The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 135 Admonish, the cause of everything

Chapter 135 Commandment, the cause of everything
When Zhou Chen woke up again, Su Mingyu had already prepared the food.

Seeing Zhou Chen coming out, Su Mingyu changed into pajamas and said, "Go and wash up, and then eat."

After a few minutes.

"Mingyu, your cooking skills really haven't improved at all."

Su Mingyu rolled her eyes: "You're not at home, I can't eat a few meals at home throughout the year, how can I cook my own food when I have time, just eat something, you are the only one who can eat the food I cook. "

"That's true. You are a dignified boss. You have hundreds of people under your command. How can you have time to cook by yourself?"

In terms of food, Zhou Chen is not very picky. Although Su Mingyu's fried dishes are not delicious, they are still tasty.

"I'll cook it for you in the future."

Su Mingyu: "Your level is not much higher than mine."

"Haven't you heard a saying, Shibie will treat you with admiration for three days, my current level of cooking is definitely better than yours."

In the first film and television world, he also often cooks. Although his level is average, it is definitely much better than Su Mingyu's cooking.

"Hehe, then I'll wait and see."

After dinner, the two sat on the sofa and watched TV together.

"Ming Yang, do you still hate Mom?" Su Mingyu suddenly asked Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen replied: "In the past, yes, but now, there is no more. She has already left, and everything has disappeared. There is no need to dwell on the past."

Su Mingyu said in a deep voice: "I don't care about anything else, but she refused to save you and made you stay in the detention center for several months before being released. I will never forgive her."

Zhou Chen: "I did make a mistake about what happened back then. It's human nature for them not to save me. Anyway, they didn't have much affection for me since I was a child."

Su Mingyu was silent for a long time, and then said: "You may be right, but I still can't forgive her. From childhood to adulthood, only you and I are the real family. They didn't treat us as a family at all. We spend money and don’t want to take us to the hospital when we are sick, but Big Brother and Su Mingcheng will do their best to fulfill any request. I really don’t understand why this is? If they are patriarchal, But why do you do this to you?"

"Okay, Mingyu, my sister, don't think about it too much, tomorrow is my mother's funeral, and the lights are turned off when people die, so let all of this pass."

Zhou Chen watched Su Mingyu's eyes turn red, and gently placed her head on his shoulders, and the two cuddled each other.

"Mingyang, you ruined your life for me, so no matter what others say, you will always be the most important person to me. I can abandon everyone, but I will never abandon you; you are the same, No matter where you go, remember me, otherwise, I will make you look good."

"That goes without saying, you are my benefactor now, if you don't rely on you, who else can I rely on?"

"You're smart."

Su Mingyu showed a satisfied smile. She lacked the love of a father and mother since she was a child, and she valued her twin brother who was the best for her and cared for her more than everyone else.

The two sat quietly, and suddenly Su Mingyu spoke again.

"Ming Yang, today you said that Dad may not be able to go to the United States, do you know something?"

Zhou Chen said: "Brother's personality is very similar to our dad's. Do you think he can hold on to my sister-in-law? I'm afraid that in my brother's house, it's my sister-in-law who really makes the decision. In order not to serve my sister-in-law during her confinement, our parents even You can make up that kind of lie, if you were sister-in-law, what would you think?"

"Needless to say, it must have exploded."

"That's it. In this case, do you think my sister-in-law will still be willing to take our dad over? According to my opinion, he will not be able to go to America in all likelihood. "

Su Mingyu sat up straight, with a startled look on her face: "If you really can't go, wouldn't dad be going crazy?"

Zhou Chen said: "It's useless to be angry. In fact, the best way is what I said before. Rent a big house for Dad and find a nanny to take care of him. This is good for the eldest brother and everyone, but it is obviously impossible for the eldest brother to agree. of."

Su Daqiang can indeed do it, but the foundation of everything comes from the connivance of the boss Su Mingzhe. If they are like Su Mingyu, Su Daqiang will not dare to do too much.

"Ming Yang, don't say such things in the future, let me tell you what you think, I don't care about reputation."

"To be honest, in my opinion, in this family, apart from your mother who has passed away, you are the only one who can live with Dad. Dad obviously knows this, so he dare not live with you. .”


"By the way, Mingyu, how is Lao Meng treating you now?"

"He's been nice to me."

"Really, that's good. My personal suggestion is that you still have to be careful. Sometimes after working together for a long time, conflicts will inevitably arise. I don't want to see the day when you and Lao Meng have a falling out."

Although Su Mingyu in the plot did not turn against Lao Meng in the end, it was also because Su Mingyu could pass the test every time. If Su Mingyu made a wrong step, with Lao Meng's methods, Su Mingyu probably would not end well. .

"Ming Yang, you're thinking too much. Master treats me with great kindness and trust. There will never be a day when I will turn against him, but you still have a conscience and know how to care about my sister."

"Nonsense, you are my only sister in this world, I don't care about you, who else cares about you?"

The two chatted for a long time before going to rest.

"I've already packed your clothes and put them in your locker. You can wear them directly when you wake up tomorrow morning."

"okay, I get it."

