Chapter 121 The Abnormal Li Luo
"The photo looks normal."

Zhou Xin took back the phone and said, "To be honest, I didn't want to agree, but Mr. Li didn't know where to get the news. He was sure that Zhou Chen didn't have a girlfriend, so he brought it up. I couldn't refuse at that time."

Things in the workplace are very complicated. Although she is a manager now, she is several levels behind the general manager who came from the provincial capital of Mr. Li.

People have taken the initiative to talk about this matter, if she doesn't agree, it will be a slap in the face.

"Xin'er, if Zhou Chen doesn't go, will Mr. Li of yours wear shoes for you?"

Zhou Zhiming asked the crux of the problem,
Zhou Xin said: "I'm also afraid of this, so I called Zhou Chen over to discuss it, and asked him to help me. It's just a formality to meet each other. If it's a big deal, I will find a reason to push it away. Anyway, several leaders of the company have pushed it. I haven't seen him wear small shoes for anyone."

Regarding her daughter's work, even Li Congping no longer objected as strongly as before.

"Then go see you?"

The eyes of several people immediately fell on Zhou Chen, which made Zhou Chen very awkward.

When I heard that I was going on a blind date with a woman who might have problems, I am afraid that most men would feel uncomfortable, and Zhou Chen was no exception.

However, after the experience of the two worlds, Zhou Chen has grown too much, and has a certain city, so he will not think about things as rashly as before.

"Okay, sister, then I will listen to you. When we meet, you can just tell me."

Zhou Xin breathed a sigh of relief: "President Li is free tonight, if you have no questions, I will reply to him."

"Well, then tonight."

Zhou Chen was very open. Anyway, he had been on blind date many times, and he didn't care if it happened twice this time. If there was any problem, he would naturally know after getting in touch.

At five o'clock in the evening, Zhou Chen drove Zhou Xin to the hotel.

In previous blind dates, it was always Zhou Chen who took the initiative and set a place to treat guests, but this time it was the other way around. It was the woman's father who took the initiative to set the place and let them go there.

"Zhou Chen, you have to pay attention later. Even if you find something wrong, you must control your emotions. You have been in class for several years. I don't need to teach you this."

At the destination, Zhou Xin didn't get out of the car immediately, but gave Zhou Chen some instructions first.

Zhou Chen didn't know the situation, but she was very aware of the energy of her immediate boss, Mr. Li. It was said that Mr. Li was also a powerful figure in Jinling City with a deep background, so of course she didn't want to offend him.

Zhou Chen: "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Then the two walked into the restaurant, and under the leadership of the waiter, they came to the box.

"Boss Li."

After Zhou Xin walked into the private room, he immediately greeted the middle-aged man in the private room.

"Zhou Xin, come, come, sit down."

Zhou Chen saw the middle-aged man standing up quickly, while the woman sitting beside him glanced lightly and made no other movements.

"Mr. Li, you are so polite, you don't need to spend so much money."

Seeing that more than a dozen dishes had been served on the table, Zhou Xin said quickly.

"Zhou Xin, this is your younger brother, he looks really good-looking, Zhou Chen, right? Come on, young man, sit here."

After seeing Zhou Chen, Mr. Li was very happy, and pulled Zhou Chen to sit next to him.

Facing Mr. Li who was so enthusiastic, Zhou Chen was very calm.

Although Zhou Xin told him that Mr. Li is not ordinary, he has met many big figures in the two film and television worlds, and has dealt with them many times. Naturally, his mentality and demeanor are the same as those before the time travel. On the same day, he has become too calm.

"Zhou Chen, this is my daughter, Luo Luo, Li Luo, you are all young people, after dinner, you must communicate more."

Zhou Chen said politely: "No problem, Mr. Li, your daughter is very beautiful."


Mr. Li laughed loudly: "You don't need to call me Mr. Li, just call me Uncle Li. Come on, the food in this restaurant is pretty good, come and try it."

Li is always a very knowledgable person. Although he is much older than Zhou Chen, he does not put on airs of an elder at all, but is very polite.

