Daming primary school students

Chapter 485 Covenant Chapter 3

Chapter 485
The sun rose higher and higher, and the temperature gradually became hotter. The nominal sutra banquet in the Wenhua Palace, but the actual small court meeting ended immediately.

Although he didn't even go through a lecture scene, no matter how upright the minister was, he didn't advise anything about it.

If we don't disband, we may suffer from heat stroke!
The focus person, Qin Dewei, wanted to disappear as soon as possible, so many ministers were staring at him and pointing fingers at him, it was really uncomfortable.

Just as he walked out of the Meridian Gate, he suddenly heard someone shout: "Qin Dewei stay a step!"

Not one person, but four or five people greeted Qin Dewei unanimously after leaving the Meridian Gate.

Qin Dewei suddenly turned his head and saw Wang Tingxiang, Gu Dingchen, Teacher Zhang, Fei Maoxian and others.

The scene was a bit embarrassing for a while, but finally Qin Dewei made comprehensive considerations and left with Wang Tingxiang.

Wait for the evening to cool down before going to Teacher Zhang's house, and tomorrow I will go to the Hanlin Academy to visit the room teacher Fei Maoxian.

"Today should be your first time entering the court, how do you feel?" Wang Tingxiang asked as he walked.

As an old senior, he felt that he had an obligation to give advice to Qin Dewei so that Qin Dewei could live longer in the court.

After all, he has already entrusted Qin Dewei with his posthumous name as a master of retro literature!
Qin Dewei didn't answer directly, but instead asked, "How does Mr. Junchuan see it? What did you do wrong?"

Wang Tingxiang was waiting for this opportunity, "I won't say if you're right or not, but you look a little out of line, not cautious enough, or you don't look like a newcomer at all.

Although Huo Tao attacked you first, but as a rookie, you are too arrogant to fight back!In fact, your approach should be gentler. "

What Wang Tingxiang means is that you are a newcomer who has just joined the circle, and being too arrogant will cause the collective discomfort of the old people.

Qin Dewei laughed and said, "Of course there are other special reasons for countering Huo Tao. Duke Junchuan had better stop asking."

Wang Tingxiang asked in disbelief: "What other special reason do you have? How dare I not listen to this old man?"

Qin Dewei said vaguely: "It's nothing special, it's just a test, let's verify it at the same time."

Although Qin Dewei's meaning was unclear, and his direction was even less clear, Wang Tingxiang actually broke out in a cold sweat in the summer.

Who are you trying to test?Verify who?The man on the throne?Wouldn't it be to deliberately block his mouth and deliberately scare people?
But Qin Dewei really wasn't trying to scare people, he really wanted to do experiments.

There is an analysis result of the materials of later generations that he has: Emperor Jiajing never minded, and even encouraged and condoned low-level bureaucrats to attack high-ranking officials and ministers.

But the premise is that the Emperor Jiajing should not be misunderstood by criticizing Sang Huai, or dragging the emperor into the whirlpool of public opinion.

Qin Dewei's counterattack against Huo Tao today is actually a test for Emperor Jiajing, in order to verify the analysis information of later generations.

But Qin Dewei would not say this outright, and it was impossible to say it to Wang Tingxiang, at most he hinted at his motives.

Even though he had known Qin Dewei for several years, Wang Tingxiang was still stunned by Qin Dewei's hint.

It took a while to recover, and said with a complicated expression: "You are a newcomer, you are really more arrogant than I expected."

If there was a newcomer king in Ming dynasty, Wang Tingxiang would have voted for Yang Shen, but today he decided to vote for Qin Dewei.

I was moved by Qin Dewei's poetic talent at the beginning, and in order to find a rising star for the retro school, I forced Qin Dewei to be a junior, but what kind of person did I find?
Originally, Wang Tingxiang wanted to put on airs of an old senior and say a few words about Qin Dewei, but now he didn't dare to continue talking.

Then Wang Tingxiang gave up his advice, and said the second purpose: "Don't resent Xia Guizhou, such things are normal, and he didn't intend to embarrass you."

Qin Dewei seemed not to take it seriously and said: "It's understandable, everyone has times when they have to, but it's good to be able to bear the consequences."

It sounds like Qin Dewei's "consequence" refers to Xia Yan's failure to join the cabinet this time, but Wang Tingxiang still felt that there was something in his words.

