Chapter 699

After the meeting with the Japanese envoys, what Qin Zhongtang should do next is how to persuade Emperor Jiajing.Only when Emperor Jiajing nodded, all measures could be implemented.

After Qin Dewei returned to Wenyuan Pavilion, he immediately wrote a report to Emperor Jiajing, without writing many details, mainly writing:
"After investigation, I found out that some people in Japan have gradually developed a disrespectful heart, and they regard themselves as the kingdom of God, and they want to fight against the Ming Dynasty."

The vain Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty immediately became angry when he read this sentence.

If the barbarians of Japan can sit on an equal footing with Daming, where will he put the face of the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty?
Emperor Jiajing continued to look down with strong emotions, but there was nothing below.
So Emperor Jiajing immediately had the urge to push Qin Dewei out of the Meridian Gate and put dozens of court sticks on it.

Is there something that cannot be written in the memorial?
Regarding the memorial of the Japanese mission, I would have just finished reading it. Such a trivial matter is not worthy of the emperor's attention, but Qin Dewei successfully stirred up Emperor Jiajing's emotions.

"Call Qin Dewei over here!" Emperor Jiajing shouted to Huang Jin who was waiting beside him.

Huang Jin hesitated for a while, and then asked: "Do you want to call gentlemen?"

The "Sir" mentioned here is the respectful name given to the elders by the inner court, and the emperor often addressed the elders with respect, but Emperor Jiajing never did.

Emperor Jiajing almost forgot, so he ordered again: "Call them together!"

This is the second time that the undergraduates who have pre-scheduled and those who have not pre-scheduled have met outside the gate of Renshou Palace.

Huang Jin remembered that there was something inappropriate last time, that is, Qin Dewei, who was the lowest, came later than the three old elders, which was very inconsistent with court etiquette.

So Huang Jin kindly adjusted the next order this time, first let the little eunuch go to Wenyuan Pavilion far away to summon Qin Dewei.

After Qin Dewei arrived at the gate of Renshou Palace and waited first, Huang Jin went to Zhilu of Wuyi Hall next to him to invite the old man.

At this time, the oldest Gu Dingchen went home for vacation due to illness. Only Xia Yan and Yan Song received the order and quickly left Wuyi Hall and came outside Renshou Palace.

Standing at the palace gate, Qin Dewei saw Huang Jin leading the two elders over, so he saluted as a junior.

After Huang Jin entered the palace to revive the decree, Qin Dewei persuaded the two elders seriously: "Seniors are only a few steps away from the gate of Renshou Palace, but they came later than the guards of Wenyuan Pavilion!

Falling into the eyes of others is a sign of negligence.Listening to the next piece of advice is harsh, the seniors serve the sages, and they must not relax at all times! "

Xia Shoufu: "."

Elder Yan Ge: "."

In an instant, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the atmosphere was infinitely approaching to a fight!
Fortunately, Huang Jin ran out from the palace gate in time: "Gentlemen, stop! See you! See you immediately!"

The three were introduced into the front hall, and after paying homage to the emperor, Emperor Jiajing shouted to Qin Dewei: "What did you say to the Japanese mission!"

At this moment, Qin Dewei didn't dare to commit any crimes on his own, and honestly gave a brief account of the content of the meeting.

Emperor Jiajing frowned and asked, "What do you think of the Japanese barbarians?"

Qin Dewei replied without hesitation: "You can't believe a single word that that generation said!"

Emperor Jiajing: "."

Since you can't believe a word, why did you, Qin Dewei, fool around with the Japanese envoy for a long time?Qin Dewei's work is so unsaturated?
Qin Dewei explained: "The sage said, I am a human being, listen to what he says and watch what he does. So listening to what the Japanese barbarians say does not mean believing what they say! Not only for the Japanese barbarians, but for all barbarians !"

Elder Yan Song and Yan Ge interjected: "Whether the Ouchi clan of Japan or other feudal princes are already vassals of the Japanese king, how can they accept the conferment of the Ming Dynasty? It is really inconsistent with the etiquette system."

It was aimed at what Qin Dewei said in order to seduce the Da Nei family, and let the Da Nei family accept the canonization of the Ming Dynasty and become a vassal of the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Dewei replied indifferently: "There is no need to worry about the issue of etiquette. If the Japanese princes intend to accept the canonization of Ming Dynasty, they can find a way to solve it themselves, so we don't need to worry about it."

It is difficult for the monarchs and ministers in the palace to understand the meaning of Qin Dewei's words, because it involves a national issue.

The mentality of the monarchs and ministers of the heavenly kingdom is unlikely to imagine the "survival wisdom" of a small country.

So Qin Dewei had to explain in detail: "If a feudal town like the Ouchi clan in Japan is not greedy, it will be fine; but if they are greedy for the huge profits of trading with the Ming Dynasty, it will be different!