Zhou Chen felt that he was lucky. He traveled through three worlds and met very nice people. His two wives and one sister treated him very well, so he is very grateful to the system for giving him such a good job. Fortunately, he was not thrown into a corner.

Back in his room, Zhou Chen picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

"Liu Qing, it's me, Ming Yang."

"Ming Yang? No, why did you remember to call me? You're back in your country?"

Zhou Chen smiled slightly. When he was in China, he had a very good relationship with Liu Qing, and they often hang out together, they can be regarded as friends.

"Well, I'm back home."

"Then what are you waiting for? Where are you? I'll pick you up, just to cleanse the dust."

"It's fine to clean up the dust. I called to tell you that Mingyu and I are together. We have important things to do these two days. You know Mingyu's character. She definitely doesn't want to ask for leave. So I want you to go to her to help her take a look, if there is any problem, you try to help him solve it, if you can't solve it, you go directly to Lao Meng."

"No, Mingyu has something to do, why didn't she tell me in person, instead she asked you to convey it."

"Don't ask so many questions. I can't tell you the reason. If you want to know, you can ask her when you are done with your work these days. She is already asleep at this time, so don't bother her anymore." .”

"Hey, you're not kidding me, are you? It's not a joke. If Mingyu troubles me afterwards, I can't afford it."

"At that time, you will put all the responsibility on me. It's okay, I won't tell you. I will find you after I finish my work in a few days. That's it, hang up."

Zhou Chen was lying on the bed, and the reason why he called Liu Qing was because he knew that if he didn't explain anything, Su Mingyu would be in trouble at the funeral tomorrow, so he planned to solve this trouble in advance.

If he cuts first and plays later, even if Su Mingyu finds out afterwards, she won't be really angry with him, and he can also resolve the conflicts that may arise tomorrow.

Anyway, tomorrow is the day of mother Zhao Meilan's funeral. If there is no problem, it is best not to have any problems and let her go safely.

Meanwhile, Su Ming got married.

Su Mingzhe and his father Su Daqiang squeezed into a room.

After sleeping all afternoon, Su Mingzhe was in good spirits, and now he couldn't sleep either, and Su Daqiang couldn't sleep either, the two tossed and turned in different moods.

"Dad, today Mingcheng and Mingyang fought. I heard Mingcheng said that Mingyang was in prison. What's going on?"

This matter has been on Su Mingzhe's mind for an entire afternoon. He still can't figure out why. He has only been abroad for ten years, and why so many things happened at home.


Su Daqiang sighed heavily, "Ming Cheng is right, Ming Yang has indeed been in prison, but this matter has a lot to do with your mother."

"It's about Mom, Dad, what's going on?"

Su Daqiang had a serious expression and far-sighted eyes, and his thoughts seemed to return to many years ago.

"This matter has to start when Ming Yang and Ming Yu graduated from junior high school. At that time, it was too much pressure for us to send four children to school at the same time, so your mother wanted Ming Yu to go to school. Give up your studies, learn to be a nurse, and then go to work as soon as possible; but Mingyu disagreed, and finally Mingyang gave up his chance to Mingyu, let Mingyu continue to study in high school, and he went to a vocational school."

Su Mingzhe showed surprise: "Didn't it mean that Yang asked to go to a vocational school because he failed the high school entrance examination?"

He was still at home at this time, but he was absorbed in studying and didn't care about other things at all, so he didn't know the specific situation at that time. He always thought that it was because his younger brother's academic performance was not good, so he had to go to a vocational school .

Su Daqiang: "No, Mingyang's grades were very good at that time, and his high school entrance examination scores were even better than Mingyu's. It's just that he gave up his chance to go to high school for Mingyu's sake and chose a vocational school, because the vocational school only needs to study for two or three years. , you can go to work."

"Later, although Mingyu was in high school, your mother was always unhappy. She didn't buy her textbooks, school supplies, or make up lessons; in order for Mingyu to continue her studies, Mingyang had to save money. Live frugally, give Mingyu all her living expenses, and ask Mingyu to take the exam."

Su Mingzhe said in disbelief: "How is it possible? Why didn't I know?"

"Because your mother and I didn't know at the time, it was only after Mingyu turned against us that he told all this."

"Then why is Ming Yang in jail?"

"That year was close to the college entrance examination, and Mingyu's grades were very good. Their teacher said that as long as she worked hard, she could hope to be admitted to the best Shuimu University, but your mother didn't want Mingyu to be admitted to Shuimu University. She wanted Mingyu to enter It’s a free teacher’s college, so she doesn’t give Mingyu money to make up lessons.”

"Later, Ming Yang found out, and he came back to ask your mother for money, but your mother still refused to give it. Ming Yang had no choice but to work part-time to make money to help Ming Yu, and gave all the money he earned to Ming Yu. Later, when he was working in a bar, he had a conflict with someone and got into a fight, which seriously injured him."

"The person who was injured at that time was willing to mediate in private, as long as we gave enough medical expenses and compensation; but your mother felt ashamed and was unwilling to pay the money, so Ming Yang could not be bailed out, but could only be released. Locked in the detention center, after being locked up for a few months, Mingyu can only compromise with your mother for Mingyang, and is willing to go to college for free, as long as your mother is willing to pay for mediation and let Mingyang be released."