Among these people in the court, Wang Tingxiang is the one who has known Qin Dewei the longest, and also the one who understands him best.

How should Qin Dewei say it, even in his infancy, he still has a sense of "mastery" over himself.

Such a person is Zhuge Liang when the mode of getting along is compatible; but if there is a problem with the mode of getting along, he is Huo Cao.

Somehow, Wang Tingxiang remembered the sentence Cao Cao was commented on when he was young in the Three Kingdoms.

For many years, Wang Tingxiang has not understood this plot. How could a young man get such comments?
But after getting to know Qin Dewei, he gradually understood that such people do exist in reality.

After separating from Wang Tingxiang, Qin Dewei hurried home. Anyway, he didn't have to go to work until the inspection was over, so he didn't have to go to the Imperial Academy.

Then, when it was dark, Qin Dewei went out to Mr. Zhang's house when it was a little cooler at night.

What Teacher Zhang wants to say to Qin Dewei is very simple, that is, low-key, low-key, low-key!
"Teacher, please don't worry! How can I not understand this truth? I have been trying my best to keep a low profile." Qin Dewei assured, patted his chest.

Teacher Zhang reprimanded a little angrily: "You are a low-key fairy! I have a hundred years of imperial examinations in the Ming Dynasty. Have there been any newcomers who manipulated the advancement and retreat of cabinet scholars?

Everywhere is seniority, you are a newcomer who just arrived, jumping up and down in the hall, do you know that it is easy to get bored? "

Qin Dewei was very unconvinced, and said stubbornly, "Someone else came to me, what else can I do? Or tell me, teacher, how should I keep a low profile?"

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhang was already prepared, so he immediately agreed with three chapters: "Within half a year, you will do as I say.

First, if someone impeaches you or is against you in the future, you are not allowed to fight back, and I will make the judgment for you!

Second, apart from singing in harmony, no more poems should be released, and poems should not be used to flaunt publicly.

Third, if you formally go to the Imperial Academy to perform your duties, you will report to me once a day, and you are not allowed to do things without authorization! "

Qin Dewei had no choice but to agree first.Nothing else, Teacher Zhang's status is too high for him.

Not only the double master, even Xu Miaoxuan wants to worship him as foster father, he has to forcefully order him down, there is no room for him to refuse.

Coming out of Teacher Zhang's house, in the hot night wind, Qin Dewei wiped his sweat and went to Xu's house next door.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Xu Miaojing, shirtless, by the well, taking a shower with well water.

Qin Dewei sighed, and said regretfully, "Doesn't your sister take a shower?"

Xu Miaojing turned her head away, not wanting to talk to Qin Dewei, and went into her room.

Qin Dewei yelled into Xu Miaoxuan's room: "Why is my little brother sick again!"

Xu Miaoxuan's voice came from inside the room: "He is annoying you."

Qin Dewei said again: "It's too hot in the room, come out and talk."

Then I saw Xu Miaoxuan coming out wearing a sleeveless gown, holding a round fan in front of her, but she couldn't cover it completely, which still made Qin Dewei dizzy.

Xu Miaoxuan ignored Qin Dewei's eyes on purpose, and only said, "Did you promise to give me another maid again?"

Qin Dewei suddenly realized, no wonder Xu Xiaodi lost his temper again.Then she tentatively asked Xu Miaoxuan: "If it doesn't work, give him one, and don't stop me."

Xu Miaoxuan sat on the stone bench in the courtyard, sighed and said: "The maid should give one, but now the most urgent thing is to talk about a marriage, let the younger brother get married first in the second half of the year."

After thinking for a while, Qin Dewei understood what Xu Miaoxuan meant.

If Xu Miaoxuan married to her side, Xu Miaojing, a 16-year-old boy like Xu Miaojing, would be left alone in Xu's family. As the eldest sister, Xu Miaoxuan was worried.

Since the marriage was postponed until the end of the year, Xu Miaoxuan wanted to find a marriage for younger brother Xu before the end of the year and do it.

In this case, Xu Miaoxuan can marry into Qin's family without worry if Xiaodi Xu has someone to take care of her.

Qin Dewei doesn't know too many people in the capital, so he can only focus on finding suitable ones slowly.

But as far as Xu Miaojing's condition is concerned, Qin Dewei is also worried because it is a bit too high to be too low.

(End of this chapter)

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