Chapter 109
"Zhou Chen, thank you."

On the second floor of the bridal shop, Jiao Yang thanked Zhou Chen who was sitting opposite.

"I can do the wedding host you mentioned, and I have no problem with planning, but I will continue to look for jobs. After all, it is impossible to be a host every day. Friends are friends, but I can't just sit here Don't do anything, wait for you to pay me."

Although Zhou Chen was willing to provide him with a wedding job, he was still very clear about it.

Now Zhou Chen's store is just about to join the wedding service, and it may not be active for a long time. Although he and Yang Tao are best friends, he can't stay in his store to eat dry food. It is fine to be a resident host, and there is work. When he came to work and got money, when he was not working, he had no face to get money.

Zhou Chen asked: "Then you have found another job, do you still have time to be our host?"

Jiao Yang said: "It shouldn't be a problem. The wedding host is usually at noon and evening. These two time periods are rest time, so I will definitely be free."

"Okay, as long as you have time."

Zhou Chen understood what Jiao Yang meant, so naturally he wouldn't force it.

After talking about work, Jiao Yang chatted with Zhou Chen again.

"How's the traffic flow in your store?"

"Except for those young men and women in our store, there are very few customers of other age groups. In addition, we are newly opened, and the flow of people is very average."

"This kind of store actually depends on the accumulation of time, and there is no rush."

Although Jiao Yang has never done this kind of business, he is still a young man. He knows that bridal shops are such a store, and normal people would not take a look when they pass by. come and see.

So for Zhou Chen and the others, every guest who comes in is very precious, and they must use all their enthusiasm to make the other party stay.

"I see that Tao Zi has been working very hard recently, and she doesn't even have time to ask her out for coffee."

Because he is looking for a job recently, Jiao Yang is still relatively free. He wanted to ask Yang Tao to go out for coffee several times, but Yang Tao refused.

Zhou Chen said with a smile: "Yes, she has been working really hard recently, even after returning home, she has been studying hard."

Jiao Yang: "This is her favorite industry. I have never seen her so enthusiastic when working in a hotel before."

While Zhou Chen was chatting with Jiao Yang, a woman with a full stomach came to the bridal shop.

Lingling, an employee who was chatting at the door, immediately smiled when she saw a guest coming in, and greeted her enthusiastically.

"Hi, ma'am, may I ask..."

Before Lingling finished speaking, she was interrupted by the pregnant woman.

"The boss here is called Zhou Chen, right?"

Lingling nodded and replied: "Yes, our boss is indeed called Zhou Chen. Are you an acquaintance of our boss? I can..."

"Call your boss out."

Once again interrupted very rudely, although Lingling still kept a smile on her face, she was very depressed in her heart.

"Excuse me, ma'am, may I ask who you are our boss, what can I do with our boss?"

She is in charge of the reception. It is impossible for someone to come up and tell the boss to come out, so she has to call the boss in a fart.

Deng Jiajia shouted very arrogantly: "I said, tell your boss to get out, didn't you hear?"

Now Lingling understood that the pregnant woman was not a guest, but a troublemaker, but she couldn't figure out Deng Jiajia's identity.

At this moment, Gu Yun, the deputy store manager, came over.

Gu Yun is the deputy store manager recruited by Zhou Chen. She is a 30 years old woman who has worked in the wedding photography business for ten years and has a lot of experience.

Before that, Gu Yun was the manager of a wedding photography shop, but later that shop was about to fail, so Zhou Chen hired him.

Gu Guyun came here mainly for a temporary transition, and let her bring carambola along the way.

However, Zhou Chen's treatment was very good, and he also promised that if she opened a second store in the future, she would be the store manager, so Gu Yun came here without hesitation.

After all, it's hard to find a job these days. Even if it's just a deputy store manager, the benefits and benefits are good, and there will be guarantees in the future, which is very good for her.

"Lingling, what's going on?"

After Gu Yun came over, he glanced at Deng Jiajia and asked Lingling.

"Vice shop, the lady said she was looking for the boss."

Seeing Gu Yun approaching, Lingling immediately breathed a sigh of relief, she is not afraid of encountering difficult guests, but now that she is a pregnant woman, she is really difficult to deal with.

Gu Yun patted Lingling, and then said to Deng Jiajia: "I am the person in charge here, Ma'am, what can you do with our boss?"

Deng Jiajia looked cold and stern, and said sharply: "I don't care who you are, I can't tell you, call out your boss Zhou Chen."

Gu Yun kept smiling: "Ma'am, tell me what happened first, so I can help you find the boss. If you don't say anything now, we don't know who you are. If you come to find the boss, it's hard for us to explain. "

If Deng Jiajia had a better attitude, she wouldn't mind going upstairs to call someone, but judging by Deng Jiajia's posture, it was obvious that she was here to find fault.

Gu Yun even had some guesses in his mind, maybe this woman has something to do with their boss, if so, it would be even more troublesome.

Deng Jiajia is not a good person, she didn't give any face at all, and suddenly yelled: "Zhou Chen, come out, you bastard, get out..."

Yang Tao, who was working, frowned when she heard someone scolding her boyfriend, put down the work at hand, and walked over quickly.

"what happened?"

All the people in the store gathered around, and Yang Tao asked immediately.

Lingling, who was in charge of the reception, immediately told Yang Tao about the situation. After listening, Yang Tao frowned even tighter. Suddenly there was a pregnant woman arguing for her boyfriend, and she naturally had a doubt.

But Yang Tao was still calm and didn't go out, but let Gu Yun lead people to negotiate with Deng Jiajia.

Such a big commotion downstairs, Zhou Chen and Jiao Yang upstairs naturally heard it too, especially Zhou Chen stood up when he heard someone shouting his name.

"I'm going to see what's going on?"

"I will go with you."

Jiao Yang also stood up and went downstairs with Zhou Chen.

Seeing Zhou Chen coming down, the employees immediately dispersed, Yang Tao walked to Zhou Chen's side: "Zhou Chen, this woman is looking for you, who is she?"

Before Zhou Chen could answer, Deng Jiajia over there saw Zhou Chen and shouted immediately.

"It's you, Zhou Chen, why did you destroy my family, you bastard, I'm going to fight you."

The scolding was so ambiguous that all the employees in the store looked at Zhou Chen strangely, but fortunately, someone stopped Deng Jiajia from rushing over.

Only now did Zhou Chen realize that the person making the trouble was Deng Jiajia, and his expression became very ugly, and he walked over.

"I don't know you well, get out, or I'll call the police."

Faced with this kind of mistress who came to make trouble, if she wasn't pregnant, Zhou Chen would have kicked her out, but it was because she was pregnant that he couldn't do anything. He didn't want to cause trouble, so the best choice Just call the police.

"Report it, if you have the ability, you report it. Do you think I'm afraid of you? If you make me lose a man and my child loses a father, I'll fight you."

Deng Jiajia's attitude was very arrogant. She believed that Zhou Chen would not dare to do anything to her, and she didn't care much about exposure and embarrassment.

The reason why she came to Zhou Chen today was because Duan Xifeng wanted to break up with her and asked her to abort the child, but she refused and asked why.

Duan Xifeng is also really talented. He even revealed Zhou Chen's identity, saying that if Zhou Chen told his wife, they would be finished, so he forced Deng Jiajia to undergo an abortion.

But who is Deng Jiajia, after finally falling in love with Duan Xifeng, how could she give up so easily, not to mention that the child in her belly may be the last child in her life, so of course it is impossible to give up.

She learned Zhou Chen's identity from Duan Xifeng by insinuating, and then found this place, and thus, the current situation appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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