The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 123 The New World: It's All Good

Chapter 123 The New World: It's All Good

After a good night's sleep, Zhou Chen returned to his house the next day.

The longest period of one month, today is the last day, so he needs to be prepared for another time travel.

"I don't know which world I will travel to this time, I hope it is a TV movie I have watched."

Just when Zhou Chen took a shower and was about to start time travelling, his cell phone rang suddenly, it was an unfamiliar number.

After seeing the unmarked harassing call, Zhou Chen connected it.


Zhou Chen hung up the phone, his expression was extremely astonished, he never thought that it was Li Ruiyang who had dinner with him last night who called him.

What made him even more incredible was that Li Ruiyang actually said that his daughter Li Luo had a good first impression of him, and Li Ruiyang also said that he hoped that he and Li Luo could have more contact and develop well.

After Zhou Chen heard it, he was really dumbfounded. How is it possible?

He didn't say a few words to Li Luo yesterday, Li Luo looked at him without any fluctuation, very cold, how could he have a good impression of him.

"Wait, could it be..."

Suddenly, Zhou Chen remembered what he did yesterday on a whim, targeting himself and Li Luo, and using the god-level Yuelao skill.

"No way, is this skill really that powerful?"

He was really surprised. This skill only said that it can increase the chance of holding hands, but it is not [-]%. Could it be that the first time it was used, it was really possessed by the Emperor of Europe, and it worked?

If this skill is really so good, will he really change his career in the future, buy a fish pond, and become Neptune?

A sentence suddenly appeared in my mind.

Mom no longer has to worry about me not being able to find a girlfriend, Soeasy...

The cooling time of God-level Moon Elder is seven days, if you change a girlfriend in seven days, I will ask you if you are afraid.

After feeling complacent, Zhou Chen calmed down slowly. He knew that he had taken it for granted. After all, it was only to increase the success rate, not [-]%.

You still have to keep a low profile and not be too arrogant.

This skill is not unlimited, and there are prerequisites. Only two people who know each other, or through a blind date through introduction, can use this skill when they are inclined to fall in love and marry, not just for two people who don’t know each other. People can use it.

Matchmaking is the key. The role of this god-level moon elder is to bridge and match, not to force people to combine.

But even so, this skill is very powerful, at least the practicality is greater than money to clear the way, because the cooling time is short.

Under Zhou Chen's wild imagination, the countdown to time travel has arrived.


Zhou Chen woke up on the plane, and he time-traveled again, this time he directly time-traveled onto the plane, his body was still his own, but his name was no longer his own.

Su Mingyang is his current name, and the world he travels through is a TV series called 'Everything is Good' that he has watched.

As an urban drama, it reflects the grievances and hatreds of a family.

Regarding this drama, Zhou Chenji is quite clear, because he happened to watch this TV drama in the past two months.

A large number of memories flooded into his mind. This is the memory given to him by the system. The amount of information is much larger than that of the previous world. The impact of the memory caused him to suffer severe pain.

It took a long time for Zhou Chen to slowly recover. The dizzy head made him very uncomfortable, but this time he gained experience and directly opened the system panel to add points.

The first thing to do is to add energy. Although energy will not increase intelligence, it can enhance his thinking ability, analysis and understanding ability, thus making it easier for him to receive and digest a large amount of sudden memory.

After adding two points of energy all of a sudden, Zhou Chen immediately relieved his headache and sorted out the memories in his mind.

Host: Zhou Chen


Power: 9
Constitution: 12
Spirit: 14
Agility: 8
Remaining points: 2
Money clears the way: When the host actively uses money to do something, the success rate of this thing can be increased by 50.00%; cooldown: main world: one month; film and television world: only once per world.

God-level Yuelao: When the host takes the initiative to set up a bridge for the target’s love and marriage, the chances of the target’s successful holding hands will be greatly increased; cooldown: seven days.


The attribute points of the panel changed, and the spirit reached 14 points. Zhou Chen didn't feel much change, but his consciousness seemed to become smoother.

Zhou Chen didn't get entangled in this aspect. This is the power of the system. He doesn't need to delve into it, as long as he knows that he has improved again. With his current spirit, it is estimated that even if he doubles it by ten times, it is impossible to understand why.

Continuing to organize his memory, Zhou Chen quickly figured out his current identity, but this identity really surprised him.

His name is Su Mingyang, and he has an older sister named Su Mingyu, who was born on the same date in the same year. His father is Su Daqiang, his mother is Zhao Meilan, his eldest brother Su Mingzhe, and his second brother Su Mingcheng...

That's right, he turned out to be a member of the protagonist's family, a twin born with Su Mingyu. Su Mingyu was born a few minutes earlier than him as an older sister, while he was born a few minutes later as a younger brother.

The three brothers and sisters of the Su family suddenly became four brothers and sisters.

In my memory, my childhood was very miserable, not much better than Su Mingyu, which surprised Zhou Chen.

Because when he watched this drama, he knew very well that Zhao Meilan, the head of the Su family, was a patriarchal mother. It stands to reason that he is a son, and his life should not be bad.

But his memory told him that was not the case, he was not living well, and even the misery in many memories made him feel very angry.


After digesting all the memories, Zhou Chen let out a breath slowly, these memories are really heavy enough.

The reason why he woke up on the plane was because he was on the plane back to Shanghai, and the landing point was Shanghai.

And the reason why he wanted to go back to Shanghai was because the drama of the TV series started, and his mother Zhao Meilan in his memory passed away, and he rushed back to attend the funeral.

The death of Zhao Meilan, the head of the Su family, meant that the plot of this show had officially kicked off. After arriving in Su City, he would meet his father, brothers, sisters and relatives in his memory.

He came back from the UK, so it took a long time to reach his destination, and the plane had just taken off, so he still had plenty of time to prepare.

Zhou Chen, who was sitting in the first-class cabin, asked the stewardess for a glass of water to drink, and then began to close his eyes and meditate.

At the same time, he continued to sort out his memory, and began to check his quests in this world. Just now, he only focused on looking at the attributes, and forgot to look at his quests.

(End of this chapter)

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