fog city detective

Chapter 281 Dinner

Chapter 281 Dinner
Wendy asked Liang Xi: "Will my new father or mother hate me?"

Liang Xi replied: "Maybe at the beginning, but you have Brother Baker. Believe me, no new father or mother will dare to bully you all the time. If your Brother Baker can't handle it, then let me handle it."

Wendy asked, "Do I still need to do my homework?"

Liang Xi replied: "If your new parents supervise your homework, congratulations, he is at least a qualified parent. If he doesn't prohibit you from playing games, then you have to find Brother Baker."

Wendy: "I hate homework, I like playing games."

Liang Xi said: "Congratulations again, you are a normal human being. The question is, do you know whether it is right to play games without doing homework?"

Wendy: "No."

Liang Xi: "It seems that you have no problem."

Wendy asked: "Then what should I do if I miss my mother?"

Liang Xi: "Then do you think about it now?"

Wendy: "No, because she is with me every day."

Liang Xi said: "It feels good to miss. Many children don't have the opportunity to miss their parents."

Wendy: "But I want to know why they divorced."

Liang Xi said: "I just need to move my mouth for psychological counseling, and there will be nothing more."

Wendy took out a ten-pound note and put it on the table. Liang Xi picked up the note and glanced at the light with a embarrassed expression: "Let me make a call."

Call the community police in Baihan Community, who have dealt with them before.Generally speaking, for families with children, their divorce is difficult to calm down, and there is a high chance of quarrels.There is a high chance that neighbors will call the police.It is also possible to divorce peacefully, or the neighbors may not call the police.But if moving your mouth does the trick, why not try it first?

Liang Xi was lucky, the police told Liang Xi that they called the police twice.One was a neighbor calling the police, and the other was Wendy's mother calling the police. Two complete transcripts were made. The reason for the divorce was that Wendy's father had someone outside.

Wendy's mother is a businessman, flying around in various European countries all the year round, and spends little time at home.Wendy's father is a civil engineer. He usually works in a remote environment and rarely comes home.Because of what happened to Wendy last time, the couple decided to give up part of their jobs. They would rather have less income and lower salary, and choose to work in London as much as possible, so that at least they can go home every day.

Wendy's father had transitioned from a front-line engineer to a corporate clerical officer, reviewing engineering blueprints.This thing is quite professional, and the data of various aspects such as pipelines, fire protection, structures, and materials must be considered.Although I left the construction site with a poor working environment, the current work pressure is much higher than that of the front line, and overtime has become the norm.

In order to relieve the pressure, in order not to bring the pressure home, and to listen less to his wife's nagging, Wendy's father came home later and later.In order to find a reasonable excuse, Wendy's father signed up for a French class.If the overtime is late, he will not go to school and go to a leisure place to rest for two hours.If he worked overtime earlier, he would go to the French class to hang out.The good name is: charging.How can a woman not like a motivated man?
How can I not get my shoes wet when I often walk by the river.Wendy's mother discovered the problem. After questioning, Wendy's father admitted that he knew a girl in the French class.Being with this girl was like returning to his boyhood.He's sorry, but he wants something to change, he doesn't want to live like this again.

The girl's appearance is good, but it's far from outstanding.She is a refugee accepted by the UK, and she met Wendy's father by attending French classes with the mentality of getting subsidies.Wendy's father thinks that the girl is very sincere, simple and serious, and the most important thing is that she is very happy.When she is in the class, the class atmosphere of the whole class will be completely different, and the optimistic attitude can infect everyone.

With the help of Wendy's father, the girl gets a job at a pet shelter that takes in stray pets.The relationship between the two gradually warmed up. The girl never asked for any gifts from Wendy's father, nor did she ask for a divorce. She said that as long as she was with him, it was enough, and she didn't want to destroy his family.Wendy's father rented the girl an apartment, and after the girl got a job, she insisted on paying the rent by herself.This made Wendy's father appreciate the girl even more.Compared with my businessman's wife who was so preoccupied and couldn't see a smile, the girl was like an angel.

Wendy's father decided to divorce Wendy's mother and had moved out a week ago to live with the girl.But the girl didn't buy it, she thought Wendy's father didn't have a sense of responsibility.Wendy's father could only live in the company's dormitory. He had hired a lawyer and formally filed for divorce.At present, the lawyers of both parties are in contact and discussing, mainly on the issue of property division.Wendy is happy, because both parties are willing to give up the family property and fight for Wendy's custody.

