Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 880 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 880 There is something wrong with this world (54)

You can only watch people leave, otherwise, what should you do?Not to mention that it is unlikely that they will stay, even if the other party stops, what would they say?
What I said just now has reached that point, and if I continue talking, it will only get worse and worse.

After the two left, no one spoke in the conference room for a while, only Wei's mother's intermittent humming was heard.

Father Wei frowned a few deep lines, and asked Wei Siqing, "Did you really find out more than three years ago that your second sister was wrong?"

Wei's mother also stopped humming, and looked at Wei Siqing with a sad face, "Si Qing, you already knew?"

Wei Siqing wanted to deny it, but this matter has not been investigated. He adjusted his glasses, "Yes. I saw the medical report of my second sister three years ago, and saw that the blood type was wrong, so I came here to check."

"Brother, you really knew about it a long time ago." Wei Siming's heart was shaken, "Also, what does Lu Banxia do?"

Wei Siqing glanced at Wei Siming, "Look it up online."

Father Wei scolded, "Since you have found Lu Fang, you have to tell the family anyway."

Wei Siqing knew that Father Wei was blaming him for not finding out about Lu Fang's relationship with Lu Banxia.

Compared with Lu Fang's potential, befriending Lu Banxia can bring more benefits to the Wei family.

He gave a reason, "I checked Lu Fang's relationship back then, and what I found out was that Lu Fang and Lu Banxia broke up for some reason, and the two never came back.

If we recognize Lu Fang, we may offend Lu Banxia. Based on her status in Mr. Qian's place, she can bring a lot of trouble to the Wei family with just one word.

In addition, Simin and Chang Peng were not yet married at that time, and if they recognized Lu Fang, the Chang family might regret their marriage.Anyway, Simin has called me my big brother for more than 20 years, so I can't leave her alone. "

Wei's father also knew his elder son well, and knew that what Wei Siqing said was not entirely true, but the matter had become like this, and it was unnecessary to pursue it too clearly, so he accepted Wei Siqing's statement on the face of it, "What you did back then The decision was hasty."

"She is your real second sister." Mother Wei beat her chest again.

Wei Siqing explained to Wei's mother, "It's not that I don't want to admit it, but I dare not. Mom, you also read the investigation data. There were three girls born on the same night as the second sister in that hospital, and Lu Fang was one of them. one.

I couldn't find another one at the time, so I couldn't tell which one was wrong, so I didn't tell you guys first. "

"But she looks so much like me, how can you not see it." Mother Wei said with some complaints.

"Okay, don't blame Si Qing anymore." Wei's father said, "You don't have to look the same, and there was no genetic testing technology back then, so how can you be sure just by your looks. Don't cry, your body has experienced a lot of pain. I can't stop tossing like this."

After listening to Wei's father, Wei's mother stopped humming.

Father Wei said again, "What should be recognized is still to be recognized. The blood of the Wei family cannot be left outside. Si Qing, you will go to the Lu family in person in a while. Be polite to the Lu family and make sure to let them come..."


After leaving the meeting room, Yuhua and Lu Fang did not leave, and opened a room in the hotel to talk, and Yuhua told Lu Fang everything about the Wei family she found.

She came prepared and brought all the materials, including electronic versions, which were sent to Lu Fang's mobile phone.

Of course, she would not tell Lu Fangshui that the Blue Star World is a world in a book and that she is the heroine of the book.

"...I did do it for your own good, and didn't tell you."

Lu Fang had calmed down. After listening and reading, she thought for a while and said, "Ban Xia, you can't blame me for this. The Wei family didn't intend to recognize me at that time. dislike."

She remembered Wei Siqing's look of disdain when he looked at her more than three years ago, and laughed at herself, "He would dislike me for not being worthy of the noble lintel of their Wei family, and deny me. Now, look at me It's useful, so I came to recognize it.

Fortunately, you didn't tell me that I was more than three years ago, and I was immature. It is really possible to go to the Wei family. When the time comes, the Wei family will hold their noses and recognize me. They will only treat me like a poor relative who climbed up. .

If you want to recognize me now, that's fine, but don't try to pinch me, if you're in a hurry, I won't let them get it. "

Yu Hua saw that when Lu Fang said this, the protagonist's aura automatically turned on.

Lu Fang's protagonist halo has also become stronger.

Xi Hua did a comparison, and Lu Fang's protagonist's aura is now five times that of hers.

It shows that Lu Fang's role as a pillar is even greater.

It is not difficult to understand that as the timeline progresses, the role of He Shuyue and Wang Bing as pillars becomes smaller and smaller.

Xi Hua went to see Zheng Hui some time ago, and his luck as the protagonist is completely gone. He is no longer the protagonist, so he naturally lost the aura of the protagonist.

Needless to say, her protagonist aura is constantly weakening, and Ji Zifan's protagonist aura is weaker than hers.

Lu Fang has almost become the only pillar.

The protagonist is the main pillar of the world, and the protagonist's halo has a bit of a spiritual nature. Lu Fang said that he would not let the Wei family get well. If the Wei family dared to plot against Lu Fang, they would definitely regret it.

Yuhua also noticed that although Lu Fang rationally thought that she could not blame her, the inadvertent emotions showed that Lu Fang had a little grudge against her in his heart.

She can understand.

Having said all they had to say, the two were about to leave the hotel.

In the lobby of the hotel, I met Ji Rufan by chance.

This is probably the natural attraction between the heroine and the heroine. The plot has changed, but it is still easy to meet each other.

Seeing Yuhua, Ji Rufan came over to say hello, "Miss Lu, we meet again." He glanced at Lu Fang standing next to Yuhua, feeling a sense of deja vu, but he didn't pay much attention.

What he needs to care about is Lu Banxia, ​​and he doesn't have to and can't cast his eyes on other women.

The other party was polite, and Yu Hua responded politely, "Yes. Hello."

Ji Rufan smiled and suggested, "If Ms. Lu hasn't eaten, why don't you go have a light meal together?"

"No, I have something else to do." Yu Hua naturally refused.

Ji Rufan's intentions are too obvious, and Yu Hua won't give him any chance.

After Ji Rufan found her, she checked Zha Ji's house.

Ji's family is a noble and scholarly family with a good reputation, but being noble means not as rich as a wealthy family.

In many cases, people are respected first and then people. The Ji family also wants to be rich.

But the Ji family couldn't let go of the noble style, and didn't want to be in that kind of low-level industry, so they opened a gallery.

With the connections of the Ji family, the gallery will be very profitable when it is opened, but the Ji family is not very good at doing business, and they have a good face. They set up a big stall as soon as they come up. The initial investment and operating costs are very high. The profit of the gallery Not much, and sometimes a loss.

Ji Rufan is better than the rest of the Ji family, and he doesn't look down on other industries, but he doesn't want to start with a small workshop or small business, but wants to find an opportunity with a high starting point.

Ji Rufan chose her.

(End of this chapter)

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