Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 97 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 97 Borrowing a space to farm (30)

Before discovering the Qingjue space, Yuhua didn't think she could buy it or afford it. She originally planned to use the dosage to make up for the medicinal properties.

Knowing that there were ginseng in the mountains here, but very few, she was not sure she could find it, so she wanted to buy more ordinary ginseng.

The century-old ginseng in the space has much better medicinal properties than the century-old ginseng outside.

Ginseng does not need to be processed, it can be used directly.

The other two medicinal materials do not need to be processed too complicatedly. They also need to be fried, and the leaves can be washed and splashed with water.

With all the medicinal materials ready, Yan Hua lit the fire.

When cooking, the time of putting in the medicinal materials is different, and the points are scored.

She put in the medicinal materials that needed to be put into the casserole first, put the casserole on the fire, and started cooking.

The cooking process is not very complicated, just need patience.

Yu Hua didn't stare at the casserole. She devoted a little mental energy to pay attention while she was cultivating.

Cultivating in the Qingjue space is more effective than half the effort, with the blessing of spiritual energy, the effect of cultivation is not only one or two points.

After more than four hours, Jianhua got [-] pills, each about the size of a longan.

Yunsheng pills are taken in a special way, two pills a day for the first five times, and one pill a day thereafter.

Xi Hua took out two pills, divided each pill into two portions, and took them one by one.

Afterwards, she performed Yunsheng Kungfu, which can stimulate 100% of the medicine's power.

Half an hour later, after the medicine was completely digested and absorbed, Yu Hua stopped practicing.

The medicinal effect of Yunsheng Pill itself, plus the bonus of practicing Yunsheng Gong in space and space water.

The effect is very remarkable.

Her body swept away the heaviness and became lighter.

To compare with before, she was able to hunt a hare back before, and now she feels that she can challenge the wild boar family.

It doesn't mean that she can use mental power to assist her, but her physical fitness has actually improved by leaps and bounds.

In this way, if she takes a course of treatment for five days, the root cause of the disease can be completely removed.

Cultivation cannot completely replace sleep, so Yuhua did not continue to practice, but went back to her room to sleep.


The next day, Yuhua woke up early, washed up briefly, and went to the kitchen to cook.

Her health is getting better, in fact it is very good, and waiting in the house to eat doesn't look like the original owner's temper.

Another reason is that Miao Dalan's cooking is really not to her liking, so she might as well cook it herself.

She has a lot of recipes, just to practice.

Seeing the water tank, Yu Hua thought of the water in the space. After making sure that no one in the family was up, she carried the water bucket at home and entered the space with a single thought.

Entering the space, I heard Jiang Jing talking.

"...How did I treat you? It's good enough, so you betrayed me?"

Yu Hua looked out of the space, and it was Jiang Jing who was talking to Man Huzi.The two got up quite early. Judging from the surrounding environment, they should be at the back wall of Jiang Jing's house.

Jiang Jing's family lives in the last row of the village, and the back wall is very quiet. There are several piles of corn stalks from previous years standing beside them, which completely shield the two of them from being seen easily.

Very good at finding places.

Man Huzi said dejectedly, "Sister Jingjing, I didn't want to say it, but as soon as my mother poked my head, I didn't know what to do, so I just said it."

Jiang Jing took a deep breath, "Let me ask you, besides saying that I told Xingyu to tell Xingyu that there are wild eggs in Shuanghuyan, what did you tell others about me? Did you tell others about the past?"

After reading the records of the space, Yu Hua knew what Jiang Jing was worried about. Jiang Jing asked Man Huzi to do several things for her in return for food. Being chased and beaten.

One of them is to steal Qing Jue from the educated youth Xie Huai.

Yes, Qing Jue was stolen by Jiang Jing after her rebirth.

In her previous life, Jiang Jing liked the educated youth Xie Huai, but Xie Huai avoided her like a plague god.

And she thought that it was because of Xie Huai that she was married to Pang's family and suffered. If Xie Huai agreed to have sex with her, she would not be married to Pang Ergui.

So when she came back from rebirth, the first thing she wanted to take revenge was Xie Huai, but she couldn't find a chance. Thinking of her previous life, she accidentally knew that Xie Huai had a green jade in his hand.

Jiang Jing, who has passed through later generations, knows that the old jade is very valuable, thinking that taking it will not only make Xie Huai feel uncomfortable because of the loss of the jade, but also keep it and sell it for money in the future.

She couldn't do it by herself, so she lured the seven-year-old Man Huzi to Xie Huai's house with food and stole the jade.

Because Jiang Jing's physique meets the standards of a mediator in Qingjue's space, Qingjue bound Jiang Jing immediately after coming into contact with Jiang Jing. Jiang Jing found that the jade in her hand was gone, and then there was the existence of spiritual fluid in her palm.

This is what Qingjue Space "saw" from Jiang Jing's memory when it bound Jiang Jing, and the records are very complete.

Jiang Jing got great benefits from the spiritual liquid, and she was afraid that Man Huzi would tell the story, so she asked Man Huzi.

What had to do with the original owner was more than three years ago, on the morning when the original owner fell into the water, Jiang Jing told Man Huzi that Wei Xingxi was in danger by the reservoir, and Man Huzi would yell if he fell into the water.

"No, I didn't say anything else." Man Huzi shook his head like a rattle, "I promise not. I didn't even tell my mother about the previous things. I, Man Huzi, can count on what I say, just , just this time..."

Man Huzi scratched his ears and cheeks, and didn't know what to say, but he himself really didn't know what happened at that time, and his mouth went bald.

"I'll believe you again this time." Jiang Jing seemed relieved a lot, and wrapped the oil paper in her hand to Man Huzi, "I won't admit it if you say it, if you don't say anything, I'll have something to say I'll make an exchange with you."

Man Huzi snatched the oiled paper bag from Jiang Jing, sniffed it, and said droolingly, "It's done, sister Jingjing."

"Let's go, find a place to eat quickly, don't let people see."

Man Huzi covered the paper bag tightly with both hands, and Sa Yazi ran up the slope behind.

Jiang Jing looked at Man Huzi who ran away with contempt, and cursed, "It must have been reincarnated from a starving ghost." She went back home.

Yu Hua sensed the barrier between the lower space and Jiang Jing's body, and the barrier was very thin.

The barrier is actually to protect Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing's soul cannot reach a certain strength, and will not be able to withstand the pull of the force of space, not only cannot enter the space, but will also be injured.

Therefore, the space will first gave Jiang Jing spiritual liquid to nourish her body and soul. Once the soul is strong enough, the barrier will dissipate, and the space will be displayed in front of Jiang Jing.

It seems that it won't be long before Jiang Jing can discover the existence of space.

Xi Hua had a plan, but there was not enough time, so she took a bucket of water from the spring and went out of the space first.

Pour water into the water tank, light the fire, and start making breakfast.

She boiled a few sweet potatoes first, preparing to make hash browns later.

Looking at the earthenware pot filled with oil, there is only one-fifth of it left, and it won't last for a few days according to her eating method.

She was considering whether to put the plan of attacking the wild boar family on the agenda ahead of time.

(End of this chapter)

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