The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 137 The happiness that Mingyu wants

Chapter 137 The happiness that Mingyu wants

"Mingyu, my uncle heard that you are now the boss of a big company. You are amazing. I knew from a young age that you, Mingyu, will be successful when you grow up. It seems that I am right. A child, you are the most promising."

On the table, a short, fat, and big-headed middle-aged man praised Su Mingyu with a thumbs up from a few people away.

Su Mingyu smiled slightly: "Uncle, you have boasted. I am a person in charge of sales. I am not a boss. I just make ends meet. I am not as comfortable as you, Uncle. You have a happy life, and you are handsome and filial."

Glancing at Zhao Zhongbang, who was eating and drinking, Zhou Chen's mouth twitched.

Mingyu is worthy of being the boss of the sales company. The ability to tell lies with open eyes has reached the level of proficiency. If it were him, he really couldn't say it.

Uncle immediately laughed happily, and at this moment the aunt sitting next to him touched him, and he realized it.

"Mingyu, you said that you are now the boss of the company. If your mother finds out, she must be proud of you. Well, uncle is also proud of you."

Su Mingyu sat up straight, with her arms propped on the edge of the table: "Uncle, you also know that I am very straightforward, so just speak up if you have anything to say."

The uncle laughed and said, "Mingyu is just smart, just like your mother and my sister, that's it. Uncle does have a small matter and wants to ask you for help."

Su Mingyu: "Uncle, tell me, if I can help, I will do my best."

Uncle was very happy when he heard the words, and the aunt next to him was also smiling, with a flattering look on her face.

"Mingyu, it's like this. Your aunt's factory has not been profitable recently, and you can't make any money. Your brother Zhongbang is going to take the exam again. Our family is in urgent need of money. I think, Mingyu, are you working in a big company? Boss, why don't you arrange a job for your aunt?"

Su Mingyu smiled: "Looking for a job, so I don't know what kind of job my aunt wants?"

When Su Mingyu was talking to her natal uncle, the other people at the table also looked at them unconsciously, especially Su Daqiang, who kept winking at Su Mingyu to tell her not to agree, but Su Mingyu acted as if he didn't see it.

"Mingyu asked what kind of job you want, tell her truthfully, and she will definitely arrange it for you." Uncle said to aunt.

My aunt smiled immediately and said, "Mingyu, Auntie doesn't want any good job, just one that can sit in an office, and the salary is not too high, just [-] to [-] a month, preferably nine to five."

With a smile on Su Mingyu's face, she asked, "Then do you want to arrange a secretary for your aunt and a car?"


Although my aunt is thick-skinned, she is not stupid. After hearing Su Mingyu's words, she immediately realized that something was wrong.

And the uncle was even more dissatisfied and asked: "Mingyu, what do you mean by that? Isn't it just asking you to arrange a job? Is it so difficult?"

Su Mingyu put away her smile, and her face became cold: "Uncle, you made things difficult for me first. I'm just a part-time worker. You let me arrange a job where I can easily sit in an office and earn a salary of [-] to [-] yuan. How can there be such a good thing?" Work, if uncle knows, you can arrange it for me."

"You..." Uncle was so insulted that he was speechless.

"Okay, Mingyu, now that you're the boss, you don't look down on my uncle, do you?"

Su Mingyu was about to speak when Zhou Chen spoke first: "Uncle, what you said, how could Mingyu look down on you, Uncle? It's like this. Mingyu really doesn't have that much power. If she has that much power, I will This younger brother is not yet unemployed."

"But if my aunt really wants to find a job, I can help introduce her."

The uncle immediately looked at Zhou Chen suspiciously. He knew who Zhou Chen was, and he didn't think Zhou Chen was capable of introducing jobs to his wife.

Not only him, Su Daqiang, Su Mingzhe, Su Mingcheng and others also looked at Zhou Chen in surprise. They all knew Zhou Chen's details, and even Su Mingyu was unwilling to help. Why did he open his mouth to accept him.

"Tell me, can you introduce door-to-door work?"

Although very suspicious, the uncle still asked.

Zhou Chen said, "It's like this. I saw the recruitment information in Mingyu's community today. There is a job on it that I think is very suitable for my aunt. The daily salary starts from three to four hundred, and it is paid weekly."

When the aunt heard it, her eyes lit up immediately: "Where is it, what job?"

"It's in Mingyu's community, the part-time cleaning aunt, Mingyu is the owner, as long as she mentions it to the property management, I believe they will hire aunt."

As soon as they heard that it was the part-time cleaning aunt, the faces of the uncle and aunt turned dark on the spot.

"Su Mingyang, you little bastard, you actually asked your aunt to be the cleaning lady."

