Chapter 107 Little Three, Another Little Three (Add more!)
"Brother Ran, you are living a good life now, but don't you really consider finding a girlfriend to marry?"

Although he didn't feel any guilt about robbing the carambola, no, it can't be called robbing, because his appearance really didn't have any intersection with carambola.

But Zhou Chen has already regarded Guoruo as a good friend. From the perspective of a friend, he still hopes that Guoruo can live a better life.

"What kind of girlfriend are you looking for, what kind of marriage are you getting married?"

Sure enough, he waved his hands, with a disapproving expression on his face: "Zhou Chen, my brother is different from you. I really don't yearn for marriage at all. Marriage is like a prison for me. Now I just want to live in style by myself. Look at Boss Hong, isn't he quite chic by himself."

Zhou Chen said: "He is rich. Who owns several companies and assets worth hundreds of millions, wouldn't he be unrestrained?"

"From your tone, do you think I'm poor?"

"No, but you really can't compete with Humber Darby."

"Okay, what you said is also reasonable. Compared with him, I am a small person."

The two chatted, and soon arrived at a large shopping mall and supermarket. The two pushed the cart and started shopping in the supermarket.

"Brother Ran, isn't it a bit strange for us two big men to go shopping in the supermarket with a cart?"

After strolling around the supermarket for a while, Zhou Chen felt a little uncomfortable. Nima, he has grown so big, he really has never tried to go shopping in the supermarket with another man pushing a trolley.

Sure enough, he said calmly, "As long as we don't feel embarrassed, the one who is embarrassed is someone else."

Zhou Chen was stunned, such wise words were actually uttered from his mouth.

"Okay, hurry up and buy it, and leave after buying it."

When I walked to the vegetable section, I suddenly pushed Zhou Chen, "Zhou Chen, look at that, is it Duan Xifeng?"

"Duan Xifeng?"

Zhou Chen was stunned. Now that Duan Xifeng and Su Qing are temporarily staying at his mother-in-law's house, how could they travel so far to buy things?

But when he looked in the direction that he was pointing at, it was really Duan Xifeng.

"Go, go over, this kid, I called him to celebrate our birthday with us, but he said he would work overtime, did he come to the supermarket?"

Sure enough, he pushed the cart over there cursing, and Zhou Chen followed closely behind.

"Duan Xifeng."

Duan Xifeng stood there with blank eyes. He called Su Qing just now and said that he had to work overtime.

But in fact, he didn't work overtime, but was dragged by Deng Jiajia to visit the supermarket.

Thinking of what happened in the past few months, he felt like he was dreaming. One of his trips to the bar ended up causing such huge trouble.

She just slept with a bar girl for one night, and she got pregnant and even came to him.

Out of guilt and because of Deng Jiajia's entanglement, he didn't hold back and kept Deng Jiajia outside.

Recently, he is really too tired. He has to work and accompany Su Qing and Deng Jiajia. He is tired physically and mentally.

He has always wanted to solve this problem, but his lack of concentration made Deng Jiajia's belly bigger and bigger, which also made him even more unable to speak harsh words, so he could only think about delaying it every day.

He seemed to hear someone calling him, Duan Xifeng came back to his senses, and looked for the source of the sound, but when he turned his head and saw that side, his body trembled suddenly, and cold sweat broke out in an instant.

"Xifeng, I don't pay attention to calling you a few times."

Sure enough, he came over and gave Duan Xifeng a light slap: "I said what's the matter with you, kid. I called, and you said you were working overtime. Did you come to the supermarket after working overtime? Let me see what you bought."

"Hey, I bought a lot of vegetables and such small clothes, I bought them for your children, yes, Xifeng, but why are you alone?"

Duan Xifeng looked away, especially when he saw Zhou Chen, he broke out in cold sweat: "I, sure enough, Zhou Chen, I..."

"West wind."

Suddenly a female voice sounded, and Zhou Chenhe turned his head to look, only to see a young woman with long braids and a puffed stomach walking over.

