The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 131 Put on airs, love to preach

Chapter 131 Put on airs, love to preach

Once Su Daqiang and Su Mingyu left, Zhu Li stayed in the bedroom and did not come out, leaving only Zhou Chen and Su Mingzhe in the living room.

Zhou Chen checked the news on the Internet with his mobile phone. Although he inherited his 'own' memory, because he stayed abroad before, he didn't have a very detailed understanding of domestic current affairs.

He needs to use the news to determine how this world is different from the real world, whether it is the same as the last world, the country's development trajectory and background are similar, but many people and companies in all walks of life have changed.

He has not given up on his dream of getting rich by buying stocks and lottery tickets, but whenever he finds that they are similar to real-world stocks and lottery tickets, he immediately goes downstairs to buy them.

After swiping the stock market and lottery tickets for a while, it turned out to be exactly what he expected, completely different from what he remembered.

In this way, the fastest money-making methods he has mastered cannot be used. As for the bank card balance, he also checked it through mobile banking. The property from the previous world has not been inherited to this world.

Thinking of my mission, it is to become an excellent musician in this world. Zhou Chen can't define what kind of musician can be called an excellent musician.

But no matter what, it must be a career related to music.

As for those related to music, the most well-known ones are undoubtedly the singers in the entertainment industry. In addition, there are also various masters in the musical instrument industry, such as pianists and so on.

Even a music teacher can be said to be engaged in the music industry, but wants to achieve achievements and achieve what the system calls excellence.

Zhou Chen's understanding is that you need to have enough popularity and be recognized by more people, otherwise you are playing music at home alone, and the system will definitely not recognize the excellence that you think is already excellent.

"Do you really want to mix in the singer circle?"

Zhou Chen shook his head and didn't make a decision. Anyway, this time he can stay in this world for a long time, and he has enough time to think and make decisions.

After traveling through the two worlds, Zhou Chen can already be sure that no matter how long he stays in the film and television world, his age in the real world will not be affected. that point in time.

As for returning to the film and television world where he stayed, whether time will pass, Zhou Chen has not tried this, so he cannot make a judgment.

Looking at the singers in the entertainment industry, Zhou Chen discovered that these singers are completely different from the real world, and they all have strange names.

However, although the singers are different, many songs are similar to the real world, but to what extent they are similar, and in such a short period of time, he still cannot be sure.

"Ming Yang."

Hearing Su Mingzhe's voice, Zhou Chen put down his phone and asked, "What's wrong, brother?"

Su Mingzhe hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Ming Yang, just now dad said you don't like him, what's going on? Did something happen between you and your parents?"

In his memory, the youngest brother is not a reassuring child. He often quarreled with his mother when he was a child, very similar to Su Mingyu.

Especially after junior high school, I didn't go to high school, and after I went to vocational school, I didn't go home very much, and I didn't see him a few times a year.

As for later, when he went abroad, he had no idea what happened between Zhou Chen and his parents.

"It's nothing. If you want to know, you can ask Dad. I don't want to talk about them behind their backs."

All of a sudden, Zhou Chen was really uncomfortable calling another person his father.

Seeing that Zhou Chen didn't want to talk about it, and Su Mingzhe couldn't force him to ask, he persuaded him: "Ming Yang, no matter what happened between you and your parents, parents are parents. You can be dissatisfied, but you must not be unfilial, let alone You can’t leave it alone and ask, you say yes.”

Seeing Su Mingzhe educating himself earnestly, Zhou Chen felt very bored. This elder brother is really good at being a teacher, with the airs of a boss.

"Brother, I think you should not ask me these things now, but think about how to explain to my sister-in-law. You didn't even discuss it with her, but decided to bring Dad to the United States. Have you ever thought about it? If you don't want to, what should you do?"

Su Mingzhe's face changed slightly, but he quickly returned to normal, and he said confidently: "She dares, Ming Yang, you don't know, in our house, I am the one who makes the decisions. I said I would take Dad to the United States, your sister-in-law, she I dare not have the slightest opinion, so your worries are unnecessary."

After Zhou Chen heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he didn't know that you and Su Mingcheng, the two brothers, are truly strict wives, and kneeling has become the norm.

But he didn't expose Su Mingzhe's lies, men all want face.

"Mingyang, Mingyu was here before, I didn't have a chance to ask you, but Mingyu said that you are not working now, but studying music, right?"


Su Mingzhe: "Mingyang, you can't do this. You are almost thirty, how can you not work? You are a big man, and you spend Mingyu's money to learn music, don't you think there is a problem? Don't you You may live with Mingyu for the rest of your life, but it is impossible for her to support you for the rest of your life, you have to be self-reliant and find a job instead of playing music that can't be on the stage."

Zhou Chen looked at Su Mingzhe in astonishment: "Brother, music can't be on the stage, where did you come to this conclusion? You graduated from a prestigious American school, but how much money do you make a year, and how much do those singers make a year?" Money? Where did you get the confidence to say that music can’t be on stage?”

Su Mingzhe: "There are many singers who are rich, but after all, they are only a very few, very few, do you think you can compare with them? So, Ming Yang, people still have to accept their fate, don't think about being brilliant, live life first Well, let’s talk about having a stable home.”

He is not talking nonsense, singers who can make a lot of money are indeed rare, and the vast majority of people who pursue music will not have good results.

But Zhou Chen has his own ideas. He didn't come to this world to live the life of an ordinary person. If he wants to complete the task, he is doomed to be like Su Mingzhe.

"I know that you and Mingyu have the best relationship, but Mingyu is a woman, she will marry sooner or later, you can't count on her forever."

Zhou Chen didn't want to talk to Su Mingzhe about this issue, so he said, "Brother, what you said makes sense, and I will seriously consider it."

"That's right, man, you still have to rely on yourself."

Su Mingzhe thought that Zhou Chen was persuaded by him, and he was very happy, looking like a child can be taught.

While they were talking, the door was opened, and Su Mingcheng walked in with breakfast.

Julie, who had been staying in the room, also came out after hearing the voice.

"Honey, you're back."

(End of this chapter)

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