, she came here on leave to look for herbs and ingredients. Fortunately, the Weijiagou brigade is more tolerant to the educated youths, knowing that she is not in good health and needs to take a nourishing diet, so she is allowed to take half a day off every few days to go to the mountains to look for medicine. .

"Well, see you later."

Zheng Jinghong's figure quickly disappeared into the woods.

Yuhua continued to roast her roast chicken.

The fragrance gradually came out and filled the whole water beach.

Xihua's stomach growled in response to the occasion.

She is really hungry.

The open flame in the stove has been extinguished, but the inside is still bright red.

Afraid that it would not be fully cooked, Yu Hua didn't take it out immediately, and didn't add any more firewood. Instead, she used the same kind of firewood as a fire stick to poke the charcoal ashes, covered the big mud balls, and simmered inside.

After simmering for more than ten minutes, Yuhua felt that it should be cooked, and pulled the big black mud ball out of the stove with a fire stick.

After waiting for a while, the mud balls cooled down a little, and Yuhua cracked them with the back of a hatchet, and the hot air and aroma rose out.

Yu Hua tore off the outer layer of mud and chicken feathers with his hands, revealing the white chicken inside.

Her enamel crock came in handy, she stripped the chicken and put it in the enamel crock.

I picked up a piece of chicken and tasted it in my mouth. I only tasted the original taste of the chicken, and the salt was a bit less.

Xi Hua saw on the recipe that a little salt would be numb, so she could only add a little.

Fortunately, her sense of taste did not protest, whether it tastes good or not is the second, the most important thing is to supplement nutrition and physical fitness.

Less salt is easy to handle, pinch some salt and sprinkle it on the chicken, the pheasant itself is very delicious, adding a little salt tastes better.

After eating a whole chicken, I finally felt full for a long time.

After eating, she dismantled the simple stove, filled an enamel tank with stream water to completely extinguish the firewood ash, moved some stones to cover it, and dug a hole by the edge of the woods, put chicken bones and chicken feathers in the mud The block was buried in, the soil was covered, and the grass next to it was pulled over to cover it.

Although it is tacit to go to the mountains to hunt some wild game to eat, but it should not be too blatant, and what should be covered up must be covered up.

She went to the place pointed by Zheng Jinghong, and she found a small piece of astragalus. She only took enough and left the rest alone.

It was still early, and Yuhua looked around, and found another medicinal material, picked it and put it in the back basket.

She wanted to hunt another pheasant to take home, but unfortunately she didn't come across it for a long time.

Because her body had just started to improve, she didn't go further inside. If she encountered big guys like wolves and wild boars, it would be difficult for her to deal with them.

It wasn't that there was no harvest. She picked up half a basket of mountain mushrooms. There were two types in total. Before picking, she compared the data in the memory bank and made sure that they were all edible.

In order to prevent her family from being anxious, she had to get home before work, so she didn't wander around in the mountains and went home directly.

Not long after returning home, Zheng Jinghong came, and the aluminum lunch box was full of fish soup.

Xi Hua accepted it, poured the fish soup into her own big bowl, and returned the aluminum lunch box to Zheng Jinghong.

The two didn't know each other very well, so Zheng Jinghong didn't stay long, and went back with an aluminum lunch box.Seeing that it was noon, she had to go back and tidy up the common kitchen after eating, and she had to go to work in the afternoon.

When Miao Dalan came back, she saw the fish soup, asked about it, and found out that it was from Zheng Jinghong, and said with emotion, "The little girl is very grateful, and she has returned my things several times."

She helped Zheng Jinghong without thinking of repaying her, but she was very relieved when he returned to her.

The rice was ready quickly, sweet potato porridge, steamed corn bread, fried with mushrooms picked up by Yu Hua and Chinese cabbage, and each person shared a bowl of fish soup when it was hot.

"Xing, I smell that this fish soup is not fishy, ​​you drink it." Miao Dalan persuaded Xihua.

Astragalus fish soup, Du Laoqi said that it can nourish the body, but her apricot just can't drink it, not only this kind of soup, but also several kinds of tonic soup that Du Laoqi said, which is very worrying.

Xihua smelled it when Zheng Jinghong delivered it. Fortunately, her stomach was very honest and she didn't churn because it was for the whole family, so she didn't taste it.

(End of this chapter)

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