Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 896 The system teaches you to be a fierce man

Chapter 896 The system teaches you to be a fierce man (7)

And her contract with the company is still a few years away, so she can't even leave the company.

She avoided this kind of thing today, but tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, there will be a day when she will not be able to avoid it.

Cheng Wu was extremely desperate.

This incident became the last straw that broke her spirit.

She took a taxi to the office building where the company was located, went up to the roof, and jumped down.


On Yan Xinzhi's left is President Jin of Yuliangtian Company, and the right is empty.

Seeing Cheng Wu coming in, all eyes were cast over, some were amazed, some were jealous, some were contemptuous, some were evil.

When Bian Yugui came in, she bowed to everyone, "I'm sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road, we are late."

They were all looking at Cheng Wu, but no one responded to Bian Yugui for a while.

Another agent passed the steps to Bian Yugui, "I'll be fined three cups tonight."

"That's for sure." Bian Yugui took the steps.

Boss Jin said to the man in the chief seat with a smile on his face, "Boss Yan, this is our company's artiste, Cheng Wu."

With lewd||evil eyes, Yan Xinzhi looked back and forth on Cheng Wu's face, "A real person is better than the one on TV. Rare, rare."

Boss Jin waved to Cheng Wu, "Cheng Wu, come here quickly and sit by Boss Yan's side."

Cheng Wu hesitated for a while.

The last time she couldn't sit down, and then she didn't know whether it was because of drinking or not sleeping well, her mind became drowsy, and her reaction to the outside world became sluggish.

But dullness does not mean no perception, she can clearly perceive that Yan Xinzhi's hands are always touching her body.

"Hurry up." Bian Yugui gently pushed Cheng Wu's back.

"There is revenge."

Hearing what the system said, Cheng Wu walked over, but when she pulled the chair to sit down, she took the opportunity to pull the chair farther away.

Yan Xinzhi squinted his eyes, and his greasy face became even more greasy, "Miss Cheng, no, I'd better call you Xiaowu, Xiaowu, you will be punished with three drinks for being late."

Said, and handed a wine glass in front of him to Cheng Wu, "This kind of fragrant wine is worthy of Xiao Wu's beauty."

"There is medicine in the wine." Yuhua said, "President Jin's secretary has leftover medicine."

Now it became clear why the pre-rebirth Cheng Wu felt groggy after drinking at this dinner.

"Do you really want to drink?" Cheng Wu asked uncertainly in her mind, "I'll be fine if I drink it?"

"The medicine is put in a wine bottle. After dilution, the effect will be obvious after drinking five or six cups." Yu Hua said, "It's time to do it, how about it, you give me your body now, and I will drink it .”

Cheng Wu looked a little impatient, "Hey, good. What should I do?"

"Just relax mentally."

When Cheng Wu was still thinking about how to relax mentally if it wasn't for asking the system, her mind flickered, and then she changed her perspective.

It was as if she was suspended outside her body, but she didn't see her own soul.

She saw herself picking up the glass and drinking it in one gulp.

Yan Xinzhi clapped his hands, "Good! Heroic! I didn't expect Xiaowu to be a hero among women."

Yu Hua put down his wine glass.

"Come on, I'll serve Xiao Wuman again." Yan Xinzhi stretched out his hand to the ice bucket in front of him.

The wine in the ice bucket was the one that was drugged.

"Hiss!" Yu Hua suddenly stood up, covering her forehead with one hand, "My head suddenly hurts very much." She said sharply, "There is medicine in the wine, someone must have put medicine in the wine!"

The whole room fell silent, everyone had different expressions.

Yan Xinzhi shrank his hand sharply.

"Cheng Wu, you..." Mr. Jin wanted to say, "What are you crazy about?", but 'Cheng Wu' opened his eyes wide and shouted, "My head hurts, my head hurts too much", facing Yan Xinzhi's face kick.

He watched Yan Xinzhi being kicked and flew to the wall.

"Ah." Several people uttered exclamations one after another.

Everyone else was frightened by this turn of events.

Although Yan Xinzhi was not tall, his fat body must have weighed [-] to [-] catties, and he was kicked and flew away by the delicate-looking Cheng Wu.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought it was a special effect even if the person was a real person.

Without Wia, Yan Xinzhi is not an actor, so this is definitely not acting!

The foreshadowing was over, and Yu Hua stopped talking, and punched President Jin in the face, and began revenge.

It's not just the evidence that there is medicine in the wine, it has already been verified by Yuhua, President Jin, Secretary Jin, Bian Yugui, and Yan Xinzhi have all been involved.

Mr. Jin was punched to the ground and shouted, "She's crazy! Hurry up, call someone!"

Yuhua stepped on President Jin's chest with one foot, kicked the toe, and kicked Secretary Jin who came to help with the other foot.

Bian Yugui was sitting near the door, trying to run out, but was hit by a plate thrown by Xihua, and fell to the ground with a scream.

Bian Yugui set an example, and the others did not dare to rush out. Some squatted under the table with their heads in their arms, and some hid behind the sofa next to them.

There was a crackling sound in the room, and there were constant cries of pain.

The biggest advantage of this kind of private room is that it has a special sound insulation treatment. Once the door is closed, the noise inside will not be transmitted to the outside.

Some people wanted to call someone, but found that the phone had no signal.

Mixed with the screams, it was even more frightening.

Soon, other people in the room discovered that there were only four people beaten by Cheng Wu, and as long as they didn't go up to fight, Cheng Wu would ignore them.

Combining with what Cheng Wu said before, "There is medicine in the wine", most of the people present were old-fashioned fritters from this kind of dinner, so they guessed what happened here.

Some already knew what Yan Xinzhi had in mind for Cheng Wu.

This time, instead of digging into the table, they hid the sofa, and stood aside, watching Cheng Wu beat someone.

Xi Hua didn't beat them badly, and the four of them only had a little bruising and swelling on their bodies.

She secretly buried mines in the bodies of the four of them, and the four of them would experience pain in different parts and at different times in the future.

The system used her body to hit someone, and Cheng Wu could not only see it, but also feel it.

After the system kicked Yan Xinzhi out, it was as if she had kicked Yan Xinzhi away by herself, so I felt very happy.

When the system hit someone, her heart was pounding hard.

If only she could be this good herself.

Since her mother passed away, the best thing that happened to her was being bound to the system.


After the fight, Yu Huala sat down in the chair, closed his eyes for a while, opened them, took out his mobile phone and called the police, "Come and save me, I've been drugged."

No one in the room knew what expression to show.Cheng Wu needs help?They are the ones to save.

This matter has reached the level of dispatch by state agencies. Everyone in the house wants to leave, but no one dares.

What if the irritating Cheng Wu goes crazy again?

"My God, her facial features are bleeding," one woman yelled.

Others also saw that Cheng Wu's eyes, nose, and mouth were oozing blood.

It's scary.

(End of this chapter)

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