Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 888 There is something wrong with this world

Chapter 888 There is something wrong with this world (62)

"I've also heard this rumor. It is said that in the future, the Internet will be graded. Those who have no mental strength can only access the youth website, and those who have spiritual strength can enter the public website."

In order to avoid the bad influence of practice on teenagers whose brains are not fully developed, it is stipulated that they can only practice spiritual power after they reach adulthood. In this way, there is an additional grading standard for grading online.

"So, if you can practice, let's practice." Wang Yao packed her things and said to Wu Yaling, "I won't go back to the dormitory today."

Wu Yaling enviously said, "Go to your sister's house again, you and your sister have a really good relationship."

Wang Yao smiled and didn't say much, "I'm going to my sister's house."

He left the school with his bag.

After Wang Yao went to university, she never told any of her classmates that Lu Banxia was her sister.

In high school, she didn't think too much about it. After meeting her sister by chance with Yan Junshi, and seeing Yan Junshi's hospitality to her sister, she realized that Yan Junshi, the school grassroots who responded to every trick at school, behaved to her. She is very friendly, all because Lu Banxia is her sister.

Later facts also proved her idea, the Yan family got the opportunity to cooperate with her sister.

After that, people came to her from time to time and asked her to help introduce her to her sister, which made her very annoyed.

Standing at the school gate, Wang Yao was extremely proud when she saw the silver solar-powered cars.

In the external publicity, it was only mentioned that Lu Banxia was one of the main developers of solar cells for mobile phones and computers, but Wang Yao knew that her sister developed more things, but for some reason she didn't make it public.

She reached out and stopped a solar-powered taxi and drove to the University of Chinese Medicine.

At the destination, Wang Yao got out of the car and walked to the appointed place.

When passing by an alley, she saw someone she knew.

Ji Rufan?
It's no wonder she has a good memory, it's because the other party's appearance is too good to be forgotten.

It was not completely dark yet, so Wang Yao saw Ji Rufan standing at the entrance of the alley with a petrified expression on his face.

Hearing the sound of fighting coming from the alley, Wang Yao looked into the alley and saw two people fighting.

One side is a woman, and the other side is three color-haired gangsters.

The woman is not tall, and she is unarmed. The three gangsters are all men, all taller than the woman, and one is very strong.

But it was the woman who beat the three gangsters, and beat the three gangsters so hard that they couldn't fight back.

When the three gangsters were lying down and could no longer or did not dare to get up, the woman stopped.

Wang Yao walked over, "Sister Fangfang, do you want to call the police?"

The three hooligans lying on the ground begged for mercy when they heard Wang Yao call the police.

"Please don't call the police."

"We don't know Taishan with our eyes, so you just treat us as farts."

"Please let us go, we will never dare again in the future."

The woman, that is, Lu Fang, glanced at the three gangsters, and shook her hair, "It's just a few gangsters who are drinking and looking for trouble, and it's fine after a beating. Let's go, don't delay the business."

Wang Yao gave Lu Fang a thumbs up.

She had seen Lu Fang's skills before, and knew that Lu Fang had started practicing Yun Sheng Gong a few years ago, she was envious for a while.

Wang Yao sometimes felt that her sister might have been a fairy in her previous life, but she came down to practice in this life, or else she knew everything, even kung fu.

The two walked out and met Ji Rufan who was standing at the entrance of the alley.

Ji Rufan no longer lost his composure just now, and greeted the two of them in a gentlemanly manner, "Miss Lu, Miss Wang. I didn't expect to meet you under such circumstances."

Wang Yao looked at Ji Rufan carefully, "Coincidentally, Mr. Ji always encounters incidents that require a hero to save the beauty."

Ji Rufan was almost suspicious of Wang Yao, and said helplessly, "I didn't find these three gangsters, I really happened to pass by."

He met Lu Fang by chance, but he didn't pass by. He wanted to meet Lu Fang on purpose.

The matter of the real and fake daughters of the Wei family has been talked about in the circle for a long time.Then he discovered that the real daughter of the Wei family was Lu Fang who had met once in Feng City.

Although he had just met Lu Fang in a hurry, for some reason, he had a deep impression on Lu Fang, and he even developed a good impression of her.

Lu Fang's potential in Chinese medicine is limitless, which made Ji Rufan want to pursue Lu Fang.

When he saw Lu Fang being entangled by three gangsters, he was overjoyed, thinking that it was the opportunity God gave him to perform, and was about to step forward to save the beauty, but before he could pass, he saw Lu Fang instantly transformed into a super soldier, The three gangsters pressed and beat.

Ji Rufan was really shocked, he didn't find out that Lu Fang was so good at fighting, the main reason was that Lu Fang's appearance was too deceptive, pure and beautiful, anyone who asked him would say that Lu Fang had a good temper.

Wang Yao shrugged, "I believe it." Believe me, idiot.

Last time she credulously believed that the other party met by chance and saved her, but it turned out that she had ulterior motives?Fortunately, she saw Ji Rufan was handsome and gentlemanly at the time, so she had a good impression of her.

For that matter, she has always felt a little angry in her heart.

She didn't have a good impression of Ji Rufan, she almost felt bad.But her sister said that it was an accident when the car hit her, and Ji Rufan gave her a hand, which really saved her and made it difficult for her to do anything else.

here again?
With the precedent, she can't take it for granted that the three gangsters are related to Ji Rufan.

Wang Yao rolled her eyes, and suddenly smiled at Ji Rufan, "Mr. Ji, I have a happy event to share with you. Sister Fangfang donated two of her patented medicines to the country, and she will be commended by the country later, Sister Fangfang." Said that all her patents will be dedicated to the country in the future.”

Wang Yao may have seen through his plan!Ji Rufan was a little annoyed in his heart, but his face was steady, "Congratulations, Miss Lu."

"Thank you." Lu Fang nodded to Ji Rufan, "Mr. Ji, we still have something to do, let's go first."

Ji Rufan smiled, "Please go ahead, both of you."

A jeep was parked on the road not far away.

"It's my sister's car." Wang Yao had sharp eyes, "My sister is here to pick us up."

Lu Fang also saw it, "Let's go."

The two walked quickly to the jeep.

Watching the two get into the jeep and drive away, Ji Rufan's heart skipped a beat, feeling that something important was lost.


In the jeep, Yu Hua withdrew his mental strength to observe Ji Rufan.

Just now, she witnessed the complete disappearance of the protagonist's halo on Ji Rufan.

That is to say, it is impossible for Ji Rufan to be with Lu Fang again.

Now there are three people who have lost the halo of the protagonist, Ji Rufan, her, and Zheng Hui.

Zheng Hui was the first to lose.

After Zheng Hui was fired, he started a business.He had some business acumen, and made a lot of money at the beginning, but was suppressed by others later, his business became worse and worse, and finally he had to go bankrupt.

He wanted to make a comeback several times, but he couldn't get up.

Now relying on odd jobs to get by.

She is the second to lose the protagonist's aura, but the loss of the protagonist's aura has no effect on her.

It can be seen that losing the aura of the protagonist does not mean that life will be bad in the future, but the extra "God's favor" is missing as the saying goes.

(End of this chapter)

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