Liang Xi hung up the phone and looked at Wendy: "Are you here to show off your wealth?"

Wendy: "You are pitiful, aren't you?"

Liang Xi laughed: "That's how it is. You also heard what the policeman said." He turned on the speakerphone so that he wouldn't have to repeat it.

Wendy said: "The nanny said that my father would come to pick me up to have dinner with an aunt at night, and told me that my aunt is a bad person."

Liang Xi explained: "There is no completely accurate definition of a good person and a bad person. Your position determines whether you think this person is a good person or a bad person."

Wendy said: "Can you go with me?"

"It's inconvenient. I have an appointment with my girlfriend tonight." After Liang Xi refused, he asked, "Where's your mother?"

Wendy said: "My mother is abroad. The nanny said that if my mother can make a lot of money, she can live with me in the future."

Liang Xi asked, "Your mother has no plans to remarry?"

Wendy shook her head: "I don't know."

Liang Xi said with a headache: "To be reasonable, I should accompany you to see your new mother-to-be, because the risk is only on her. Otherwise, whether you live with your father or your mother, your happiness can still be guaranteed. But I am a man of credit, and I promised to have dinner with the client in the evening."

Wendy: "You just said you were a girlfriend."

"Haha." Liang Xi: "That's why you don't understand. If you offend a client, you will lose a business at most. If you offend your girlfriend, you may lose your life. Well, I'll contact your father, if he has no objections." Let’s have dinner together in the evening.” Because Wendy ran away from home, her destination was a detective agency, Liang Xi and Wendy’s father had known each other for a long time.

Wendy's father had a gentle conversation with Wendy on the phone. After learning of Wendy's concerns, he agreed with Liang Xi to accompany Wendy to the dinner.But nothing was said about cost.Fortunately, Liang Xi got used to it, when did he not pay when dealing with Wendy?
Liang Xi contacted Wendy's mother again, but the mother didn't talk about the cost, and angrily reprimanded Wendy's father and the vixen.She was in favor of Liang Xi going to meet this vixen.

After the phone call, Liang Xi threw a book to Wendy and went to read it by himself.

Wendy opened her schoolbag and started to do her homework.Among developed countries, the British have a high overtime rate. In addition, the UK has school district housing, and there are also scores and competitions.Wendy is very well-behaved, she writes her homework quietly and her handwriting is neat. Liang Xi came over to take a look out of boredom. Damn it, Wendy even has an enhanced version of her homework.What does this mean?This means that the teachers at school think she has the talent to be a top student.

Some schools in the UK adopt a step-by-step education method. For example, some students in high school learn basic knowledge, and some students have already started to play calculus.This is because they pay attention to teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and they cannot affect the possible Einsteins by taking care of a few troublemakers.Wendy should have given her intensive homework after she had shown a certain talent in mathematics.If Wendy can complete these assignments, stronger assignments will be assigned to judge Wendy's potential.It is said that people in Western countries are generally not very good at mathematics, but those who are good at mathematics are particularly awesome.

There are 100 students in four classes, 52 can play the piano, 36 can draw, and 30 can't do anything.Excuse me, how many people can do both.

After reading the question, Liang Xi nodded to Wendy: "This question is relatively simple, use your brain and think more, come on." He returned to his place as if nothing had happened, picked up the book, hid his mobile phone, and checked the question online on the mobile phone.After all, I am a liberal arts student, and sometimes I am a little bit worse in mathematics.After finding the topic, I looked at it for a while, then threw the phone away: Go to hell with math, I can’t understand it.


The dinner was arranged in the hotel restaurant, and it was a very formal meeting. Liang Xi's identity was disguised as Wendy's teacher by Wendy's father.Today Wendy was making up lessons at the teacher's house, so Liang Xi was invited to attend the dinner together. Liang Xi explained that he was an English teacher, not a math teacher.Why would you lie to a girl?If the girl knew that Liang Xi was a detective, what would she think?

The girl was all right looking, not bad, but not very pretty.His personality is as described by Wendy's father in the notes, very optimistic and cheerful, and he likes the lovely Wendy very much.Wendy was very reserved when hugged.The girl took out her mobile phone and showed Wendy the photos she took with cats and dogs when she was working at the pet home, and Wendy soon became interested.

