The sturdy life of a space farm girl

Chapter 538 Check and Balance Means

Chapter 538 Check and Balance Means
Yu Wan took the first step cautiously, suddenly many sandmen came out from the desert and attacked her with lightning speed.

The maracas rushed towards her like a torrential rain in 360 degrees in all directions, seeing that Yu Wan had nowhere to hide.

She had no choice but to escape through the earth, and quickly escaped to the ground with a movement of her consciousness, but just as she escaped into the ground, the sand sank down again in an instant, as if she was determined to swallow her up.

"Damn it!" Yu Wan yelled in her heart, what method would she use to resolve it?
Could it be that he was kicked out before he made a move?
Forget it, stealth first.

As soon as Yu Wan disappeared, the sand immediately stopped.

"Huh, it really is like this." Yu Wan let out a breath before escaping from the ground, and the ground also stopped at this moment.

It seems that the person who set it up will activate the formation as long as he can sense someone.

Yu Wan looked thoughtfully at the white lotus in the distance, she walked slowly and flew up to the top of the mountain.

Yu Wan bent down and carefully looked at this white lotus that was as big as a pot. There was no speckle in the whole body, it was crystal clear and radiated a strong aura.

It is impossible to tell whether it is a real white lotus or a fake white lotus.

Yu Wan stretched out her finger and poked at Bai Lian.

As soon as it touched it, the big white lotus turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

Then Yu Wan felt the space around her twist and turn, and the scene changed in an instant, from a desert to a grassland.

Looking at the plump elixir trees on the grassland at a glance, Yu Wan couldn't help swallowing, if it wasn't for being in an illusion!

She also recovered quickly from her eye addiction, and used her spiritual sense to see where the eyes would be.

It's a pity that after removing the elixir at a glance, there is really no obvious mark on the formation.

Yu Wan stared at her eyes, how did she find them?Is this the rhythm for her to pull out the panacea or the grass?
After watching for a long time, Yu Wan had no choice but to accept her fate, who made her know nothing about formations.Just pull it out, it's better than attacking her when these elixirs become refined.

Anyway, the focus of the array is cheating.

So Yu Wan began the journey of digging herbs and weeds with great difficulty.

Really, as long as she doesn't show up, these grasses and elixir will be obediently let her pull them out. As soon as she shows up, these grasses and elixir will immediately change their faces and attack her. It's the same as that in the desert, and there is no parry at all. , just waiting to be beaten, and then sent out of Tongtian Tower.

Yu Wan only tried it for a while and then quickly stopped, it was too fucking fierce.

She had to obediently pull out the elixir, anyway, she didn't know how long it took.

When the last one was pulled out, the space twisted a few times after the sound of "Kakaka~", and the scene changed again.

Yu Wan looked at the fairyland-like space and didn't know what to do.Looking at the fairy air fluttering, flowers and birds singing, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, it is so beautiful, I have a feeling that I want to stay here forever.

But she did not ignore the terrifying murderous intent.

That strong murderous aura is in stark contrast to this fairyland.

Yu Wan didn't know how to break it, so she could only resort to fire-type supernatural powers.

She pinched it with both hands, and two fire phoenixes flew out from her palm.


The two fire phoenixes turned into two fireballs in the blink of an eye, rolling in this fairyland-like space.

In an instant, it turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The raging fire burned down this fairyland-like space. After the fire was extinguished, the fairyland turned into hell, and the bones all over the mountains and plains were piled up like mountains.

Yu Wan was a little dazed, she retracted the two balls of flames, looking at the corpses all over the floor, her spine felt chills.

These are real mountains of corpses, not illusions.

Yu Wan kicked the corpse under her feet, the corpse rolled and made a sound.

It simply subverted her three views.

In the past, Yu Wan was still grateful to the person who placed the Tongtian Tower, but now, Yu Wan felt cold.

These people all died in the fairyland-like illusion just now, she didn't fall into it, one was her invisibility, and the other was her spirit was protected by a divine weapon, so she would not be affected.

Yu Wan let out a long breath.

It turns out that this is using the Tongtian Tower to consume the monks in this world, hehe, the way is really ruthless.

It is estimated that the monks who have reached this level will die here if they cannot break through. The people who were sent out on the fourth level are all good, and everyone will not think that this level will let you die here.

Yu Wan sighed, she waved Xiao Zi and burned all these bones.

After a shower of rain, only black soil can be seen in this space.

After it was over, Yu Wan sat there quietly, she was not in the mood to break into the Tongtian Tower above, so she simply went out of the Tongtian Tower directly.

"Master, put that tower into the space, it will be over once and for all." Xiaojie felt the master's mood and said.


Yu Wan immediately denied that this Tongtian Pagoda is not a thing of this world, she can't meddle in this matter.

There is a reason why people put it here, and it depends on the situation to be a saint.

There are some things that you don’t have to take care of everything you see, and you have to pay a price for taking care of it.

There are too many monks in this world, this is a check and balance method used by some people.

People who cultivate immortals can only decrease but not increase.

After Yu Wan figured it out on her own, she felt as if she had become clear all of a sudden, and she didn't have that uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

This can be regarded as a test, a state of mind test.

Yu Wan found a place to enter the space.

"Mother." As soon as she entered the space, the two treasures flew towards her.

"I'm awake, is there any discomfort?" When Yu Wan saw her son, she didn't have any troubles at all, and her son could heal everything.

"Very good." Liang Bao said with a smile. Not only is he in good health, but it is also good to see his mother alive.

Yu Wan took one of her sons by the hand, and her spiritual sense hit them around, it was indeed healed.

"It's mother who hurt you this time." Yu Wan touched her son's face, she would rather have trouble with herself than with her sons, they are her and Mu Jiuchen's fate.

"Mother, aren't we doing well now? Mother, there is no need to blame yourself. We will work hard to cultivate in the future. Only when we stand at the top of the world will no one be able to hurt us." Dabao said firmly while holding Yu Wan's hand.

Yu Wan breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled softly at her sons: "Mother trusts you."

"When you wake up now, do you want to meet your father or experience in the spirit world first?" Yu Wan then told the two treasures that they had already left that world of cultivating immortals, and now they are in another world of cultivating immortals.

After hearing this, Er Bao was happy and curious, Er Bao said: "Mom, let's go back and see Dad first."

Father loves them as much as mother, and father must have been worried to death when they were unconscious.

"Okay, let's go back and have a look first."

The two treasures nodded.

Yu Wan immediately manipulated the gate to return to the courtyard of the fairy world, and then the three of them left the space.

Mu Jiuchen found out with his spiritual sense that it was their mother and son, so he quickly shot out.

"Wan'er, Dabao, Erbao."

Mu Jiuchen hugged the mother and son tightly.

"Father, I made you worry." Dabao choked up a little. God knows how much they missed their parents when they were tortured by the Lord God.

(End of this chapter)

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