Zhou Chen's face turned cold: "What? Auntie is the daughter-in-law of a national cadre? Or the daughter of some leader. Does she work in a factory and earn hundreds of dollars a day?"

Having watched TV, he knew very well what kind of face these two people had. He didn't have to be polite to this kind of shameless uncle.

"You little bastard, little bastard, what your mother said is right, you are just an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and a little bastard who has been in prison. If I didn't look at your mother's sake, now I I'll kill you bastard."

My aunt also chimed in: "That's right, a person like you should be imprisoned for the rest of your life, and if you come out, you'll be ashamed and cause harm to others."


Su Mingyu's face was extremely gloomy, and she was about to get angry on the spot, but Zhou Chen was faster than her, and suddenly slammed the table with a loud bang, which shocked everyone in the side hall.

Looking at Zhou Chen who suddenly stood up after slapping the table, the fat uncle who had always been unscrupulous was startled, especially when he saw Zhou Chen's cold eyes, he even shuddered.

As for the aunt next to him, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to yell any more. On the contrary, Zhao Zhongbang took a crab as if no one else was there, and continued to chew on it.

Zhou Chen looked cold, and said coldly: "Since uncle and aunt know that I have been in prison, they know what kind of person I am. If you offended me today, maybe one day I will be in a bad mood, and I will take a little Friends, go and have a good talk with you, maybe you will also visit Zhongbang’s cousin’s school and let his classmates know that he has a brother who has been in prison. If this is the case, no one will dare to bully you in the future With my cousin, what do you think?"

Faced with Zhou Chen's undisguised threat, the always domineering uncle and aunt felt a little weak in their legs.

They are all from the countryside and have little education. In their eyes, those who are released from prison are criminals, people who cannot be offended.

Especially now that Zhou Chen's expression is very scary, and he is threatening his son Zhongbang, how dare they say anything more.

The aunt quickly pushed the uncle, and the uncle suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly pulled his son to stand up.

"Brother-in-law, Mingzhe, we have something to do at home, so let's go first."

After finishing speaking, he dragged Zhongbang who didn't want to leave desperately, and fled in embarrassment.

"Hey, uncle, aunt, do you still want to work?"

"No, no more."

The atmosphere in the side hall suddenly became very embarrassing. Many relatives looked at each other after knowing that Zhou Chen had been in prison, and proposed to leave one after another. Su Daqiang had no choice but to send each other off with a smile on his face.

In the blink of an eye, the people at the three tables were almost gone, leaving only a few people from the Su family.

"Su Mingyang, look at the good deeds you have done, all your relatives have been scared away by you, don't you feel honored now?"

After the people left, Su Mingcheng shouted at Zhou Chen with a gloomy face, he had endured it for a long time, and now he couldn't bear it anymore.

Zhu Li pulled him hard beside her, not wanting him to talk anymore, because Zhou Chen's fierceness just now also frightened her.

Coming from an ordinary family, she didn't want to mess with someone like Zhou Chen who came out of prison.

Zhou Chen looked at Su Mingcheng with disdain on his face: "Why, those people mocked you just now, they didn't mock you enough, do you still want to invite them back?"

He had deliberately been this villain just now, anyway, his reputation is already bad, if this method can be used to save Su Mingyu a lot of trouble, it's totally worth it.


Su Mingcheng was at a loss for words. When he was ridiculed in the car before, he was really angry and wanted to get angry, but he didn't let it out. As a result, when Zhou Chen came out, he scared everyone away. If it was him, he would definitely be angry. It cannot be done to this extent.

Su Mingzhe sighed: "Ming Yang, we are all relatives, you really went too far for uncle just now."

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes: "Brother, don't be a good person, you are in the United States, so you don't know how difficult these people are, especially that uncle, what kind of person he is, you can ask our dad to know gone."

Su Daqiang coughed dryly, "It's none of my business. What Ming Yang did was indeed a little too much. He is a relative anyway, but heck, it's not completely wrong. Your uncle, how to put it, you all understand. "

Except for Zhu Li, all the people surnamed Su knew who that uncle was.

Su Mingyu said at this time: "Dad, you are going to the United States with your eldest brother anyway, and these relatives will probably stop seeing each other in the future, so don't think so much."

When Su Daqiang heard that he was going to the United States, he immediately nodded happily: "Yes, I'm going to the United States, why do I want to think so much, and most of them are relatives from your mother's side, so if you don't have contacts, don't contact them."

Seeing this scene, Su Mingcheng was so angry that his teeth hurt. Now that even Su Daqiang doesn't care about it, he has no reason to continue talking, so he can only sit down and be sullen.