"In the end, your mother still paid for the injured person to have a private discussion. After the negotiation, Mingyang was released; but since then, Mingyang has never returned home. Except for Mingyu, no one People know where he went."

After hearing this, Su Mingzhe was very shocked. He never expected that such a thing would happen to the Su family after he left.

At this moment, he finally understood why Mingyu and Mingyang had such a good relationship, why Mingyu was able to pay so much for Mingyang, because Mingyang did the same to her back then.

"This matter, Mom, she..."

He couldn't go on, although he felt that his mother was wrong in this matter, no matter what, he was his own son, even if he made a mistake, how could he watch his own son being locked up in prison and ignore it? ?
It's just that now that his mother is gone, as a son, it's hard for him to comment on his mother.

Su Daqiang: "Mingzhe, now you should be able to understand why I don't want to live with Mingyang, right? Mingyang is different from you, he is a person who will hold grudges, if I live with him, maybe why? Toss me."

Su Mingzhe couldn't laugh or cry: "Dad, Mingyang is not that kind of person."

"That's because you don't know him well. Anyway, whoever I live with, I don't live with him." Su Daqiang's attitude was very firm.

Su Mingzhe can't help it, but now he has decided to bring Su Daqiang to the United States, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about it.

"Dad, there is one thing that I don't quite understand. Why did you treat Mingyu and Mingyang like that at home when you were young?"

Although he is a nerd, he can also tell that in their Su family, the two siblings are treated differently.

Su Daqiang hesitated for a long time, met Su Mingzhe's expectant eyes, and finally said: "Since you want to know, then I will tell you more tonight."

"The reason why your mother married me at the beginning was for our family's urban household registration. After our family settled the household registration problem for your mother and your uncle, your mother began to dislike me, saying that I am not a man, a wimp, and that I I don't deserve her, anyway, your mother is, she always gets angry with me for all sorts of inexplicable things."

"To be honest, I really didn't want to live with her at that time."

Su Mingzhe has been listening carefully all the time. Hearing this, he said: "I have an impression of this. I remember that for a while, you and Mom did often quarrel and divorce. If I remember correctly, at that time Mingyu and Ming Yang shouldn't have been born yet, right?"

Su Daqiang: "You're right, but it's not me who divorced your mother, but your mother who divorced me, because when she attended a class reunion, she met an old friend who was a doctor in Shanghai , In order to get along well with your mother, that man insisted that he could solve your mother's work problem in the hospital in Shanghai."

"That's why your mother wanted to abandon our family and go to Shanghai with that man in order to get to the next level."

Su Mingzhe asked in disbelief, "Really?"

Su Daqiang sighed: "Your mother just left, do you think I need to lie to you? At that time, your mother was about to move out, but I didn't expect to find out that she was pregnant at this time, and it was almost four months.

You also know that your mother's health has not been very good. It is such a big month, and abortion is easy to cause life-threatening, so I can only choose to give birth.

As for that man, after knowing this, he disappeared immediately. Without your mother to rely on, you will naturally be unable to go to the Demon Capital, so you can only give birth to Mingyu and Mingyang at home. "

Hearing this, Su Mingzhe swallowed, and couldn't help asking: "Then Mingyu and Mingyang, who are they?"

When Su Daqiang heard it, he immediately became anxious: "Of course it's mine, otherwise why would your mother hate me so much?"

Su Mingzhe breathed a sigh of relief, they are brothers and sisters of the same father and mother, brothers are fine.

Su Daqiang continued: "When I was giving birth, it happened that the national policy was tightened, because your mother and I were implicated and were demoted. Since then, our family's situation has plummeted, and we have no money. It was impossible to bring up the matter of divorce again, and we just went on like this."

"Because the birth of Mingyu and Mingyang made our family's living conditions worse, can your mother not blame them?"

Only then did Su Mingzhe fully understand the reason for all this.

"It's no wonder that Mingyu always complains that his mother is unfair. It turns out that there is another reason. It is understandable that he has no money to go to school, but what happened to Mingyang, but his mother is unwilling to save him. Whoever it is will be disappointed. "

Su Daqiang sighed: "At that time, I really had no money. Although I persuaded me a few times to sell another house and rescue Ming Yang first, but your mother disagreed, and there was nothing I could do about it. Ming Yang, this child, It's also a hard life, I stayed there for a few months, and I suffered a lot."

"But now it's better, Mingyu has developed, she thinks of Mingyang's kindness to him, and takes good care of Mingyang, and the relationship between their two siblings is also the best, so I don't need to worry about it anymore."

After hearing all this, Su Mingzhe felt very embarrassed when he thought of what he said to Zhou Chen today. He thought that his younger brother was a worthless man who would only rely on Mingyu. reason.

He paid too much for Mingyu back then, and now Mingyu is willing to give everything for him.

Compared with the relationship between the two of them, Su Mingzhe found that he was really not qualified to be the eldest brother.

(End of this chapter)

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