Chapter 115 Old Versailles

"Big happy event? What happy event can you have?"

When Lan Caiping heard Xue Sumei's words, she looked disdainful. As a superficial sister, she would ridicule whenever she got the chance.

Xue Sumei is happy today, so she doesn't care about Lan Caiping's cynicism.

"Of course it's a happy event. Taozi is getting married."

"What? Taozi is getting married?"

Both Liu Xiu and Lan Caiping were taken aback. Although they knew that Yang Tao and Zhou Chen had been talking for several months, they didn't expect that they would get married so soon.

Xue Sumei smiled all over her face: "Yes, they are getting married, and the wedding date is set on the National Day holiday. Xiao Zhou proposed it on his own initiative."

"This is really a good thing, Sumei." Liu Xiu also seemed very happy.

Lan Caiping, on the other hand, frowned: "We haven't been in a relationship for a long time, and the man proposed to get married, so there shouldn't be any problem?"

"Ping'er, what are you talking about? What's the problem? The two children are so emotional that they get married. Why is there a problem?"

Xue Sumei didn't have to care about Lan Caiping mocking her before, but when she heard her talking about her child, she immediately became angry.

Lan Caiping: "Sumei, I'm thinking of you, and I'm also thinking of Taozi. I advise you not to be too impulsive. Marriage is a big event. If something goes wrong, you will regret it later."

"Lan Caiping, what's the matter with you? My daughter is getting married. What do you mean by that? Are you cursing me? Do you just want me to feel better?"

"Sumei, you really misunderstood me. I'm just telling the truth."

Seeing Lan Caiping's appearance of "I'm doing my best for you", Xue Sumei was very angry, "Xiu'er, look at her, she is so vicious, Lan Caiping, I know you are just jealous of our Taozi looking for her." I found a good man, that's why I'm so mean, hey, I'm going to get mad at you again today."

With that said, she put her bag on the table, ready to start looking for things.

"Hey, Sumei, is your bag the Chanel handbag?"

When Liu Xiu saw the handbag that Xue Sumei took out, she screamed in surprise, stretched her head over and took a serious look.

"That's right, it's this logo. My daughter-in-law also has two bags of this brand. It's ok, Sumei, are you carrying such an expensive bag now?"

When Xue Sumei heard this, she immediately smiled, that bright smile.

"You said this bag, oh, it was given to me by Tao Zi, saying that Zhou Chen bought several for her at once, and she couldn't use it, so she gave me one;
Originally, I didn’t want it. After all, this bag was brought by young people. I’m an old man, so it’s not suitable for me to carry it, but Tao Zi has to be given to me. There’s no other way, so I can only carry it;
I heard from Tao Zi that this bag costs more than [-] yuan. You said that the bag is so small that it can’t hold a few things, so why is it so expensive? "

This wave of pretense can be said to be very lethal. After Lan Caiping heard it, her face became very ugly. Their family conditions are good, but she has never mentioned such an expensive bag. Now Xue Sumei actually overwhelmed her and let her Very aggrieved.

This bag was just an appetizer, Xue Sumei took out the gift list that Zhou Chen gave her from the bag, and put it in front of Liu Xiu and Lan Caiping.

"Take a look. This is the gift list sent by Xiao Zhou. I don't know much about it. Xiu'er, your family is a son. You must know more than me. See if there are any omissions on it. If there are any omissions , I want to talk to Xiao Zhou, after all, I am only Tao Zi, and I can't let her be wronged."

Both Liu Xiu and Lan Caiping opened the gift list curiously, and when they saw it, they were immediately dumbfounded.


"Let's go, let's pick up my cousin. After taking the maternity photos, we'll go back to have dinner together, my mother yelled."

After Yang Tao fastened her seat belt, she said to Zhou Chen in the driver's seat.

Today, Yang Tao made an appointment with her cousin Su Qing to take a maternity photo in the store, so Zhou Chen planned to go with her to pick Su Qing to the store.

"No problem, let's go to the library to pick up people first."

