The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 147 Daqiang's dream is broken, Lao Meng's calculation

Chapter 147 Daqiang's dream is broken, Lao Meng's calculation

"Ming Yang, why do you think my life is so hard? When your mother was alive, I didn't have a good life. Now that your mother is gone, I still don't have a good life."

At Su Mingcheng's house, Su Daqiang was lying on the sofa and crying loudly, while Zhou Chen sat beside him, not trying to persuade him at all, just watching him perform.

It turned out that just last night, Su Mingzhe called Su Mingcheng, saying that something happened to him and he couldn't come back to take Su Daqiang to the United States for the time being, so Su Daqiang should continue to live with Su Mingcheng.

Originally, the visa and passport were all done, and the clothes and salutes were packed, and they were waiting for Su Mingzhe to pick them up. Who would have thought that such a thunderbolt would finally come.

From last night to now, Su Daqiang hasn't slept much. Zhou Chen came to take him today, but he refused to go out for dinner, just like what he is doing now.

Su Daqiang, who had been crying for a long time, saw that Zhou Chen didn't comfort him at all, so he raised his head and asked dissatisfiedly: "Ming Yang, I'm already like this, why don't you comfort me?"

Zhou Chen replied calmly: "Do you still need my comfort? And I don't know how to comfort others. I just follow my elder brother's instructions and take you to eat and drink. For your physical and mental health problems, you should find Su Mingcheng and his elder brother. I don't have the ability to untie you."


Su Daqiang pointed at Zhou Chen angrily and scolded: "How could I have you sons, none of them are filial, I thought Mingzhe would be filial to me, but he did the same. The day before yesterday I called those old colleagues and told me I can't go to the United States now, where should I put my face?"

Seeing that Su Daqiang was about to enter the cycle mode again, Zhou Chen said impatiently: "Then you haven't thought about it, why doesn't your elder brother let you go to the United States? You only think that you can't go to the United States, and you only think that you will lose face. Didn't I think about why my eldest brother would do this, and didn't I think that my eldest brother also has difficulties?"

Su Daqiang shouted in dissatisfaction: "What difficulties does he have? He just thinks I'm a burden and doesn't want to be filial to me. He said it well when he was in China, but when he went abroad, he turned around and changed. I don't think it's right at all. I have raised three sons, none of whom can be trusted."

"If you say that, it really hurts people too much. It is right to raise children to prevent old age, but the problem is that elders must be self-conscious. Who can stand the elders who work all day long? Do you really think that elder brother and the others Is it easy for a family in the United States?"

Zhou Chen is not used to Su Daqiang, it is indeed the children's responsibility to support their parents, but if they are all troublesome people like Su Daqiang, how many children can accept it?
Su Daqiang shouted: "I don't know how he is, but he said he would take me there, but now he has changed his mind, that is, he is not filial."

"If you say you are not filial, you are not filial. Can't you go out to eat? If you don't go, I will go alone."

Zhou Chen knew who Su Daqiang was, and he didn't bother to entangle him.

"Eat, why not eat, I want to eat well today."

"Get up quickly after eating, don't waste time, I still have things to do in the afternoon."

"You are just a bar owner, what business can you do?"



After a few days, Zhou Chen finally became familiar with Yi Fei's voice and characteristics. In his memory, there are many songs that are suitable for Yi Fei to sing, but he still hasn't decided whether to hand them over to Yi Fei. Fei.

He needs a good collaborator, not the kind of ungrateful person. If Yi Fei becomes popular with these songs, but finally ignores him, he will have to spend time to find someone else to cooperate with, which is really too much It took time and effort.

"I can't go to America anymore, how does Dad feel?"

Su Mingyu got off work early today, and came to the bar to wait for Zhou Chen to go back together, and talked about Su Daqiang not being able to go to the United States.

Zhou Chen said: "I complained for a long time, I just sent him back, let Su Mingcheng and his wife have a headache, this old man is too much trouble."

Su Mingyu said with a smile: "Without mother's discipline, he is letting himself go now. Don't follow him from now on. The more you follow him, the more he will make progress."

"By the way, Zhu Li called me today and said that Dad can't go to the United States now, and she wants to discuss with us about Dad's support. What do you think?"

Zhou Chen: "Didn't you already have an idea, why do you still ask me, do what you want, I guess I don't have the time or the energy to take care of him all the time."

Now he has to watch the bar and fight for his mission, of course it is impossible to revolve around Su Daqiang 24 hours a day.