Liang Xi was curious to join in the fun, watched it for a while, went to the bathroom, and connected to Fiona: "Beauty, help me hack into a civilian mobile phone. I want to know whether the owner is a hypocrite or a kind person." Detectives are also human beings. You can't just stare at people all the time.Besides, everyone has their own habits. You can't label someone just because of the other person's actions or winks. It will take a long time to see people's hearts.To give Wendy a satisfactory answer after the first meeting, you can only hang up, black technology: hacking.

Modern people cannot live without mobile phones.If the other party is a hypocrite, it will definitely leave clues.

Fiona asked, "Why should I help you?"

Liang Xi replied, "Because I need your help."

Fine!It doesn't matter what the reason is, as long as there is a reason.

Fiona doesn't need hacking skills at all, all she has to do is check the official authority. As the anti-terrorism department, they don't need to report, and of course they must keep the girl's information confidential.First, check the chat history of the social software APP. Fiona called Liang Xi, and Liang Xi answered the phone just after peeing: "You are so fast."

"Have I ever praised you for being slow?"

Liang Xi hurriedly said: "What's the situation." Some topics are not suitable for conversation.

Fiona said: "She often chats with a man named Desert Pearl on social software. Many topics are related to Wendy's father. She said that she likes this man very much. Desert Pearl encourages her to pursue her love. She is distressed by him. There is a family, he is divorcing for her, etc., Desert Pearl still encourages her, saying that a man will only divorce if he is unhappy."

Liang Xi said: "It seems that he is indeed a kind person."

Fiona said: "Desert Pearl said: As long as you don't forget your sister Angela and your mission, you are free to pursue your own love."

Liang Xi was shocked: "Angela? That Angela?" The Angela who caused the Dune operation?Angela who was the first to storm the Holy Banner?
Fiona said: "Without a comment, how do I know which Angela it is?"

Fiona said: "Here is her distress. She said why she helped those people. They killed their teachers because the teachers taught themselves lessons. Desert Pearl shows that their behavior is wrong, but their starting point is Okay, I just misunderstood the will of God. This reminds me of a law in Afta: Girls after the age of 8 can no longer receive education, and any teacher who privately teaches girls above the age of 8 will be executed."

Liang Xi said: "Go to work! Remember the consultant and translation fees."

Fiona asked, "You've received two payments now?"

Liang Xi said: "The translation fee is paid by you, and the consultant fee is paid instead of Wendy."

"Cut, if you are so poor, doesn't that female doctor know how to make money?"

"You talk too much, hurry up!"


Before the meal was finished, two plainclothes entered the restaurant and immediately controlled the girl.Wendy's father was shocked. After showing his ID in plain clothes, he protested and asked for his release.Wendy looked at Liang Xi, and Liang Xi said innocently: "Next time I need to pay more." Wendy smiled and kissed Liang Xi, she knew that Liang Xi was the most reliable.

Robert, who came in later, saw it clearly, referring to Liang Xi and ordered: "Suspected of being kissed by a minor, take him away together."

Liang Xi hurriedly said: "I won't go, you can handle it yourself."

Robert: "It's better to meet by chance than to invite each other. Let's go."

Liang Xi stood up and said to Wendy's father, "She does love you, but her status is not good."

Papa Wendy asked, "Is she?"

Liang Xi said: "She is afraid, I'm sorry. We checked the details and she is a good girl. However, you have better girls." Liang Xi pointed to Wendy, and Wendy with a sweet smile waved to Liang Xi goodbye.Liang Xi felt a chill in his heart: Damn, this brat will come again.


According to the information, the girl has no relationship with Angela, but the DNA test report two hours later showed that the girl is really Angela's sister.Liang Xi already had a better understanding of the girl's character, and he gently enlightened the girl, using the fact that her teacher was killed to explain it.Before the DNA report came out, the girl confessed everything.

She was sent to be raised by others since she was a child. Not long after Angela died, someone found her and told her that the British killed her family and she must avenge her.She has been in a certain environment and accepts that her sister is a hero and the reward is a matter of course, so under the arrangement of Desert Pearl, she went to England as a refugee.She doesn't know exactly what needs to be done. Desert Pearl just lets her settle down and live her own life, reminding herself not to forget the hatred of the country and the family.National hatred refers to the invasion of Afghanistan by countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, and family hatred refers to the tragic death of her sister in the United Kingdom.

The girl told Liang Xi that Desert Pearl said that it would be her moment of glory in more than a month.The girl seemed to know what the moment of glory was, but she wasn't sure what it was, so she didn't dare to ask.

 today seems to be
(End of this chapter)

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