Zhou Chen started the car, and the car drove across the sidewalk and slowly merged into the motorway.

After arriving at the library, Yang Tao got off the car: "You wait here, I'll pick up my cousin."


A few minutes later, Zhou Chen, who was playing with his mobile phone, saw Yang Tao call.

"Taozi, are you here? I didn't leave, I stayed where I was, you..."

"Ah? Okay, you just stand where you are, don't move, I'll go over now."

Hanging up the phone quickly, Zhou Chen got out of the car and immediately ran quickly.

It turned out that Yang Tao called and said that someone was making trouble for Su Qing, but now she was stopping him and telling him to hurry over.

Zhou Chen didn't dare to delay, and immediately rushed over at the fastest speed.

When he arrived at the destination, he happened to see a big and thick man blocking Yang Tao and Su Qing.

"Zhou Chen, this way."

Although Yang Tao was nervous, she still protected Su Qing and prevented the man opposite from hurting Su Qing. When she saw Zhou Chen coming, she immediately shouted loudly.

Zhou Chen rushed over in three or two steps, stopped Yang Tao and Su Qing behind him, and looked sternly at the ferocious big man in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Before Zhou Chen could speak, the big man stretched out his finger and asked Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen slapped his hand directly.

"I haven't asked you yet, who are you? What are you doing to stop my wife and sister?"

"Oh, I'm going, you dare to hit me."

The man became angry immediately, and he was about to strike with one step forward, but how could Zhou Chen be afraid of him, so he stepped forward with the same step, and the distance between the two was more than ten centimeters.

"What's wrong with beating you? No matter how much you finger, I'll still beat you."

He didn't care who the other party was, since he dared to bully Yang Tao and Su Qing, he must not be a good person. Although he didn't want to cause trouble, it didn't mean he was afraid of trouble.

"Zhou Chen, don't fight."

Seeing that Zhou Chen was about to make a move, Yang Tao immediately stood behind him, pulled his clothes, and pulled him back a few steps.

Although the man looked ferocious and looked like a bastard, he did not attack right away.

"Taozi, Sister Qing, who is he, do you know him?"

Su Qing replied: "He said he was Deng Jiajia's elder brother, and that he came to ask for money in place of Duan Xifeng."

"Deng Jiajia's brother?"

When Zhou Chen heard it, he immediately understood what was going on: "I understand, Sister Qing, although Duan Xifeng is sorry for you, but it is not enough for someone to bully you, it seems that the woman and his family came to find Duan Xifeng without telling Duan Xifeng yours."

Su Qing nodded, and said calmly: "I know, I was about to call Duan Xifeng, but he broke my mobile phone and threatened me, either I will give their family 1 million, or transfer the house to others." give them."

"They are really shameless." Yang Tao cursed angrily from the side.

"Bitch, who are you scolding?"

Deng Jiajia's brother pointed at Taozi and started cursing, which made Zhou Chen, who was already upset, burst into anger.

"Damn, what the hell are you, believe it or not, I'll slap you?"

"Boy, are you arrogant? Come on, I've been around for decades, and I'm still afraid of you, kid?" The eldest brother of the Deng family shouted arrogantly.

"Zhou Chen, don't be impulsive, don't do anything."

Yang Tao and Su Qing each held Zhou Chen's hand to prevent him from making a move, which made Zhou Chen unable to move even if he wanted to.

Seeing that Zhou Chen didn't dare to do anything, the eldest brother of the Deng family became even more arrogant. He straightened his collar and threatened.

"I don't care what your relationship is, give me the money quickly, otherwise, I'll kill you."

"Taozi, Sister Qing, let me go."

Zhou Chen whispered to the two of them: "I will control myself, don't worry, I know it well."

Then he said to the eldest brother of the Deng family: "Don't you want money? Come on, if you are brave enough, come with me and I will give it to you."

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the remote place outside the library. The eldest brother of the Deng family hesitated for a while, and finally followed behind Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen brought Deng Jiajia's eldest brother to the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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