Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 891 The system teaches you to be a fierce man

Chapter 891 The system teaches you to be a fierce man (2)

"Parallel worlds? Are there really parallel worlds?" There are many time-traveling themes in movies and TV shows. Cheng Wu is no stranger to words like parallel worlds and overhead worlds. Before encountering the system, she didn't believe in the existence of parallel worlds. The system has them all. , she had to believe.

Going back to the past is going back to the past of the parallel world?But then I can see my mother... No, no, I have to devour myself in the parallel world...

Cheng Wu's mind was half-brained, and she looked at Jin Guangtuanzi as if asking for help, "...can I only devour myself in the parallel world?"

"Only. There can only be one soul in a body. If you don't swallow the other party, the other party will swallow you." Yuhua observed it in the void world. This world is independent and has nothing to do with another parallel time and space. sex.

In other words, the souls of the two worlds are real and independent individuals, and there is no way to fuse them.

The self that devoured another world?Cheng Wu shook her head vigorously, "I won't go, I won't go." What she wanted was to go back to the past and save her mother.The mother in the parallel world is another own mother, not hers.

After all, could she not see her mother again? Cheng Wu's tears welled up again.


Cheng Wu heard a very loud sound of snapping fingers coming from inside the Jinguang Tuanzi, but the Jinguang Tuanzi obviously didn't have fingers, so how could they snap their fingers?

This distraction dissipated the grief she had gathered again.

"Bah." Another snap of his fingers, "Correct choice. You only have half of your soul left, and you won't be able to compete with you in the parallel world. At that time, the ending will either perish together, or you will be swallowed up. Dear."

Traveling to the parallel world costs energy, and the system will not pay for this loss-making deal first. After Cheng Wu reached a deal with the system, half of the power of the soul has been swallowed by the system.

The original Cheng Wu's soul is stronger than that of ordinary people, otherwise it would not meet the standard of the system host, but half of the power of the soul has been swallowed by the system, and it is weaker than ordinary people.

Cheng Wu was still not reconciled, "System, can you really not go back to the past?"

"No." The time nodes are not generated in a balanced manner.Yu Hua has searched for it, except for the time node she entered, the time node before Cheng Wu was born.

At that time, there was no Cheng Wu, and there was no way to carry out soul fusion in the past. Another thing, since she returned to the past with Cheng Wu's soul, the world has changed, which may lead to the birth of Cheng Wu.

There is no such person as Cheng Wu in the world, so what's the point of her going back to the past.

If you don't enter from the time node, the damage to the entire world is unpredictable, and Yuhua can and will not do such a thing.

The time node of another parallel world happened to be Cheng Wu's high school period.

Back then, the system couldn't do it either, and lied to Cheng Wu that she would go back to the past, but she actually went to a parallel world.

Cheng Wu murmured, "...system, that, the mother of the parallel world, how are you doing?"


After snapping her fingers, a picture appeared in Cheng Wu's mind, and the figure on it made Cheng Wu couldn't help shouting softly, "Mom."

It was her mother, her mother in high school, young, beautiful, and healthy.

The pictures are constantly changing, the mother at work, the mother leisurely strolling down the street, and the mother humming a song while driving.

My mother worked hard, bought a new house, and moved to a beautiful and comfortable community. My mother lived a very good life, and I could see the ease on her face when she was not smiling.

My mother has never remarried. After retiring, she fell in love with traveling and traveled all over the world, even leaving her presence in Antarctica.

My mother passed away in her 90s. She passed away peacefully, sitting on a deck chair on the balcony, and passed away with a smile.

A life is very long, and the images flashed very quickly. Cheng Wu watched her mother's life in just a few minutes.

"Mom..." Cheng Wu sobbed softly.Knowing that she is the mother of the parallel world, but she still unconsciously regards it as her own mother.

She is sad, but more happy, happy that the mother in the parallel world is living so happily.

There are some figures of myself in the parallel world appearing in the picture, and the self in the parallel world is doing well, and he is still a scientist.

very nice.

She felt ashamed again, just now she thought of replacing herself in the parallel world, but luckily she didn't do that.

Cheng Wu said sincerely, "Thank you, System." The system is really a good person.

"It's not a big problem. After you and I are bound, you will be in charge of me. It is my duty to keep you from crying."

Cheng Wu wiped away the tears on her face with her hands left and right, "I'm sorry, System, I won't cry anymore."

"Host, hurry up and wash your face. Your skin is dull, your eyes are dark, your lips are bloodless, and your eyes are bloodshot. Do you want to act in a ghost movie?"

"..." Cheng Wu was stunned by the system and didn't know how to respond.

She got out of bed silently, came to the bathroom, and saw herself in the mirror, with pale skin, two big dark circles, red and swollen eyes, really ugly.

She turned on the faucet and rinsed her eyes with water. The cold water made her swollen eyes feel better.

After washing his face, he habitually picked up the lotion from the closet next to him, poured it into the palm of his hand, and patted it on his face.

After clapping a few times, Cheng Wu's hand froze.

She couldn't eat or sleep well for several days, and she was not in the mood to wash her face, and her heart was in great pain.

How could it be less painful for her?Is it because I died once?

Cheng Wu hurriedly patted it a few more times, closed the closet door, and left the bathroom.

The golden dumplings in the room disappeared, and Cheng Wu panicked, "System! Are you there?"

"Here I am."

Cheng Wu's heart relaxed, "I couldn't see you, I thought you were gone."

"I need energy to show up, and you will often not see me in the future. You are bound to me, if you want to talk to me, just say it in your heart."

Before and after Xi Hua brought Cheng Wu back for a day, she bound the empty shell of the system with Cheng Wu for the convenience of contact.

The empty shell of the system is equivalent to a medium, allowing her to communicate with Cheng Wu through brainwaves.

"Oh, I see." Cheng Wu nodded hurriedly.

"It's midnight, so don't hurry to sleep. I can't catch up with the beauty sleep, at least I have to sleep to prevent sudden death."

Cheng Wu hurriedly went to bed, "I'm going to sleep now."

She lay down and closed her eyes.

I thought it was difficult to fall asleep, but my eyelids sank within a few seconds after I closed my eyes, and I soon fell asleep.

Cheng Wu's ability to fall asleep so quickly was thanks to Xi Hua's help.

She checked Cheng Wu's memory, and knew that she slept an average of less than three hours a day for more than a week. She lacked sleep and was under tremendous mental pressure. She was in a trance every day, and it was not surprising that she could commit suicide.

(End of this chapter)

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