Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 873 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 873 There is something wrong with this world (47)

"Ban Xia, I was admitted. I passed the exam!" Lu Fang's excited voice came from the phone.

Yu Hua congratulated, "Congratulations, you finally got your wish." With Lu Fang's hard work, it is inevitable that she will be admitted to the University of Chinese Medicine.

Lu Fang got her medical qualification certificate a year ago. Just like in the plot, she realized the importance of a diploma. After discussing with her master, she decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Thanks to the traditional Chinese medicine classics presented by Yuhua, Mr. Cao's medical skills have been improved and his reputation has become more famous. With the expansion effect of mobile phones and the Internet, people from all over the country come here to seek medical advice.

Lu Fang has also gained some fame. In terms of medical skills, she is not as good as Cao Lao in other aspects, but her first-hand acupuncture and moxibustion skills are already outstanding, and she has a good reputation among patients.

So far, the main line has not deviated.

"My master said he was going to hold a celebration banquet for me. It's at the Xiangsidi Hotel. At six o'clock tomorrow night, you must come over, okay?"

"Okay. I'll definitely go there."

"Oh~" Lu Fang shouted happily, "Then it's settled, busy man."

As if afraid that Yu Hua would go back on his word, Lu Fang hung up the phone quickly.

Xi Hua sensed the erosion of the timeline.

Is there a change in the mainline?

It won't be He Shuyue's main line.

After having the mastermind, the eager intruder, Yu Hua changed her approach and continued He Shuyue's main line.

Although He Shuyue's protagonist's aura is much weaker, but one more foundational pillar can work, which is only good for the stability of the world.

She lent money to He Shuyue and asked He Shuyue to open a food factory.

It was also because He Shuyue had never done anything to her since she refused to borrow money. After knowing that she was rich, not only did she not visit her, but she also restrained Wang Zhi and Wang Yao from coming to her.

It was Wang Bing who prompted Wang Zhi to come to her. He Shuyue scolded Wang Zhi when he found out about it. Since then, Wang Zhi has never dared to come again.

Regardless of He Shuyue's fear of her or other reasons, it is true that he saved her trouble.

He Shuyue is really good at management. The food factory started up very quickly. Now, the scale has expanded five or six times.

Xihua has been monitoring He Shuyue's main line, and it is moving towards the plot. He Shuyue gave more than half of the shares to Wang Bing, and Wang Bing lived a life of soft food and more food.

Wang Zhi didn't get into university, and He Shuyue spent money to get him a Wei Peisheng to study food processing. The meaning couldn't be more clear, and he wanted Wang Zhi to take over the food factory.

The main line of Lu Banxia has long been abandoned, and it has not changed.

That's only Lu Fang's side.

Lu Fang's admission to the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine belongs to the main storyline and will not cause the timeline to be washed out.

Could it be that something happened to the Wei family?

Xi Hua looked online.

As a hacker, she was very careful, even though she was the creator of the system.

The biggest advantage of the Taiyi system is that it runs perfectly and has few loopholes, making it difficult for hackers to exist in it.

As a hacker, she only checks some information and does not touch the data, so she has been relatively safe.

No one in the Wei family had any accidents and everything was normal.

Looking at Chang's house again, nothing special happened.

Wei Simin married Chang Peng two years ago, and had a child some time ago.

It is possible that the Wei family knew in advance that their daughter was in the wrong arms.

Yuhua checked Wei Siqing's whereabouts, and sure enough, Wei Siqing came to Fengshi.


It's the robot coming.

The robot can improve its legs to walk silently, but the robot itself likes the rhythm of walking and keeps it.

Xi Hua closed the page.

The robot has completely changed from when it was first made, it looks more like a mecha, and it feels full of iron.

Xi Hua asked the robot, "Is there any movement from the main brain?"

The robot replied, "Yes, the mastermind has detected an abnormality, and gave me an order to start building an outpost."

Yu Hua was not surprised, or this was the result she wanted.

The main brain is in a high dimension, and can easily monitor the changes in the operation of the low-dimensional world.

According to the process of capturing the low-dimensional world, the data will start when the low-dimensional world runs to the end of the plot and the world enters a static state.

The low-dimensional world at this point in time is like a behemoth falling asleep, easily put on shackles.

To digitize the low-dimensional world, it is first necessary to establish outposts in the low-dimensional world for several years.

These outposts are empty data base stations, which are connected to the main brain after they are built, so that the main brain can transmit data, and the base station is used as a point to digitize the low-dimensional world.

The low-dimensional world is also an independent world, which can allow individuals to enter, but cannot accommodate the mastermind connected to the Yaoga Federation. The result of the mastermind's forcible intrusion will collapse the world.

Observers are datamen, specially modified for the low-dimensional world.

What the mastermind wants to do to the low-dimensional world that has not been successfully captured is all done by the observer.

The establishment of outposts is no exception.

The low-dimensional world that has not entered a static state is an awake giant beast. If you put a rope around its neck, the giant beast will definitely resist.

Generally, the main brain will not issue such instructions before the low-dimensional world enters a static state.

Xi Hua accelerated the process of science and technology, and the timeline gradually deviated from the original direction of travel. Once the energy block appeared, the timeline deviated even more. According to the main brain, the water blue star world has a tendency to break away from the low-dimensional world.

The mastermind judged that the world of the water blue star needs to be captured in advance, so he gave the observers of the water blue star an order to establish an outpost.

"Reply to the main brain and say that you will start building it immediately." The virus program has been written, and there is only one chance to transmit it to the main brain. The outpost is the Dongfeng.

"Comrade Lu, in fact, I can delay for a while." On the screen of the robot's eyes, a worried emoji was displayed.

When the mobile phone was updated to the third generation, a brand-new network system was used. The large screen of the mobile phone was not only used as a TV, but also became a tool for virtual communication, and emojis quickly became popular.

The robot is a loyal user of emoji, expressing expressions that its iron face cannot.

"Don't procrastinate, lest the mastermind find out that you are not Wukan. Even if you procrastinate, you won't be able to procrastinate for much time, so let's get used to it first. It's fine if you build it slowly."

Xi Hua didn't let the robot know about writing the virus. The robot has self-awareness, so who knows if it will turn against the water.

"Shui Lan understands." The robot stood still for a while, "It has replied."

Yu Hua glanced at the robot's legs, "What function have you added to your legs?"

I don't know what strange things were mixed in when the autonomous consciousness was generated. The robot not only has cleanliness, but is also particularly keen on modifying its legs.

Now the robot has two 1.8-meter... big iron legs, which are full of pendants, some are hidden inside, and some are clearly hung outside.

(End of this chapter)

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