The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 145: The Way to Complete the Task

Chapter 145: The Way to Complete the Task

After driving Su Daqiang around the city, he found a 24-hour restaurant. After a full meal, Zhou Chen sent Su Daqiang back.

After returning to the Yulongwan community, Su Mingyu hadn't rested yet. When she saw Zhou Chen coming back, she immediately asked, "How is Dad?"

"Suffered a little, but nothing serious."

Then Zhou Chen told Su Mingyu everything that happened tonight.

Su Mingyu shook her head straight after hearing this: "It's a bit daunting to expect Su Mingcheng and his wife to take good care of Dad, but if you take the responsibility, aren't you afraid that they will trouble you?"

Zhou Chen snorted, "Am I afraid of them?"

The reason why he took over this matter was because he didn't want Su Daqiang and Su Mingzhe to cause trouble for Su Mingyu. He knew that Su Mingyu had been annoying enough recently, if he could stop Su Daqiang, he would do his best to stop him.

Although Su Daqiang can be a demon, he is not Su Mingzhe after all. It is impossible to let Su Daqiang do everything. After the old man is unable to go to the United States, he will slowly discuss the follow-up support issue.

Then he asked Su Mingyu about the Zhongcheng Group, and wanted to give Su Mingyu an idea.

Regarding Zhou Chen, Su Mingyu was defenseless, she talked about recent events.

It turned out that Vice President Sun has been fighting against Su Mingyu and Liu Qing recently, targeting them both, while Lao Meng didn't ask about this matter, and even asked Su Mingyu in private if he was really planning to quit.

After hearing that Su Mingyu didn't have such an idea, Lao Meng was completely relieved.

Zhou Chen knew that Lao Meng had already started to deal with Vice President Sun, and even the group from his wife's natal family was playing a big game of chess.

It's just that after knowing that Lao Meng doesn't have absolute trust in Su Mingyu, he still feels very uncomfortable.

Serving wholeheartedly, what he got in the end was suspicion and distrust. Although Su Mingyu didn't feel dissatisfied, Zhou Chen did. It's just that he has nothing to do at the moment, and he doesn't want Su Mingyu to be sad, otherwise, he will definitely get involved.

Early the next morning, Zhou Chen took Su Daqiang to the hospital for a full-body examination, including a brain examination. He also registered and told the experts about the situation. He suspected that Su Daqiang had Alzheimer's and asked the experts to help him.

But what surprised him was that even the experts did not check out that Su Daqiang had Alzheimer's.

Zhou Chen couldn't understand this result, because Su Daqiang did suffer from Alzheimer's in the plot, and the time from now is definitely not more than a year.

Isn't it said that Alzheimer's disease is a slowly developing process?The onset of the disease will occur in less than a year. Why can't we find anything if we search now?

In addition to not suffering from Alzheimer's disease, Su Daqiang's other body organs are still in line with his age. There are some minor physical problems, but nothing serious.

The only thing is that his kidney has serious problems. The doctor privately emphasized to Zhou Chen that he must pay attention to Su Daqiang's kidney. If he can't control it well, it may be very troublesome in the future, and then he prescribed a bunch of medicines.

"What kind of hospital is this? It didn't find anything wrong, and prescribed such a bunch of medicines. It's going to kill me."

Su Daqiang complained again and again. His son found out about his kidney failure, and he felt very embarrassed. He emphasized to Zhou Chen several times not to publicize it.

After taking Su Daqiang to the restaurant for lunch, he took him to the bar.

Although the bar is not open now, after noon, someone will come to clean it up.

"Ming Yang, is this your bar? It's so big, did Ming Yu get it for you?"

The more contact with Mingyu and Zhou Chen, the more Su Daqiang felt how powerful his daughter was.

"Well, Mingyu got it for me. You can go shopping around, and I'll go to the stage to fiddle with it."

Throughout the bar in June, what Zhou Chen likes most is the full number of musical instruments. He will come early every afternoon to use these instruments. After a few days, he has become completely familiar with these instruments. Although most of them are still out of control, the progress is still very obvious of.

"you again?"

Zhou Chen was tinkering with musical instruments, when he suddenly saw a person standing in front of him, his face was filled with astonishment.

Song Yuqing looked at Zhou Chen and said, "Boss Su, I think we can talk again."

Zhou Chen frowned and said, "If it's still about copyright, then we really don't need to talk about it."

"This time it's not about copyright, and besides me, there is another person who also wants to meet you."

Zhou Chen frowned even deeper: "Is there anyone else who wants to see me? I said, what exactly do you want to do?"

"If Boss Su doesn't mind, you can go to a place next to me. I guarantee that you won't regret it after you go."

"Of course, if we still can't reach an agreement after you go with me, then I promise, I will never bother Boss Su again."

Zhou Chen thought about it, this woman came to him again and again, it was really annoying, if it could be solved at once, it would be good.

So he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go meet the person you mentioned, and hope I won't be disappointed."

After talking to Su Daqiang, Zhou Chen followed Song Yuqing to a private room of a cafe.

"It's you?"

Seeing the woman wearing sunglasses in the private room, Zhou Chen suddenly shouted in surprise, because this woman was the strange woman who had been going to his bar before.

"it's me."

Yi Fei took off her glasses.

Song Yuqing stood beside her with her hands folded around her chest, waiting for Zhou Chen to recognize Yi Fei, showing a shocked and delighted expression.

But after a few seconds, her expression froze, because Zhou Chen didn't recognize Yi Fei at all, so naturally she didn't feel any shock or joy.

"It's you who want to see me, and this woman is also yours?"

Yi Fei didn't feel surprised because Zhou Chen didn't recognize her, and said in a cold tone: "Sister Yuqing is my manager, my name is Yi Fei, and I'm a singer."

"A very famous female singer, the future queen." Song Yuqing hurriedly said from the side.

Zhou Chen nodded, "Hi, my name is Su Mingyang, nice to meet you."

Yi Fei shook hands with Zhou Chen lightly, and then said bluntly, "I asked Sister Yuqing to come here to ask you to write songs for me."

"Write a song for you?"

Zhou Chen was very surprised. He thought they were doing it for the copyright, but he didn't expect Yi Fei to make such a request.

Yi Fei: "I have heard three original songs of yours, they are very creative, and the lyrics and music are also very good, but these three songs are not suitable for me, I think since you can write such three good songs, you must be able to Write other good songs, so I want to ask you to help me write songs, as long as your songs can satisfy me, I will pay as much as you want.”

Yi Fei's words shocked Zhou Chen, not because of the money, but because he suddenly thought of a possibility to complete the task.

He has a problematic background and it is difficult to get to the front of the stage, but if he does not go to the front of the stage, he may not be an excellent musician. He can help people write songs.

As a behind-the-scenes songwriter, as long as he can write golden songs one after another and cause a huge sensation, he will definitely be recognized, and there is definitely hope that he can meet the requirements of the outstanding musician in the system.

Yi Fei's words suddenly opened up a new world for Zhou Chen.

 After thinking about it for a long time, the plot world is really not very well written recently, the entry point is not good enough, and I didn’t write what I want to express, or it may be that the state is not good, because I have been watching various urban dramas recently, and my thoughts are a bit confused .

  Although the writing of this plot is not very good, I will still insist on finishing it, but the length may be shortened.

  This time it was not because of the influence of the comments of book friends, but because I felt that there was something wrong with it. The writing was awkward and the writing skills were not enough. It was difficult to express what I wanted, but it was difficult to express it in words.

  Finally, I would like to thank the friends who have given rewards recently. I will write down the next update first, and I will make it up in the next world.

(End of this chapter)

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