Chapter 783

He couldn't give Spears their hope.

At that time, their relationship was indeed very good, and they were childhood sweethearts who grew up together. It wasn't that matter that they were already married.

Now that he is married, how dare he marry again, even if he borrowed five hundred courage from him, he would not dare, with Wan'er's temper, it would be strange not to kill him with a knife.

Even if she doesn't kill him, Wan'er will definitely disappear with the two treasures, and she will never find their mother and child in her life.

Their mother and child are his fate, how can he marry Zhu Yu again?

The most important thing is that now he only has Yu Wan in his heart, not Zhu Yu.

To see her again, he was only surprised, but not moved.

What's more, when they got married, he swore the heart demon oath.

He waved his hands again and again and said, "It's not what you think. When I married my wife, I had already sworn by my heart demon that I would never marry another woman in this life. So sister Yu'er, brother Jiuchen can only be sorry for you." , you are such a good girl, I believe you can find one that suits you."

Zhu Yu cried and shook her head: "There will be no one, there will be no one better and more suitable than you. Brother Jiuchen, we are a fiancée, you can't let me go."


Zhu Yu threw herself into the arms of the First Elder and burst into tears.

After hearing this, the Great Elder knew that there was no room for redemption in this matter, and the heart demon swore that it would not be broken.

He lightly patted Zhu Yu's back to comfort him. The matter was too unexpected. Seeing his granddaughter crying like this, the First Elder didn't know what to say.

He sighed and said: "Yu'er, the young patriarch has made it very clear that he can't marry you again. There are also excellent men in our clan. Go back and grandpa will help you choose, don't cry."

The great elder coaxed softly, but Zhu Yu didn't care at all, she raised her head, looked at Mu Jiuchen with tears in her eyes, she pursed her lips and said, "Brother Jiuchen, there must be a way, think about it, Yu'er can't live without you. "

Mu Jiuchen looked at Zhu Yu who was crying pitifully, he had a terrible headache, how could there be such a bloody thing, he didn't expect that Zhu Yu was still alive.

"Great Elder, Sister Yu'er, there is no way around this matter, not to mention that I am reincarnated and recultivated. Although I have previous memories, I am no longer the Li Jiuchen from before. I am Mu Jiuchen now."

Mu Jiuchen has already said this, and I hope their grandparents can understand.

To put it simply, Li Jiuchen used to like Zhu Yu as her fiancé, but now he is Mu Jiuchen and doesn't like Zhu Yu.

"No, no, will always be Li Jiuchen." Zhu Yu said as he was about to pounce on Mu Jiuchen.

Mu Jiuchen instinctively flashed, and at the same time the Great Elder also pulled Zhu Yu back.

Mu Jiuchen's words have been made very clear, and the Great Elder is helpless, who knows that this kind of thing will happen.

This one can't marry, and the other insists on marrying, what should I do?

For a moment, the great elder was so worried that grass grew on his head.

He asked: "Young patriarch, is there really no other way? Why don't you tell the young lady about this and see what she thinks?"

The heart demon oath is not impossible to break, the oath was made to the young lady, and the young lady can break the oath.

Mu Jiuchen supported his forehead, but he still dared to ask, he didn't know how to tell Wan'er about this matter, and asking her, wouldn't that be courting death?

"Great Elder, Yu'er, there is no room for turning this matter around, Wan'er can't agree, and I won't marry again. Great Elder, Jiu Chen has no choice but to disappoint Sister Yu'er."

Seeing that he was so decisive, the Great Elder couldn't force it. After all, he was the young patriarch of the Suzaku clan. The ancestors of the patriarchs were all dead, and the future prosperity of the Suzaku clan would depend on the young patriarch.

Now, instead of saying that he is the young patriarch, it is better to say that he is the patriarch directly.

In the clan, no one can surpass him.

The Great Elder lifted Zhu Yu who was about to faint from crying, and he said, "Young Patriarch, let's go back first. When do you think you will return to the Suzaku Clan? We will wait for you at the clan site. Now that the curse has been lifted, it is time to restore the Suzaku Clan." family."

Mu Jiuchen was relieved when he heard the words. It seemed that the elder had listened and would not dwell on this matter any longer.

He nodded: "I'll go back after I've dealt with the matter here."

It was his responsibility to restore the Suzaku clan, and he had to go back.

"That's good, the young patriarch, take care." After finishing speaking, the great elder took Zhu Yu and tore apart the space and left.

Mu Jiuchen let out a long breath after watching them leave. He removed the barrier before flying towards the shrine.

The Lord God Shrine is actually next to Tiandaozong, and Mu Jiuchen was thinking about things all the way, so he forgot to send a voice transmission to Yu Wan.

Just as he was flying, Zhu Yu, who had already left, came back, and she stopped Mu Jiuchen.

"Brother Jiuchen!"

Zhu Yuhong looked at Mu Jiuchen with swollen eyes.

Mu Jiuchen looked at the lovely and pitiful Zhu Yu, and was moved in his heart. He couldn't bear to hurt her any more, so he said softly, "Why is Sister Yu'er back?"

Zhu Yu sniffed and looked at Mu Jiuchen obsessively, it was still the face that haunted her, but thinking of this face facing other women every day, Zhu Yu's heart was like a knife.

Zhu Yu convinced the Great Elder that she would fight for herself, and she would not give up.

"Grandpa, I want to fight for it again, but I'm not reconciled."

Unwilling to wait for so long, this is the result.

The Great Elder thought that the two young people might have different results if they got along alone, so he agreed to Zhu Yu's return to look for Mu Jiuchen.

"Yu'er, everything should be done in moderation, you can't force it, understand?" the Great Elder exhorted lovingly.

"Well, Yu'er understands."

Zhu Yu bid farewell to the Great Elder, and when he came back, he caught up with Mu Jiuchen.

"Brother Jiuchen, do we have no chance at all?"

Mu Jiuchen nodded: "Yes, sister Yu'er, go back quickly."

"I do not."

As soon as Zhu Yu said that, he rushed towards Mu Jiuchen. When Mu Jiuchen saw her rushing towards him again, he was startled and immediately moved away.

Zhu Yu flinched again, she looked at Mu Jiuchen in disbelief: "Brother Jiucheng, don't you even hug Yu'er now?"

God!Mu Jiuchen was so frightened that his heart was pounding. He had forgotten that when he was with Zhu Yu before, Zhu Yu would always slip into his arms.

I haven't seen her for so many years, but she still looks like this.

"I'm sorry, sister Yu'er, you should go back quickly, our fate is over, brother Jiuchen is sorry for you, I can treat you as my sister, but I will never marry you."

Mu Jiuchen clarified his position again.

"No! Brother Jiuchen, I don't want to be your sister, I want to be your wife, please take me to see the young lady, Yu'er begs the young lady for mercy."

Zhu Yu said it firmly, and cried like a pear blossom with rain.

She was born extremely beautiful, and I felt pity for her appearance, Mu Jiuchen almost went up to hug her.

Mu Jiuchen sighed. It seemed that the dog skin plaster could not be shaken off. He thought it would be better to let her go to the Demon Town Tower and experience it on the ninth floor.

Maybe after a long time, the situation will change.

(End of this chapter)

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