Su Mingzhe said to Su Mingcheng: "Mingcheng, I'm going back tomorrow. After I go back, I will get my dad's visa information. When the time comes for my dad's passport procedures, I will trouble you to run away."

Su Mingcheng was still angry, but he still nodded after hearing his elder brother's order.

"Well, I see, brother, I will get it done as soon as possible, but when the time comes, will you come back to pick up Dad, or will Dad go by plane alone?"

"No, no, I don't dare to fly by myself, Mingzhe, come back and pick me up." Su Daqiang said quickly.

Su Mingzhe: "Well, Dad, don't worry, I will come back to pick you up when the time comes."

Having said that, he looked at the three younger siblings, "Mingcheng, Mingyu, Mingyang, when I come back, our family will have a good reunion."

Zhou Chen didn't speak, because he knew very well that Su Daqiang would never be able to go to the United States, and Su Mingzhe would soon suffer a heavy blow.

After leaving the restaurant, Su Mingcheng snorted annoyedly as he watched Zhou Chen and Su Mingyu leave, "Look at the attitude of the two of them, they don't consider themselves part of the Su family at all, brother, according to me, you Don't be so polite to them."

"Okay, Mingcheng, they are all brothers of our own family, don't fight against each other like this."

While Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li were driving, Su Daqiang hurriedly pulled the eldest son over.

"Mingzhe, when you go to buy the plane ticket in the afternoon, don't forget to hide the passbook for me."

Su Mingzhe: "Dad, don't worry, I will go to the bank to open a safe for you later, and then help you store your passbook and important items."

Su Daqiang felt relieved: "That's good. After saving it, you don't have to worry about Mingcheng's tricks on me again."

"Dad, I think you are thinking too much. No matter how Mingcheng is, it is impossible to really take away your pension money."

"Mingzhe, it's because you don't understand Mingcheng, he will do anything for money"


After Su Mingyu turned on the phone, she saw that there were dozens of missed calls. She had no choice but to call back one by one.

Sitting in the car, Zhou Chen looked at Su Mingyu who was walking back and forth on the phone outside, and couldn't help shaking his head.

Regardless of Su Mingyu's high position and authority now, she is really tired and her life is harder than most of them.

After half an hour, Zhou Chen had already listened to six or seven songs before Su Mingyu returned to the car.

Reaching out to remove the earphones from Zhou Chen's ears, she asked, "You called Liu Qing and asked him to help me with the matter?"

"Yeah, what's the matter, he messed up?" Zhou Chen asked.

Su Mingyu said helplessly: "I didn't mess it up, but it's about the same. Fortunately, in the end, Lao Meng took the initiative to take down the list I was negotiating with. Finally, the company didn't lose profits because of me."

Hearing this, Zhou Chen breathed a sigh of relief: "That's it, as long as it's okay."

"When I go to work tomorrow, Lao Meng will definitely train me."

"When the time comes, tell him the truth, anyway, there is nothing shameful."

Su Mingyu nodded. With Zhou Chen's enlightenment and company, she has enough confidence. Besides, this kind of thing is normal. It's just that she didn't want to affect her work because of her family affairs, so she deliberately concealed it.

"I won't go to work today, I'll go back and change my clothes, and then I'll take you to a place."


Su Mingyu said with a smile: "Didn't I say before that I will give you a gift, and I will take you to see this gift in the afternoon."

Zhou Chen asked in surprise: "I have to go there specially, it seems that this gift is really unusual."

"Of course, you are my only younger brother. Of course you have to put your heart into preparing a gift for you. After reading it, you will be satisfied."

The car started slowly, looking at Su Mingyu who was driving seriously, Zhou Chen suddenly asked: "Mingyu, what kind of happiness do you want?"

The task issued by the system is to make Su Mingyu happy, but the specific kind of happiness depends on Su Mingyu's thoughts.

"How did you even think of asking me that question?"

Su Mingyu was surprised, she thought for a while before answering.

"I used to think about earning enough money. Only money can make me feel at ease, but if I really want to talk about happiness in my heart, it is to be with you. Our siblings support each other and live a good life. Even if you get married in the future I want to live next to me too, I would be very uneasy without you by my side."

"Aren't you married yourself?"

"No, I don't want to get married. Marriage is too troublesome. Let you do such troublesome things. I will be responsible for making enough money, and then I will let you find a good wife, find a good neighborhood, buy You live next to me in two adjacent villas, so I can see you often, and I feel very happy."

"Your happiness is really different. Your current appearance is what other people often say, helping the younger brother."

"Hey, help my younger brother to help my younger brother. I don't care what others say. Besides, I rely on my own ability to help my younger brother. Who dares to say anything?"

"You are amazing. It's such an honor to be a brother-in-arms. It's really rare."

(End of this chapter)

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