Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 99 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 99 Borrowing a space to farm (32)

Another suspicious point is that Jiang Jing said something like "Wei Xingxi let you do it, God can't see it", if the original owner of her design fell into the reservoir, it shouldn't be said that God couldn't see it .

Regardless of whether it was Jiang Jing who did it herself, she was at least an insider and was happy to see it succeed, and even the participants didn't run away, otherwise Man Huzi's move couldn't be explained.

The original owner didn't die, just as Jiang Jing wished, she stayed at home sick all the time, her studies were interrupted, her life was worse than hers, and she was doing well, Jiang Jing felt happy and stopped for three years.

But the marriage between Dong Anguo and Wei Xingxi is still possible.

In her previous life, Jiang Jing thought that Wei Xingxi could live well, mainly because she was married to Dong Anguo.

If it wasn't for marrying Dong Anguo, Wei Xingxi wouldn't be able to be a high school teacher in a big city, wouldn't have given birth to twin sons, wouldn't be able to take the whole family to live in a big city, and Wei Baoshan wouldn't be able to start a construction company.

However, Yuhua, who has received the complete memory of the original owner, does not agree with Jiang Jing's "thinking".

The original owner was admitted to the university by himself. In the early 80s, there was a shortage of talents everywhere. Which high school did the original owner want to go to after graduating from a prestigious school?There is no need to rely on Dong Anguo.

Both Wei Baoshan and Miao Dalan can do it. What Wei Baoshan learned is building houses. His construction company should have nothing to do with Dong Anguo.

On the contrary, Wei Xingxi can afford a big house, and one of his sons is named Wei, which has a lot to do with Wei Baoshan starting a company and earning a lot of money.

Otherwise, with the snobbery and old ideas of the Dong family, they would not easily agree to let Dong Anguo's son take the surname of Wei Xingxi.

Although the son was born by Wei Xingxi, according to the old concept, if the son is of Dong Anguo's species, he must be named Dong's surname.

If the grandson's surname is Wei, it seems that Dong Anguo has married into a family. There is no big interest in front of him. Dong Shitou and Zhang Guihua, who are especially calculating, cannot agree.

What's important is that the original owner has his own revenge, and his brains are better than Wei Xingyu's. It doesn't make sense that Wei Xingyu has a doctorate, and the original owner can't pass the exam.

In the memory of the original owner that Xihua accepted, what the original owner wanted most before he got sick was to go to a technical secondary school, save face for his parents, and have a good future for himself.

The most reasonable explanation is that the Dong family and the Wei family got engaged in advance, and the Dong family didn't want the original owner to go out of town, what if he didn't come back.

Because Dong Anguo's grades are very average, he will not be admitted to the technical secondary school.

It can only be that the original owner got married and had two children. In order to take care of the family, he failed to continue his studies.The happy life in the eyes of others may not be the regret and helpless compromise of the original owner.

But Jiang Jing thinks that she "thinks" is right, and that's why Jiang Jing deliberately approached Dong Anguo and tricked Miao Dalan, with the intention of destroying their marriage.

Now that Yuhua is in good health, she has started working as an agricultural technician. There is a possibility of getting back up again, and Jiang Jing is anxious again.

For a while, he couldn't find a chance to attack Yuhua, so he rushed to the people around Yuhua.

Last time it was directed at Miao Dalan, this time it was directed at Wei Xingyu.

If Wei Xingyu can't be found, it will bring a big blow to the Wei family, and Wei Xingxi's body is likely to be suddenly ill.

She made an agreement with Man Huzi that if Wei Xingyu didn't come back from the mountain when she got off work in the afternoon, she would tell the adults that Wei Xingyu went up the mountain, and if she didn't spend the night, Wei Xingyu would not die.

If she died in an accident, it's none of her business, anyway, she asked Man Huzi to tell others.

Jiang Jing's brain circuit is so peculiar, full of contradictions and self-righteousness, which makes Yuhua wonder if she is another species.

Hadn't read the records of the space, Yuhua would never have guessed what Jiang Jing was thinking.

She slapped Jiang Jing lightly yesterday.

Jiang Jing must have been involved in the original owner's slipping into the reservoir.

It was easy to take revenge on Jiang Jing, she didn't need to take action, let Qingjue space untie Jiang Jing, Jiang Jing either died on the spot, or dragged half-dead for a period of time before she died, and all revenge was avenged when she died.

It's just that she still can't be sure that it was Jiang Jing who did it, and the key to finding the exact truth still falls on Jiang Jing.

It's not so easy to find another one with Rong Ling's physique.

She just left Jiang Jing to continue carrying the space.

But she can make Jiang Jing unhappy.

"Sister, it smells so good." Wei Xingyu sniffled.

She is willing to put oil and sugar, and the potato cakes made by Yuhua are sweet and soft.

Looks like it, smells like it.

Wei Xingyu ate it and said it was delicious, but with Jianhua's picky taste, it was only good enough.

During the meal, Yuhua got Miao Dalan's daily compliments.

Xi Hua knew that it was due to the space water.

Things made with good water quality will improve a lot in taste.

After breakfast, when the whole family went to work, those who did work, those who went up the mountain, Wei Xingyu went to mow the grass.

Xihua didn't force her to study at home all day.

The meaning of mowing the lawn is not only earning work points, but also a social activity where Wei Xingyu and his friends gather and play. Wei Xingyu likes it herself, and Yuhua will not interfere.

Xi Hua went up the mountain as usual.

She was lucky, and caught a pheasant not long after she went up the mountain.

It should be said that one was knocked out.

After seeing that Xihua likes to take a stick up the mountain, Wei Baoshan asked someone for a jujube branch with high hardness, cut it into a stick shape about one meter long, and gave it to Xihua.

Wei Baoshan also specially polished the wooden stick smooth, and wrapped some thin grass ropes on the top of the cane to prevent slipping.

Although Wei Baoshan sometimes expresses the regret of not having a son, he is also very attentive to raising his daughter.

It's no wonder that the original owner chose to give up her life when she had no hope of recovering her body. She couldn't bear to let such a good family be dragged down by her.

I just killed a wild rabbit yesterday, and it is not easy to bring a pheasant home today. She didn't go after another one, and planned to bring it home the day after tomorrow.

She promised Wei Xingyu that she would never forget about it, went to the stream beach and caught about forty fish, picked up some big snails, and brought them home together.

There is no need for a picnic today, because there is Qingjue space, she is going to cook in the bamboo house.

Yanhua Yinian brought the pheasant to the side of the bamboo house, which was very convenient.

She didn't stay on the mountain for long, and went down the mountain directly.

Back home, soak the snails in water and sprinkle with salt and mud.She came back from catching snails mainly because Wei Xingyu liked to eat them, and it also added flavor to the house.

Escargot has many parasites and is cold in nature. Children should not eat it too much. Therefore, although snails are easy to find, they are not often brought back to eat at home.

Xi Hua calculated that the family hadn't gotten snails for two or three months, and this time he brought some back by the way.

The fish were not cleaned up, because the ones that were taken down the mountain in the space were all alive, and they were kept in the water basin to eat fresh at night.

Xihua returned to her room, closed the door, and entered Qingjue's space.

She landed directly in front of the bamboo house.

(End of this chapter)

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