Seeing this woman, Zhou Chen's expression changed immediately.

Not only him, but he was also stunned. When Duan Xifeng got married, he also went there. He remembered that Duan Xifeng's daughter-in-law was not like this, and this woman looked too young.

Duan Xifeng's complexion suddenly changed. He had the urge to turn around and run, but his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move at all.

Deng Jiajia is definitely a scheming woman. Under normal circumstances, Xiao San would shy away when she saw a man's friend, but instead of retreating, she naturally walked to Duan Xifeng's side and held his arm.

"Xifeng, who are they, are they your friends?"

Duan Xifeng trembled and couldn't speak.

Sure enough, he was a smart man. After seeing the situation, he didn't understand what was going on, so he quickly looked at Zhou Chen.

"Zhou Chen, this..."

He knew that Zhou Chen's girlfriend was the younger sister of Duan Xifeng's wife, and in this situation, Zhou Chen must be more embarrassed than him.

But as expected, I was wrong, Zhou Chen really wasn't embarrassed, why should he be embarrassed, it was Duan Xifeng who found Xiaosan, not him, even if he ran into him, it was Duan Xifeng who should be embarrassed and afraid, not him.

He walked up to Duan Xifeng and glanced at Deng Jiajia. Deng Jiajia was indeed good-looking, but she was obviously pregnant and wore heavy makeup.

"Brother-in-law, this matter..."

"Zhou Chen, don't tell Qing'er about this, let me explain to you slowly."

Duan Xifeng shook off Deng Jiajia's hand and grabbed Zhou Chen's arms with a nervous and fearful expression.

Zhou Chen pushed his hand away vigorously, and shook his head: "Brother-in-law, you really don't need to explain this to me, I think you should explain it to Sister Qing."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Guo Ran, "Brother Ran, let's go." Then he left first.

Sure enough, he pointed at Duan Xifeng angrily: "You, Duan Xifeng, you are really good, you really opened my eyes."

Immediately afterwards, he shook his head, with a look of disappointment, and quickly caught up with Zhou Chen.

Duan Xifeng wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Deng Jiajia: "Xifeng, where are you going?"

Duan Xifeng wanted to get rid of her, but when he saw her big belly, he couldn't help but said angrily: "That is my wife's sister's boyfriend just now, if he talks about it, I will be finished, I don't have time today I'll accompany you, go back by yourself."

Then regardless of Deng Jiajia's yelling, he quickly chased after Zhou Chen, but at this time Zhou Chenhe really didn't know where to go.

On the way to Hu Qixing's place, Zhou Chen and Guoran's phone kept ringing, but both of them agreed tacitly and didn't answer it.

"Zhou Chen, what are you going to do with today's matter?"

Zhou Chen rubbed his brows, he felt very unlucky, why did this happen to him.

"What do you say? Sister Qing has been pregnant for several months now. If I suddenly tell her the news, do you think it will frighten him? If I tell her this, what will happen to the child in her belly? , I can't take this responsibility."

Sure enough, she scratched her head: "Yeah, it's okay if you're not pregnant, but now that you're pregnant, if you get hit suddenly, it's really dangerous, but if you don't tell her, are you hiding it for him?"

"This is a problem." Zhou Chen sighed.

"Duan Xifeng, I really misunderstood him. During his wife's pregnancy, he even found a mistress, and that mistress also seemed to have a big belly. He committed crimes;
I used to think he was a very honest person, but suddenly, I really admire him, and he is really crazy. "

Sure enough, he has known Duan Xifeng for more than ten years, and the relationship between the two has always been very good.

But today, it was really an eye-opener for him. The model husband in his eyes would also find a mistress, and he also made mistress' belly bigger. Is this a plan to hold two for a year?

"Zhou Chen, that's all for me. I don't know his wife well, but you are different. You are half-brother-in-law. He will definitely look for you. You have to think clearly about how to deal with him."

Zhou Chen shook his head, not thinking about it: "Don't think about it so much today, it's important to celebrate your birthday."

(End of this chapter)

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