Daming primary school students

Chapter 416 The Exam Season Is Here

Chapter 416 The Exam Season Is Here

The Jiangning County Medical Department is located in the alley to the east of the county government office. It is not usually a deserted place, but it is not a lively place either.

But at this time and place, it can be said that the crowds are crowded, the audience is crowded, and it can be said that they are rubbing shoulders and sweating profusely!
Because a hot topic broke out just now, I heard that the little overlord Qin Dewei was really beaten!

Then Qin Dewei was carried here again to treat his injuries, so many idlers wanted to come and witness history with their own eyes.

Qin Dewei is shirtless, and there are indeed a few light red marks on his back. Doctor Zhang from the medical department is carefully applying the medicine.

Classmate Gao Changjiang sat on the other side, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he yelled, "Can you give me the medicine first?"

Doctor Zhang turned a deaf ear to it, Qin Dewei said angrily: "It's fine if I get beaten, why are you joining in the fun!"

Gao Changjiang complained: "You are still to blame! Many people gambled with me five times, but in the end you received ten bets. If you lose money, they all come to beat me!"

Qin Dewei absolutely refused to take the blame: "I didn't expect Grandmaster to change his mind suddenly!"

After taking the medicine, Qin Dewei put on his clothes and looked out through the crack of the door.

As it was outside the door, he couldn't leave at all, so he could only go back to the house and chat with Gao Changjiang.

"Brother Qin, it's only been a few months since the provincial examination. Do you have any knowledge in the rural examination?" Gao Changjiang asked.

Qin Dewei replied: "You think I'm a god! The township examination is no more than a small fight, it's a real talent ceremony. What kind of knowledge can I have!"

Among the examinations that a scholar can experience, from the county examination to the Taoist examination, the third pass, and the final palace examination, and even the court examination for the selection of Shujishi, they are all semi-public, and the human factor is very important.

Only the township examination and general examination are completely closed, the system design is the strictest, and the various precautions for candidates are also the strictest.

In other words, it is the most difficult to cheat, and the consequences of being exposed are also the most serious.

In the minds of scholars, these two are the real exams. Whether one can become a master or not basically depends on these two tests.

As far as Qin Dewei is concerned, he doesn't even know who the chief examiner is, so what else can he do?Do your best to obey the destiny.

Gao Changjiang sighed: "Before the provincial examination, the beating you received from the great master is also commemorative. If you jump into the dragon's gate in the future, don't forget the friendship you received together."

At this moment, a staff member from Taibailou squeezed his way in, and said to Gao Changjiang: "Master! I heard that Gu Laomeng will mainly hold a banquet in Taibailou tonight, and the Qingxi Poetry Club will gather here.

The master asked the little one to tell you that if you want to participate in this gathering of literati, you should go back quickly! "

Qin Dewei: "."

Misty Grass, what's the matter!Do you want to write a poem to celebrate?
Gao Changjiang turned his head angrily and said to Qin Dewei: "Brother Qin! I don't know what you think, but I absolutely can't bear it!"

Qin Dewei asked back: "Other people want to have a banquet, so what if I can't bear it? Could it be that your family should stop doing business?"

Gao Changjiang said resolutely: "You are not only representing yourself now, you should also start a tit-for-tat battle. You must not lose the momentum in terms of momentum!"

"Then you Taibailou made another fortune?" Qin Dewei grasped the key.

Gao Changjiang teased and said: "It's actually like this. Our Taibai Building recently acquired and renovated a building ship."

Qin Dewei waved his hand: "The exam season is coming! All the students from Zhili in the whole south will gather in Jinling. Let's talk about it when the city is more lively!"

Exam season?Gao Changjiang thought for a while before he understood the meaning. From Qin Dewei's mouth, he could always hear new terms.

Once every three years, the township exam in August, the spring exam in February of the next year, and the palace exam in March in March, spanning half a year, it is almost an exam season.

The fame and fortune of scholars are all in the exam season.Scholars all over the world are happy or sad, crazy or crazy with the exam season.

The first thing to start was the rural examination. After a hundred years of evolution, the rural examination system gradually stabilized during the Jiajing Dynasty.

In order to prevent local fraud and strengthen the centralization of power, the chief examiners of the rural examinations in all provinces must send Beijing officials to serve as them.

Among them, most of the provincial examinations in the north and south of Zhili were dispatched by officials such as bachelors, Chunfang, Zhongyun, and Zanshan from the Hanyuanfang Bureau.

In Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Huguang and other major provinces of imperial examinations, most of the rural examinations were sent to the Hanlin Academy to edit and review as the chief examiner.

The chief examiners of the remaining provinces are only officials from Kedao and the six ministries.

In May of the thirteenth year of Jiajing, according to the distance, Yunnan and Guizhou were the most remote, so they took the lead in selecting and dispatching examiners, which kicked off the curtain of this exam season.

Followed by Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi.
Among all the rural examinations, the Liangjing rural examination is the most important, and the imperial court is also the most cautious, and the precautions are the strictest.

For example, in the Nanzhili Township Examination, Nanjing City is not too close to the capital, but it is customary to wait until the last moment, and the chief examiner is not appointed until the beginning of July.

Then the chief examiner went on the road immediately, and when he arrived in Nanjing City without a break, the exam was almost approaching, and he immediately entered the Gongyuan to isolate the inside and outside.

This is to prevent cheating through the back door by relying on favors, and try not to give a time window as much as possible.Although it cannot be completely prevented, it is also the ultimate under the current conditions.

In late June, Emperor Jiajing asked the cabinet to secretly submit a list of Ci officials with comments, and at the same time asked Dongchang to submit a list.

Those who know the business can guess that on the eve of the examination season, the emperor asked for this list, probably to delineate candidates for the chief examiners of the two Zhili, especially the Nanzhili rural examinations.

At the same time, it may also be for the preparations for the next year's exam. After all, in the exam, more than half of the same examiners are Han Yuan Cichen.

Due to the fierce confrontation between the chief assistant Zhang Fujing and Qingliu, the Hanlin Academy has been cleaned up a lot, so in recent years, the Hanyuan Ci officials have been a bit out of date.

Otherwise, there would not be the special event of selecting ten people into the Hanlin last year.

The cabinet's list of ministers and Dongchang's list of ministers were placed on the imperial case at the same time. Emperor Jiajing compared them one by one, but one name caught his attention.

Zhang Chao, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, was evaluated by the cabinet as "old and experienced, mediocre and ineffective, just filling in the numbers"; but Dongchang's evaluation of this person was "independent and not party, seldom makes friends, and it is said that the knowledge is acceptable. ".

The two evaluations were completely different, and they complemented each other, successfully attracting the attention of Emperor Jiajing.

After scanning back and forth several times, he drew a circle next to Zhang Chao's name.

As a person who is very suspicious and lacks a sense of security, what Emperor Jiajing taboos most now is the minister's arbitrariness of power.

A few days later, at the beginning of July, an imperial edict was issued, appointing Zhang Chao, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, as the chief examiner of the Nanzhili rural examination, and immediately set off for the south.

After listening to the news, Qin Tai, the governor of the imperial horse supervisor and the governor of Dongchang, twitched his eyebrows. There was only so much he could do, and the rest was up to fate.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. If they are not blessed, they will sow seeds at home.

 Ahhh, I have to pick my head and make plans again
(End of this chapter)

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