The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 127 The Confrontation Between Sisters and Brothers

Chapter 127 Conversation Between Siblings (Add More!)
After listening to Su Mingyu's three-point explanation, Su Mingzhe was speechless immediately, because he couldn't refute what Su Mingyu said.

After a long time, he spoke again: "Where is Dad, is he okay now?"

Su Mingyu: "Now he cries when he sees everyone, but he is in good health. With Su Mingcheng and his wife by his side, there is nothing serious."

"It's fine, dad is fine."

No matter how Su Mingzhe is, his filial piety is absolutely true.

It's just that when he was in the United States, his filial piety could not be shown. Now that something happened, he felt guilty, and naturally wanted to be more filial to his living father.

"Brother, where are you staying when you come back? How about I book you a hotel?" Su Mingyu asked suddenly.

Su Mingzhe shook his head and sighed: "I don't want to go anywhere, I just live at home with Dad."

Su Mingyu waited, and shook her head with a wry smile: "Father lives in Su Mingcheng's place, and he doesn't dare to go back to the old house now, saying that he is afraid of ghosts there."

After hearing this, Su Mingzhe was a little stunned, but he still insisted: "I still want to stay with Dad."

"Okay, then you can live with Dad in Su Mingcheng's place, and he can live there with a living."

After talking about Su Mingzhe, Su Mingyu turned to look at Zhou Chen, and said, "Mingyang, you just go back with me and live with me, and I happen to have an empty bedroom there."


Zhou Chen didn't hesitate, Su Mingyu was his own sister, and she wasn't married, so there was no pressure to live with her.

But Su Mingzhe felt a little uncomfortable after hearing the conversation between their siblings.

When Su Mingyu asked him just now, that is to say, to book him a hotel, she had no intention of letting him stay with her at all.

Even if Mingyu said it, he wouldn't go to live there, but if he couldn't live there, it's a completely different matter from talking or not.

Just from this little incident, it can be seen that the relationship between Su Mingyu and Zhou Chen is far deeper than that of his big brother.

"We'll go directly to the funeral parlor later. Brother, Ming Yang, you should sleep for a while. I'll call you when we arrive."

Su Mingzhe nodded, and then closed his eyes to rest. Zhou Chen had slept for several hours. He was in good spirits and didn't feel sleepy, so he looked at the scenery outside through the window.

He has been to the city of Modu, but it was in the real world. He has been there several times, but he still doesn't know much about it.

As a young man, he would be more or less yearning for Shanghai, the most prosperous first-tier city in China.

It's just that he in the real world finally returned to his small place, because he has no special skills, and he may be able to survive in the magic city, but he is definitely not as nourished as in a small city.

After a long time, he no longer yearns for such a big city.

In the last two worlds, he lived in a big city, which is not much different from Shanghai, especially in the let's get married world. He took carambola and went to many places in Yanjing.

Maybe the world is different, and the structure of the city may also change, but as the world of film and television dramas based on China, the background cities should not be too different. It is more likely that the age is different, which leads to the different development of the city.

"Mingyu, what exactly is that gift you mentioned just now?"

Zhou Chen remembered the gift that Su Mingyu had just mentioned, so he asked.

Su Mingyu smiled slightly, and said: "I told you, I won't tell you yet. After Mom's funeral is over, I will take you to a place. You will definitely like that gift."

"Okay, then I'll wait a few more days."

Knowing that Su Mingyu is a person who walks the talk, Zhou Chen didn't ask any further questions.

The inside of the car became very quiet, and Zhou Chen sighed again, a good car is a good car, and there is no noise at all. Compared with this Mercedes-Benz, his Angkesaila is a world apart.

When you have money in the future, the first thing you need to do is to change Angkesaila... Zhou Chen felt ruthless.

"Ming Yang."


Su Mingyu has always been vigorous and resolute, but when facing her only younger brother, she rarely hesitated.

"Mom has already left. Even if you have any dissatisfaction with her in your heart, let it go."

Zhou Chen was stunned when he heard the words, he knew why Su Mingyu told him this, because Su's mother, Zhao Meilan, did something that made 'him' feel sad, and it was after that incident that 'he' stopped Have not been back.

"Mingyu, I think you should say this to yourself, because I've already seen it, and it's actually you who really worry about it."

Indeed, even though he knew what Su's mother had done to 'him' was too much, but now he has really seen it.

Anyway, he was also raised by his mother, Zhao Meilan, even though he was not treated well, but after all, he was raised so big.

The dead are the big ones, and after he crossed over, he no longer had any resentment towards this unmasked mother in his heart.

Su Mingyu pursed her lips, of course she understood what Zhou Chen meant, and she didn't answer.

"You can see the best."

"Ming Yang."


"It's really great that you can come back. I will never have to be alone again during the Chinese New Year."

Hearing Su Mingyu's words, Zhou Chen suddenly felt sorry for her.

Because he somewhat empathized with him. In the last world, he celebrated the New Year alone, so he knew very well how lonely he was alone when everyone else's family was reunited on that day.

Compared to him, Su Mingyu was even more miserable.

"Of course, since I'm back, you won't have to celebrate the New Year alone in the future, but after so many years, you haven't thought about finding someone?"

Su Mingyu snorted immediately: "What are you looking for? I, Su Mingyu, don't need to rely on men. Can a man be reliable if he has money? It's enough for me to have a brother like you. Husband and boyfriend, let them go away."

"Arrogant enough."

Zhou Chen gave a thumbs up. Ordinary women certainly don't have this ability, but Su Mingyu has it. In terms of making money, she is better than most men. Now she no longer needs to rely on men to support her.

Moreover, due to her childhood experience, Su Mingyu also felt a little disgusted with marriage, so after all these years, she had never found a boyfriend at all.

Su Mingyu said with a smile: "What I'm thinking now is that it's best for you to get married quickly, and then give birth to a child for me to play with. I'll just be an aunt, and forget it as a mother."

Zhou Chen: "You are so good, I'm really afraid that my child will be spoiled by you."

"If you play badly, you will have another one."

"I can't afford to have more children."

"If you can't afford it, give it to me and I'll help you."

"Then I really appreciate you."


While the two were chatting in low voices, time passed slowly, and soon they came to the area of ​​Su City. Su Mingyu drove directly towards the funeral home she had arranged for a long time ago.

People in big cities, because there are many regulations, so most families, if an elderly person dies, they will choose to put the body in the funeral home.

But in the real world, Zhou Chen's small place is just the opposite.

Most families will put the remains of their loved ones in ice coffins, stay at home for a few days, accompany their loved ones to complete the last "legacy", and cremate them on the third, fifth, or seventh day burial.

After arriving at the funeral parlor, Su Mingyu parked the car and took Zhou Chen and Su Mingzhe to the place where her mother Zhao Meilan's body was kept.

(End of this chapter)

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