Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 857 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 857 There is something wrong with this world (31)

Xi Hua inspected several houses led by the Cai family in Fengshi, but failed to find anything worthy of attention.

It is possible that it was hidden elsewhere in advance.

The person arrested by the Cai family had direct contact with the Ma family, so his status would not be high.

If he was taller, he would not have direct contact with the Ma family who were used as saber users.

It is the one who is pushed out to cover all the crimes, so as to get out the Cai family who really gave the order.

Cai's family wants her life, and Xi Hua won't just let it go.

The Cai family on the other side of the capital might be the culprit, so Yuhua did not touch the Cai family on the Fengcheng side for the time being.

From the history of the Cai family she found, the Cai family is not as simple as it seems.

The Cai family was born as a landlord and gentry in the past. They made money from national disasters and transferred a large amount of property overseas, and some of them went overseas.

A few years ago, the Cai family was sent to the farm, which was related to their overseas branch.

When she has free time, she will stroll around the Cai family's place to see if she can get something of value.

During this period of time, the Cai family kept a low profile and stopped socializing, which made it easier for Xihua to stroll around.

Xihua came to the house of Cai Shizhong, the current patriarch of the Cai family, and saw that his house was lively again. After listening to it, it turned out that they were going back to the old house to burn paper for the ancestors.

Maybe we can find something in Cai's old house.

Xi Hua is going to follow the past to have a look.

The Cai family's old house is fifty or sixty miles away from Feng City, so the Cai family naturally drove there.

It is not very convenient to take a taxi now, and besides, a strange vehicle driving into the village will be very eye-catching.

After knowing the location of the old house, Yuhua saw a bus and got on it.

The bus broke down once on the road, the driver master repaired it for a while, and the bus restarted.

This reminded Huahua that new types of transportation vehicles should be arranged as soon as possible.

Cai's old house occupies a large area.

Xi Hua inspected the past with her mental power and finally found something.

In Cai Shizhong's old house, she found several documents received in the secret safe, and there was a familiar pattern in the documents.

In the center of the pattern is a fisheye with several lines radiating outward.

This is the secret organization of the Yuyu nation, the logo of the Fish Eye Society.

Yuyu people are well-known financial hooligans||, and the Fisheye Club is an organization they use to exploit the interests of other countries. People from other countries cannot join if they have not betrayed their own interests.

It is clearly written in the information that the overseas branch of the Cai family joined the Fish Eye Society as early as 50 years ago, and the overseas branch has always maintained contact with the Cai family in China.

From this point of view, the Cai family was not wronged at all when they were sent to the farm a few years ago. On the contrary, the punishment was too light.

Now Hua Hua knew why the Cai family wanted to put her to death, because she came up with a new source code.

Now the source code in the world is actually in the hands of Yu Yuzu. The Cai family may not believe that the source code she created can really work, but they don't want her to have a chance to do it.

Xi Hua copied all these materials into the space, so as not to be transferred by the Cai family.

Having found what she was looking for, she didn't stay here any longer and went back by bus.

The matter of the Cai family should be handed over to the state apparatus.

Mr. Qian will come over soon, and when her importance is confirmed, her words will carry weight.


He Shuyue came to see Yuhua again, saying that she wanted to lend her some money.

The news that Xi Hua sold the drawings to the factory reached He Shuyue's ears, and He Shuyue was interested in the money.

After such a big incident happened to Xihua, He Shuyue only called to ask about it, but did not come over. He Shuyue came to the door immediately when she heard that Xihua sold for a large sum of money.

Yu Hua said, "Wang Bing asked you to borrow it." He Shuyue always rushed forward, and Wang Bing always hid behind to come up with ideas and tease people.

He Shuyue was upset, "How can you call your Uncle Wang's name directly, ordinarily, calling him Dad is the right thing to do."

"Since he hit my admission letter, he doesn't deserve me to call him uncle."

"You child, why have you held grudges for so long?" He Shuyue didn't dare to say too much, but she knew how powerful this daughter was, "It wasn't him, it was me who wanted to borrow it. I want to retire early and run a Changzi, I don’t have enough money, so I want to borrow some from you.”

Yuhua really admires the correction power of the timeline, the plot has been changed by her like this, He Shuyue can still go on the plot, "No borrowing."

She checked He Shuyue's protagonist halo, which was already very weak.

It wasn't this weak last time.

Just as she thought, once Lu Fang's main storyline was opened, He Shuyue, the protagonist, was no longer the fundamental pillar of the current world.

Since this is the case, whether or not He Shuyue's subsequent plot will leave has little impact on the world, so she doesn't have to pay attention to He Shuyue.

The original owner doesn't have much affection for He Shuyue, let alone her.

At most, after He Shuyue turns 60, she can just pay alimony according to regulations.

He Shuyue failed to borrow money, so she left in a sulky stomach.


After Xihua bought some food and returned home, she took the computer she developed out of the space.

In order to avoid being stolen and destroyed, she puts important things such as computers into the space when she goes out.

Seeing that there was still time, she tapped again.

More than half an hour later, the person she was waiting for arrived.

It's Mr. Qian and his party.

There were fifteen or sixteen people, most of whom were protecting Mr. Qian's safety.

Yuhua's yard was originally not big, so many people came in, making the yard look cramped.

Qian Lao is an old man with almost white hair, ordinary clothes, wrinkled face, but hale and hearty.

He stretched out his hand to Yu Hua, "Xiao Lu, Lu Banxia, ​​right. I'm Qian Weisong."

"Good old Qian."

Because we had a lot of calls back, the two sides were not unfamiliar, and after a few conversations, we got straight to the point.

The room was small, only Mr. Qian came in with a few entourages, and the others stayed outside.

As soon as he entered the room, Mr. Qian saw a strange looking machine, stepped forward quickly, and touched the screen of the machine, "Is this the machine?"

What Xiao Zhou noticed was the lower part of the machine, "Why do you still have legs? Can't it be a robot?"

"Yeah. It's easy to move around."

Elder Qian also looked down, and he saw something unusual, "Can this leg go up steps?"

"Stairs under [-] centimeters can be climbed, but steps over [-] centimeters will not work."

Qian Lao didn't ask more about the legs. Compared with the outside, he was looking forward to the software inside, "Xiao Lu, can you open it and have a look."

"Okay." Yu Hua turned on the power of the computer, and a picture appeared on the screen in a second or two.

Xiao Zhou couldn't help exclaiming, "Old Qian, it's really three-dimensional!"

Yuhua didn't want to copy the direction of technological development in Feng Lili's world.

The more advanced technology is, the more beneficial it is for the timeline to change. The computer made by Hua Hua refers to interstellar technology. Under the current conditions, three-dimensional images are the most cutting-edge technology she can achieve.

(End of this chapter)

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