Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 863 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 863 There is something wrong with this world (37)

Now that the big talk was out, Shao Shi used all his strength to lift the box to the test bench.

Fortunately, he never stopped exercising, so he didn't lose face.

After putting down the box, Shao Shi didn't rashly say that he wanted to help, and stepped aside to watch with the others.

I saw the other party open two large boxes, and methodically combined the parts in the boxes into a set of equipment with exposed parts and wires.

The equipment has many parts and dense connections. It is a very complicated instrument, but it does not have a delicate shell, and it does not look like much futuristic technology.

Shao Shi had a big question mark in his heart.

"Comrade Lu, shall we start now?"

The questioner was Staff Officer Jin, the person in charge of the army. He really hoped that this technology would be successful. Many soldiers are disabled due to injuries. The existing prosthetics are not only difficult to use, but also wear them for a long time, which will cause damage to the residual limbs. secondary injury.

Let alone [-]% to [-]% of the flexibility of real hands and feet, it can reach [-]% to [-]% or even [-]%.

Yu Hua nodded, "It's time to start."

She didn't have any professional titles or positions, and her education was only high school, so "Comrade Lu" became her title.

She turned on the device, and the light on the device came on.

Shao Shi stared intently.

I saw that the other party opened a rectangular metal container in this group of equipment, and the container contained a prosthetic limb of the left lower limb.

The surface of the prosthesis looks like plastic, but from the section above the prosthesis, you can see the metal skeleton inside.

The color of the prosthesis is white and it looks fake.

Today it is his patient who is wearing the prosthesis, and he can recognize at a glance that this prosthesis is for his patient.

That's it?

A prosthetic limb that looks like it's been sawn off a mannequin?Moreover, there is no design to connect with the severed limb?

There were more question marks in Shao Shi's heart.

The soldier who broke his left calf was called Chen Fang. After a period of training, he had gathered mental strength.

He had been waiting early in the morning, and he had more confidence in Yu Hua than anyone else.

Even more incredible mental powers are real, how could it be impossible for him to have a prosthetic limb that allows him to move freely.

Seeing the prosthetic limbs that looked like plastic mannequin legs, Chen Fang didn't question much.

"You put your left leg in this container, as long as it touches the prosthetic," Hua Hua said.

Chen Fang lifted his left leg, which was only ten centimeters below the knee, and when he was halfway up, he suddenly stopped moving.

Not only Chen Fang, everyone and everything in the room were still.

Not only in this room, but the entire hospital, the entire block, and the entire city have all entered a state of quiescence.

Except Yuhua.

Of course it wasn't Xi Hua's doing. Time stands still, making this world more fragile.

The door opened, and a person walked in from the outside.

This man has red hair and is wearing a luxurious robe that cannot be seen from the times. He has a handsome appearance and is indisputable.

The red-haired man was a little surprised to see that Yuhua didn't stop, and asked Yuhua, "What's your background?"

Yu Hua asked back, "What's your background?"

The red-haired man laughed, "I haven't met a person like you for many years. With a little adventure and a cheat, you can do whatever you want."

Yu Hua nodded, "You're right." It seems that the other party's adventures and tricks are very powerful, and can interfere with the time of a world, at least they have mastered some rules.

The red-haired man had an extra black sickle in his hand, and he slammed the handle of the sickle on the ground, "Did you come out of your body by yourself, or did I pull you out of your body?"

Hua Hua made a comparison, and the red-haired man's sickle was more complicated than the sickle pattern she used to gather with evil energy. However, although the red-haired man's sickle exuded Yin energy, the red-haired man was by no means evil, let alone this side. The way of the world.

She asked curiously, "Are you doing this to maintain world peace?"

The red-haired man didn't show any fear when he saw Yu Hua, and his face became serious, "You shouldn't bring technology that doesn't belong to this world into this world. If you do this, it will interfere with the development order of the entire plane and destroy the development of the plane. run."

"I just accelerated the progress of the world's civilization." Yu Hua said, "And you, by stopping the time of the whole world, are breaking the rules of heaven. You are talking about maintaining the righteousness of the plane, and you are doing the deed of exterminating the world." .”

The red-haired man made a sudden move, and the sickle in his hand harvested from Yu Hua.

Yu Hua was faster than him, the rope of punishment was thrown out, passed through the scythe, tied the red-haired man, and threw the terrified red-haired man into the Sanwu space.

Using the power of the rules that exceeded the capacity of the body, Yu Hua's body suffered from many decays. She took two genetic repair agents in succession to restore her body.

However, there is no way to make up for the depleted body, that is to say, the lifespan of her body has been shortened.

She inspected it, and not surprisingly, cracks appeared in the deep layers of this world.

Time stillness means that the timeline of this world is entangled by foreign rules, forming a static state.

While the entanglement is temporary, the stasis undoes itself.

But the longer the static state, the more destructive it is to the rules of the world.

Xi Hua took another gene repair agent to prepare, released the power of rules, and cleared out the foreign rules that imprisoned the timeline.

Time stands still.


Chen Fang put his left leg on the end of the metal container with the circular notch, making contact with the plastic prosthesis.

Something magical happened.

The plastic prosthesis seemed to be alive, and the plastic at the top fracture melted, flowing and spreading towards Chen Fang's severed limb, enveloping it.

Now, no one will think that the surface of the prosthetic is made of plastic.

It stopped when it reached the knee, and apart from the different colors, the prosthetic and severed limbs were seamlessly connected.

This was not over yet, the color of Bai Chacha's prosthetic limb changed, from top to bottom, like an ebbing tide, it became Chen Fang's original skin color.

If he hadn't seen the prosthetic limb connected to the severed limb with his own eyes, he would have believed that Chen Fang's leg was the original one.

Because there was a video camera in the room recording, Shao Shi refrained from asking any questions, but he was so excited that he must have witnessed the opening of a new era of medical treatment, not possibly.

Xi Hua put the spiritual power assist device on Chen Fang's head, and helped him put the spiritual power thread into the prosthesis.

The prosthetic limb is connected to Chen Fang's body through virtual meridians, connected by spiritual force wires, which can automatically receive instructions from the brain.

Chen Fang couldn't stop his excitement, "I feel it, my legs are back."

After taking off the weird helmet on his head, he sensed the existence of his left calf!
"Can I stand?" He asked Yu Hua impatiently.

"Yes. You can also walk, but you have to slow down and get used to it first."

When Chen Fang stood up and tried to walk a few steps, the room burst into thunderous applause, which lasted for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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