For the sake of profit, they will definitely do everything possible to fool the country, and do enough superficial etiquette to accept the canonization of the Ming Dynasty. This is the nature of the Japanese! "

Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but said: "It sounds like you are deceiving yourself? Can you really do something like this?"

Qin Dewei gave an example and said: "The habits of the Japanese people are like this. For example, the Ming Dynasty canonized Minamoto Ashikaga as the king of Japan. The Japanese people did not want to live under the Ming Dynasty as vassals and accept the title of king, but they were reluctant to pay tribute for profit.

Therefore, when the Japanese were in the country, they cited the example of the Spring and Autumn Period and interpreted the Japanese king Genji Ashikaga as an overlord who respected the king and fought against the barbarians, and then other people in the Wa country pretended to believe it.

But when facing my Ming Dynasty, the Japanese leader still regarded himself as the king of Japan, and his superficial etiquette was not bad, it was enough to fool my Ming Dynasty. "

After listening to this example, the monarch and his ministers can have a deeper understanding of what kind of habits the Japanese people have.

Then Emperor Jiajing immediately thought of the words in Qin Dewei's memorandum, and said, "How dare the Japanese chieftain have such bad intentions! We should continue to pay tribute!"

Yan Song also added insult to injury and said: "You Qin De mighty advocate paying tribute to Japan, what's the use of it, is it just conniving disrespect to the barbarians? Hurt my Ming face?"

Qin Dewei ignored Yan Song, the troublemaker, and said to Emperor Jiajing quickly: "Your Majesty! No way! No way!"

Then he said: "Japan has been in civil strife for decades now, the Japanese king has lost all prestige, the government orders are not good, and the power has fallen into the hands of the princes and towns! This situation is like a melee in the Spring and Autumn Period, or like the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms !

In the past ten years, the sudden increase of Japanese pirates at sea is also related to this.Wars broke out, and there were non-stop vagrant barbarians who went to the sea to become bandits. No matter how well our Ming defense is, we can't cure it!

Therefore, it is of no use for me, Ming Dynasty, to punish the entire country of Japan with a tribute. There is not even a complete country of Japan at present, and punishing the king of Japan is tantamount to throwing a heavy fist at nothing. "

Emperor Jiajing shouted impatiently: "What exactly do you want to say, do you want me to just sit back and ignore it?"

Qin Dewei sped up the pace and said: "No! The original intention of the minister to mention the tribute was not to target Japan, but to the princes and towns of Japan!
My Great Ming lives in the Shang Kingdom, and I can lure them with commercial benefits, guide them in the name of canonization, stir up Japan in the middle, and punish the mad thieves who despise the Ming Dynasty, which can also be regarded as a punishment from God! "

Emperor Jiajing was still very traditional in terms of foreign relations at this time, and he was most concerned about the annoying Japanese pirates, and asked: "How many years will it take for the domestic turmoil in Japan?"

Qin Dewei replied: "As far as I know, there are a hundred or so vassals in Japan, and each vassal is no more than one county.

Now there is not even a figure with the appearance of an overlord, so the civil strife will last for at least a few decades, enough for me, Ming, to take care of it slowly. "

However, Yan Song played to Emperor Jiajing: "Qin Dewei's words seem to be insufficient in persuasion. As for using civil strife to provoke all parties and control the situation in Japan, it is far-fetched and unknown.

Therefore, the minister thinks that Qin Dewei's strategy of making a statement is like a general's military meritorious deliberate provocation!

Qin Dewei himself is the Assistant Minister of Barbarian Affairs, and it would not be enough to show his credit if he doesn't make noises in barbarian affairs. That's why he has the idea of ​​actively intervening in Japan! "

Elder Yan Ge was very angry with Qin Dewei's accusation, but it was not without reason.

For the people of the time, if you don’t open the perspective of God, you really can’t see the benefits at present.

Although Qin Dewei has repeatedly said that Japan produces a lot of silver, the monarchs and ministers still don't realize how much it is, and the financial concept of the Ming Dynasty still places more emphasis on real objects than money.

It is even more impossible for the monarchs and ministers at this time to predict how much of a threat the small Japanese country will pose to China in the future.

In the eyes of the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, Japan may be a large Ryukyu, and it is not worth spending more effort to "contain".

So Qin Dewei responded directly: "What Yan Ge said is true, I am just greedy for merit and deliberately meddling in Japan's internal chaos!"

Yan Song choked suddenly, he didn't expect Qin Dewei to admit it so simply, and didn't think about how to continue talking for a while.

But I heard Qin Dewei say eloquently: "This is called doing things in one's position. Is it wrong to do my duty? As a minister of barbarian affairs, what can I do if I don't plan foreign affairs?"

Yan Song said again: "In the past, the Taizu listed fifteen countries that would not be confiscated, and Japan was one of them. I was afraid that nothing would happen, and the gains would not be worth the losses."

Qin Dewei sighed, "If Mr. Yan Ge doesn't understand barbarian affairs, he should say a few words less!"

