Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 878 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 878 There is something wrong with this world (52)

"That's right." Yu Hua said, "The reason they didn't come to you three years ago is because you can bring benefits to the Wei family now, and come to pick the fruits."

"Crack." Yu Hua slapped the table with one hand, "If you don't want to listen, you have to listen to me."


The tabletop was slapped everywhere by the palm, and several cracks were split, and the cracks quickly expanded half of the tabletop.

The table in the meeting room is a thick solid wood long table.

A layer of panic appeared in the eyes of the Wei family.

They regretted not letting the bodyguards come with them.

Originally, he wanted to let Lu Fang recognize the Wei family in private first, so it was not easy to let outsiders be present, so he didn't let the entourage in.

If this woman slaps a person with her palm, she must not be slapped half to death.

Wei's father said, "Since you want to talk, go ahead." What he wanted was to stabilize the other party first.

"It would have been better if it had been like this earlier. Continue to continue." Yu Hua said, "Wei Siqing conducted a secret investigation and found out that his second sister was born with the wrong person. His real second sister is Lu Fang.

Wei Siqing personally came to Fengshi to see what it was like to see his second sister.After reading it, Wei Siqing weighed which sister was more beneficial to him and the Wei family.

Lu Fang's own sister was an apprentice in a private medical clinic at the time. When Wei Siqing looked for her, he saw Lu Fang wearing an old smock, doing manual labor like a small laborer.

And Wei Simin, graduated from university, has a good job, and has a fiancé who is also from a wealthy family.

Comparing the two, it is more beneficial for him to do business with the Wei family if he does not recognize Lu Fang.It's better to use this matter to control Wei Simin, so that even if Wei Simin marries into the Chang family, his heart will always be the Wei family, Wei Siqing. "

Yuhua glanced at Wei Siqing, "You can refute me, it's because Wei Simin has been your second sister for more than 20 years, and you have a deep brother-sister relationship with her. There must be a brother-sister relationship, but you let your sister go When stealing the quotation from the future in-law's family, why didn't I think about what would happen to my sister if she was caught by the Chang family?
After Lu Fang got her doctor's qualification certificate, Lu Fang's value increased a bit, but it was not enough.Lu Fang has gained a little fame in medical skills, and her value has increased again.

Not long ago, Lu Fang obtained a patent for an improved prescription, which was admitted to a graduate student. The value suddenly surpassed that of Wei Simin, and the future potential is even greater.

Besides, Wei Simin has married into the Chang family, had a child, and his position is very stable. This will reveal his background and have little effect on Wei Simin.

So, you guys came here, just in time to pick Lu Fang, the golden fruit.If Lu Fang's patented prescription is put into production, it can bring a lot of profits to the Wei family.

Lu Fang also has good medical skills and recognized the Wei family. Not only is the health of the Wei family more assured, but she can also develop new contacts with her good medical skills.

The better Lu Fang's medical skills, the greater the benefits to the Wei family.You will refute me, saying that you just want to recognize your own children, and what you value is family affection.

I don't deny that there is a family relationship, and the biological child is recognized as an official.

It doesn't matter what you say, it depends on actual actions.In the future, Lu Fang's prescriptions have nothing to do with you, and you don't need Lu Fang's medical skills to manage contacts. I will respect the greatness of your family. "

In the book, Lu Fang is a skilled person who concentrates on curing diseases and saving lives, and the patented prescriptions are handed over to the Wei family and Ji Rufan to produce them.

Wei Siqing didn't want Lu Fang to marry Ji Rufan, because Ji Rufan was ambitious and would take Lu Fang's prescriptions in his hands, and later he was willing, because Ji Rufan didn't eat alone, so Wei Siqing joined the pharmaceutical factory and became shareholder.

This is Xi Hua's interpretation of the plot in the book from another angle.

In the book, this matter is regarded as the performance of the Wei family and the Ji family's relatives, to reflect how happy Lu Fang is after marriage. Not only did he not have a birth with the Wei family, but he also had a new relative, the Ji family.

Said that when Ji Rufan told Lu Fang about the pharmaceutical factory, Lu Fang complained of a headache. She told Ji Rufan that she believed him completely, and don't use the pharmaceutical factory to torture her head, as long as she had a lot of money to spend.

In fact, Lu Fang did it on purpose, because she was afraid that her meddling in the pharmaceutical factory would make Ji Rufan difficult to do in front of outsiders.

Or say this book is poisonous.

The requirements for the heroine in the book are: virtuous, virtuous, virtuous.No matter how capable the heroine is, she is still a considerate little woman in front of her husband.

The book only says that Lu Fang gave birth to a child at an advanced age, and her life was complete. After the book is finished, I don't know if there will be any changes in the future.

Although the plots in the real world are different from those in the book, this world is created based on the book after all, especially the things and people related to the protagonist will be closer to those in the book.

Yu Hua has been paying attention to the Wei family, and has a good understanding of the personalities and work styles of everyone in the Wei family. The Wei family is not the type of people who do all kinds of bad things, but they attach great importance to interests and have a cold temper. In front of interests, family affection must be placed behind.

The meeting room was quiet.

The Wei family was very angry, but seeing the cracks on the table, they didn't speak easily.

A good meeting with relatives is completely disturbed by the other party. There is no such thing as excitement, tears of joy, and pain of hugging the head that should be involved in the recognition of relatives.

Now that they have ulterior motives for recognizing their relatives, how can they build a good relationship with Lu Fang?In the future, whenever there is a little bit of Lu Fang's light, Lu Fang will think of what this woman said today.

Moreover, it seems that Lu Fang trusts this woman very much.

Father Wei sighed, "Lu Fang, I know you may not believe us now, it doesn't matter, we can call the Lu family over, sit down and have a good talk, and then do a genetic test again under the witness of the two families .

We don't ask too much from you, we only ask you to have a good life in the future.You will know later, the Wei family is not short of money. "

Wei Siqing found out what was wrong with Yuhua, and sneered, "You keep saying it's for Lu Fang's good. I can't see it.

Your words cannot justify themselves.You said that you found out that I came here more than three years ago, you even found out about Wei Simin, and you found out about my so-called trade-offs, why didn't you tell Lu Fang?

You knew about Lu Fang's background a long time ago, but you didn't tell Lu Fang at all, what kind of purpose do you have? "

Yu Hua smiled at Lu Fang, "Yes, I knew about the Wei family, and knew that you might have a problem with your background, but I didn't tell you. I put up the banner for your own good, because what the Wei family values ​​most is profit.

I have known you for more than ten years. My friend of more than ten years can hide some things from you, in the name of your own good. Strangers are more likely to do so.

It took more than 20 years to know that the other party is a relative of a relative, and if you know that you are a relative who your sister chooses not to recognize because of the small benefits you bring, she will lie to you and use you. "

(End of this chapter)

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