Zhou Chen was not a talkative person at first, but the two worlds have done business, and after a long time, he will naturally talk, so he chatted with Mr. Li very quickly.

Zhou Xin looked at Mr. Li, who was chatting hotly and laughing from time to time, and was very surprised. When did her brother Zhou Chen become so eloquent?

But instead of observing the two men, she was still observing Li Luo.

After watching for so long, she found that this Li Luo was not as rumored in the company.

Except for not saying hello or talking, other behaviors are normal, not like the state that a person with autism and depression should have.

Before coming here, she also specifically asked her husband about the symptoms of these two diseases.

Husband Hu Shengli used to be a doctor and knew a little about these two diseases, so he told Zhou Xin how to identify the symptoms.

According to her observations, Li Luo may be different from ordinary people, but she doesn't appear anxious or nervous at all, she looks very calm, her eyes are also calm, and she doesn't dodge, it should not be any of these two diseases.

This made Zhou Xin somewhat relieved.

Zhou Chen was indeed very happy chatting with Li Ruiyang. This person is in the insurance industry, and he told him a lot of interesting things and inside stories about it, which opened his eyes.

And Li Ruiyang thinks that Zhou Chen is also good, not only is his attitude correct and polite, but also when chatting with him, he is not impatient at all, and even occasionally makes a few good key points, which impresses him.

The meal lasted for nearly an hour. During this process, it was Li Ruiyang and Zhou Chen who talked, and Zhou Xin occasionally interjected a few words. As for Li Luo, he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and ate like no one else was there.

But Zhou Chen also observed secretly, this Li Luo not only didn't speak, he didn't even look at him much, just ate by himself.

When eating, she just ate the food in front of her and didn't turn the turntable at all. Every time after Li Ruiyang turned it, she still just ate the food in front of her.

After eating, she sat quietly on the seat, took out a book, and read it carefully as if no one else was there.

Regarding this Li Luo, Zhou Chen's observation in less than an hour gave him that.

Out of gregarious, lack of manners, taciturn, and a little quiet...

Besides, she is beautiful, the kind of beauty that comes out of the water, because she doesn't wear makeup at all.

"Zhou Chen, uncle had a good chat with you today. Uncle will have something to talk to your sister later, and I would like to trouble you to take Luo Luo for a walk to digest, and then send her home, is that okay?"

Zhou Chen understood that it was false to talk about the matter, and it should be creating a separate time for him and Li Luo to spend together.

Zhou Chen glanced at Zhou Xin. In fact, he himself had no intention of continuing contact with Li Luo, because he had just experienced an unforgettable love in the last world.

How long has it been? He really doesn't want to have another relationship so soon.

Zhou Xin winked at Zhou Chen, Zhou Chen immediately understood what she was thinking, and could only answer: "No problem, uncle, just leave it to me."

Li Ruiyang was very happy immediately, turned his head and said to his daughter: "Luo Luo, go out with Zhou Chen for a walk, and then Zhou Chen will send you back."

Li Luo nodded expressionlessly, and said, "Yes, I see."

After finishing speaking, she carefully folded the pages in front of her, closed the book, and put it in her bag, then glanced at Zhou Chen, and walked out of the box first.

It was the first time Zhou Chen met such a girl with personality. Yes, he didn't think Li Luo was sick, it was probably because of her personality.

"Uncle Li, then I'll go first."


Li Ruiyang looked very happy.

When Zhou Chen walked out of the hotel, he saw Li Luo who was waiting at the door. It was only seven o'clock, and although it was already dark, the city was brightly lit, so it didn't look dark.

Standing next to Li Luo, Zhou Chen knew that if he didn't speak, this Li Luo would never speak.

"Li Luo, where do you want to go?"

Li Luo answered concisely: "The library."

Zhou Chen responded: "No problem, it's just a bit far away, let's drive there."


After meeting the girl on a blind date for the first time, they went to the library, which was an experience Zhou Chen had never had before.

(End of this chapter)

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