In turn, he said to Emperor Jiajing: "Your Majesty! According to my strategy, Daming doesn't have to pay much, and there is no need to go on an expedition!
The so-called war plan, followed by war, I only have war plan and war, which is completely in line with the law of war.

Since the price is not high, and there is no waste of people and money as Yan Ge said, why not give it a try? "

Chief Assistant Xia Yan felt that Qin Dewei's performance was too much today, and he left the cabinet and left alone!
I couldn't help but questioned: "Except for the mange of Japanese pirates in Japan, is it worth so much effort?"

Qin Dewei had nothing to do with this kind of concept, but he also knew that he couldn't blame anyone.He can complain about Yan Song's inability to understand barbarian affairs, but it's not easy to criticize Shoufu again.

I can only patiently say: "The old man doesn't know something. The customs of Japan are brave and cunning. Men are often taught to learn swords at the age of ten. Everyone is proud of being killed in battle, and it is a custom to wear a sword.

As for the situation of Japan, it can also be said that the long-term unity must be divided, and the long-term division must be united.

Although it is currently in civil strife, if it is reunited one day, there will be hundreds of thousands of warriors who have nowhere to go, and I am afraid that it will be the disaster of my Ming Dynasty again.

Looking at the general situation of the world, I am facing more powerful enemies than the northern captives, and neither the Western Fans nor the Eastern Seas should be underestimated. "

What Qin Dewei said is in line with the laws of history, but to other people's ears, it is like a fairy tale.

A mere country of Japan can gather hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses?
Emperor Jiajing was violently indoctrinated several times by Qin Dewei, and seemed to be a little enlightened, and asked:

"You, Qin Dewei, talk about this and that, but meddling in Japan's internal turmoil, what good is it for my Ming Dynasty? Could it be that you have spent all your time just to watch the internal turmoil in Japan?"

Qin Dewei said confidently: "First, you can collect silver from Japan to assist His Majesty Xuanxiu!

Second, sow dissension, try to influence Japan's domestic situation, reduce Japanese pirates, and weaken Japan's national power at the same time!It would be great if we can stop the long-term separation. "

Emperor Jiajing hadn't felt the pain of being short of money at this time, but having money was not a bad thing, and he also understood that there would be many places to spend money in the future.

Yan Song was really unconvinced, and said again: "This kind of deliberate act of disrupting the feudal vassals will definitely lose the dignity of the Ming Dynasty."

Qin Dewei sighed again, "If Yan Ge is old and ignorant of barbarian affairs, can you say a few words less?"

Then he said in response to Yan Song's words: "The Japanese pirates have repeatedly invaded the coast, and they have not ceased since the early years of the dynasty, so it is enough to treat Japan as a northern captive!

If there is a strategy to sow discord and instigate internal fighting against the northern captives, dare to ask the imperial court whether it will be used? "

Emperor Jiajing made a final decision: "Of course it is!"

Daming and Beilu have been fighting from the founding of the country to the present, and the century-old enmity is naturally exhausting.

Qin Dewei suggested: "The layout can't be done carefully, it must be done for several years, now first lure the Da Nei family with a tribute for a year, other hidden sources in the mission will definitely know about it.

When the envoys return to Japan, there will definitely be envoys coming again next year, bringing news from Japan, and we will see the opportunity when the time comes.

The long-term goal is to open embassies and garrisons throughout Japan, and there will be many details to report to His Majesty one by one. "

Yan Song couldn't help but commented: "It's really unrealistic, and it's suspected of talking about military affairs on paper. Embassies and garrisons are still a waste of national power."

For the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, whether it is sending officials or troops to the vassal states, it is the right of the Ming Dynasty, and they do not think it is an "infringement of sovereignty".

The standard they measure is how much national power will be consumed for this kind of face, and whether the national treasury can support it.

Qin Dewei first casually came up with an idea: "There is no need for the imperial court to send people or money. For example, as long as he is appointed a sea merchant, given a crown, and allowed him to recruit troops to Japan, he will definitely be extremely happy."

Immediately he played to Emperor Jiajing: "Your Majesty! In the future, for such barbarian affairs, I will send someone to report to Your Majesty, and His Majesty can make arbitrary decisions!
There is no need to call in another person who is not familiar with barbarian affairs to point fingers at the side, which is a waste of time.

Moreover, it involves foreign affairs secrets, and many things are inconvenient for outsiders to know, such as Baiyin assisting Xuanxiu."

Emperor Jiajing said directly: "I will give you a silver medal, and allow you to play closely!"

Qin Dewei hastily stepped forward to thank him. After a whole year, after all kinds of hints and tossing, he finally got the silver medal!
With the silver badge, you can let your ego talk freely and talk about things that are inconvenient to say in public memorials!
Emperor Jiajing's political reputation in this area is not bad, and he will not reveal the secrets to others.

Another small step forward towards the full body bachelor.

 The state is suddenly very bad today, and I don't feel any code words at all. . . . .By the way, ask for a monthly ticket! ! !It's been a long time since I asked for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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