"Su Mingcheng has gnawed at the family for so many years, this matter should fall on him. I have already made an agreement with Zhu Li, and I will go to the old house to settle accounts tomorrow."

"After tomorrow, I guess Su Mingcheng will hate you again. Okay, I'll go with you tomorrow. With me here, Su Mingcheng won't dare to do anything to you."

Su Mingyu nodded. She is not afraid of Su Mingcheng alone, but if Zhou Chen is with her, she will be more confident. She and Zhou Chen are each other's backers.

"Ming Yang, I heard from Da Huang that you have been getting closer to a woman recently?"

Su Mingyu was holding the wine glass, her eyes were full of exploration. Of course, she would not object to Zhou Chen's relationship, but she didn't want Zhou Chen to be hurt, so she wanted to ask who the woman was.

Zhou Chen said: "It's not too close. It's the girl who paid me to play the piano on the first day I came here. I only found out a few days ago that she is a singer, and she is a famous singer. She wants Ask me to write a song for her, I'm still thinking about it."

"A singer in the entertainment industry?"

Su Mingyu frowned slightly, the entertainment industry was in chaos, which made her even more worried: "Who is that girl?"

"Yi Fei, a very famous female singer."

"Is it Yi Fei? I see."

Zhou Chen didn't know Yi Fei because he didn't fully understand the world. Su Mingyu didn't know Yi Fei because she didn't pay attention to the entertainment industry in the past, let alone a female singer who wasn't very active recently.

"Mingyang, if you agree to write a song for her, don't rush to agree. I will talk about it for you then."

"no problem."

Of course Zhou Chen would not object, he must be cautious. If he really agreed to cooperate, of course he would have to find a professional person to talk to. In this regard, Su Mingyu is definitely more professional than him.

"What about you, what about the other cities? Did Lao Meng do anything to the one surnamed Sun?"

Su Mingyu shook her head: "No, I asked Master insinuatingly, but he didn't tell me anything, he just asked me to keep the company safe, prepare the accounts, and said to prepare for the listing."

Zhou Chen's eyes flashed, and he asked: "Speaking of the listing of your cities, did Lao Meng tell you how many original shares?"

"I didn't say it."

"Although the current Zhongcheng Group is still headed by Master, it also has many shareholders. Although I am the boss of the subsidiary company, it is not so easy to get the original shares."

Zhou Chen said: "You have been with Lao Meng for so many years. Listing is one of the most important events for a group. If you don't get the original shares, it's too unreasonable..."

It can be seen from the TV that Lao Meng's desire to control is actually quite strong, and he seems to step back and ignore things, but he still has to get started on matters large and small in the group.

In order to allow his own son to take over smoothly, he spared no effort to clear up all the obstacles in the group. Su Mingyu was able to keep Su Mingyu not because Su Mingyu was loyal, but because Su Mingyu was clean enough.

Just like Liu Qing, when he was asked to develop the southwest market, he was talking about giving money to others.

As a result, after Liu Qing left, he didn't give any support at all, just a grassroots team, and everything had to be done by himself.

Afterwards, Lao Meng also said that the most important thing is to keep one's own territory. The Southwest market can not expand for the time being. This is just a joke.

It can be seen from this that Lao Meng's development of the Southwest market is false, and the transfer of Liu Qing is true.

As for Liu Qing's fraudulent accounting, it was indeed wrong and illegal.

But in fact, he was forced to do nothing, because if he couldn't develop the southwest market, the Jiangbei branch couldn't go back, and Zhongcheng Group would have no place for him.

The dog jumped over the wall when he was in a hurry, not to mention Liu Qing, who has always been arrogant.

If Su Mingyu was the one who went to the Southwest Market back then, even if she was smarter and more capable than Liu Qing, if she didn’t get the support of the head office, she might not end well. Not only would the Southwest Market not be developed, but even her own Jiangnan The power of the branch boss will be lost.

Therefore, when you think about it carefully, you will find that Lao Meng's calculations are too deep, he is cruel to his wife and family, and he is also calculating heavily towards Su Mingyu and Liu Qing who have followed him for many years.

In order to allow his son to take over, Lao Meng tried his best.

Although the plot wants Su Mingyu to become the general manager at the end, but to put it bluntly, with Lao Meng, the chairman of the board, behind the control, the general manager can really be said to be dispensable, far from having real power when leading the sales department alone big.

(End of this chapter)

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