The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 149 Su Mingzhe: face is the most important

Chapter 149 Su Mingzhe: face is the most important
"Have you calmed down yet?"

Sitting in the car, Zhou Chen didn't start it immediately, but looked at Su Mingyu who was sitting in the co-pilot wiping tears, and asked softly.

Su Mingyu took a deep breath and wiped away her tears. She is a woman with a strong character, and she will only show her weakness in front of Zhou Chen.

"I feel that I have let go, but after I just said it, I still feel very uncomfortable. God is really unfair to us."

Zhou Chen patted Su Mingyu's hand and said, "God has treated us fairly, at least you still have my younger brother."

Su Mingyu: "Well, yes, I still have you. Without you, I really don't know if I can survive."

"Okay, don't talk so much, go to work first, and when you get off work in the evening, go to the bar to have a good drink, and let go of what needs to be put down."

He has been persuading Su Mingyu to let go, because Zhao Meilan has passed away, even if he keeps the resentment in his heart, it won't help, is it possible that he still wants to seek revenge from Su Daqiang?

It is precisely because Su Mingyu knows that it is impossible to vent her grievances on Su Daqiang, so she vents all her grievances on Su Mingcheng who has bullied her since she was a child.

Of course, Su Ming has always been to blame, and it is not an exaggeration to vent all his grievances on him.

That night, Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li also argued for a long time at home. Since she married Su Mingcheng, Zhu Li felt that the people in the Su family were too weird for the first time.

In the past, like Su Mingcheng, she thought her mother-in-law Zhao Meilan was kind and hardworking, but after what happened today, she realized that she took it for granted.

Zhao Meilan's kindness is only towards Su Mingcheng and her, but towards Zhou Chen and Su Mingyu's biological children, they are simply cold-blooded to the extreme, which is beyond what a mother can do.

But Zhu Li was just angry. After the anger passed, she stopped thinking about it, but thought about how to return the family money they spent to Su Daqiang, and take good care of Su Daqiang in the future, so that her elder brother and Su Mingyu could say no. Speak up.

And Su Daqiang listened to Su Mingcheng and Zhu Li arguing in the bedroom, he really didn't dare to fart.

What happened today, he knew that Su Mingcheng must hate him to death. He was very aware of how messed up his second son was, and he was afraid that Su Mingcheng would be rude to him, so after he came back, he didn't dare to say anything for a long time.

Now he doesn't dare to provoke Su Mingcheng, because he still points to Su Mingcheng to support him, now he can only hope that Zhu Li treats him better and prevents Su Mingcheng from bullying him.

At around seven o'clock in the evening, Su Mingyu came to Zhou Chen's bar.

"Ming Yang, come with me to America in a few days."

Zhou Chen looked surprised: "Why should I go to America with you?"

Su Mingyu: "Old Meng asked me to go to the United States to attend the company's exchange meeting. I feel bored going alone. You can go with me."

"You go to the exchange meeting, why should I follow?"

"Communication will be very boring. If you go with me, you can also have a companion. Anyway, if you are not in the bar for a few days, you will be watched by Da Huang, no problem."

Su Mingyu didn't want to go to the United States at first, but Lao Mengfei let her go, but she felt that going alone was too boring, so she wanted to take Zhou Chen with her.

"I've been busy writing songs recently."

"Writing songs can be written anywhere. When you go to the United States, you can still go around. Maybe the inspiration will be even more overwhelming."

Su Mingyu saw that Zhou Chen was still hesitating, so she put her arms around Zhou Chen's shoulders and said, "Ming Yang, I beg you, my sister, we went to the United States, we can also go and see our elder brother and sister-in-law. We have never met my sister-in-law or niece. This time, I can go and have a look.”

Zhou Chen was helpless: "With your attitude, it seems that I can't go if I don't want to."

"Yes, you can't go."

In the end, Zhou Chen naturally couldn't hold back Su Mingyu, so he gave her his documents and asked her to get a visa for the United States.

Three days later, Zhou Chen made an appointment with Yi Fei and gave her the two USB flash drives in his hand.

"This is yours, and this is mine for you. There are three songs I wrote in it. I think it should be more suitable for you. But whether you will hand it over to you in the end depends on your own ability."

Yi Fei showed joy, and took the USB flash drive, "Created three songs in such a short time?"

She was so surprised, but also hesitant, because she has creative ability herself and knows how difficult it is to create a good song.

Sometimes it may not be successful in a year or a half, but Zhou Chen composed three songs in a few days, and they were composed according to her characteristics, which made her have to doubt the quality of these three songs.

"I didn't create it in the past few days, but I had an inspiration long ago, but I haven't made it yet. It just so happens that I have your invitation song this time, so I integrated my previous ideas and created these three songs."

Yi Fei nodded in understanding. Sometimes creators are like this. Sometimes they can't write a song for a year or so, and sometimes they are so inspired that they can write a song in a day.

"What did your last sentence mean?"

Zhou Chen said: "These three songs are entrusted to you. I will go to America tomorrow, and it will take about a week to come back. You only have so much time. After I come back, I want to hear the effect of your singing. If I can Satisfy me, I can authorize you to sing; of course, there is no rush to discuss copyright or something."

Yi Fei frowned, is this to investigate her?
"it is good."

In the end Yi Fei agreed because her desire for a good song was able to overcome everything else.

Zhou Chen smiled and said, "Then I hope you will succeed."

The three songs he gave are all very good songs. As long as Yi Fei has the ability to sing well, he will definitely be inclined to cooperate with Yi Fei. After all, judging from several contacts, Yi Fei's character is still very good.

Yi Fei replied confidently: "As long as your song is good enough, I will not let you down."

After Zhou Chen and Yi Fei settled the conversation, he bid farewell to Yi Fei. He went back to rest early today because he had to catch a plane with Su Mingyu tomorrow morning.

Turning the other day, Zhou Chen and Su Mingyu slept in the first-class cabin of the plane, and then arrived in America.

They set off from Shanghai in the morning, and when they arrived in San Francisco, it happened to be the morning here.

After arriving in San Francisco, they rested for a day, and on the second day, Su Mingyu went to the exchange meeting held here.

As for Zhou Chen, he 'created' in the hotel, and sometimes he would leave the hotel and wander around San Francisco.

In the last Let’s Get Married world, he’d been to New York, but not San Francisco, so this was his first time in San Francisco.

San Francisco is also a large city in the United States, as well as a tourist attraction. It is also close to Silicon Valley. It is one of the world's important technology research and development bases, and it is also an important financial center on the west coast of the United States...

Over the past few days, Zhou Chen has been to many famous places in San Francisco and seen many beauties of the city.

On the fourth day, Su Mingyu finally escaped from the exchange meeting, and was going to visit his eldest brother and sister-in-law with Zhou Chen.

"Brother said he would pick us up later."

"Got it, I'll pack up and go down together."

When he came to America this time, he brought a laptop and nothing else, so he just changed his clothes and left the hotel with Su Mingyu to wait.

Zhou Chen and Su Mingyu stood outside the hotel, an SUV stopped in front of them, and the window fell, revealing Su Mingzhe's figure.

"Mingyu, Mingyang, get in the car."

"Big brother."

After Zhou Chen and Su Mingyu yelled, Zhou Chen sat in the back row, and Su Mingyu sat directly in the co-pilot's seat.

"Mingyu, you are doing well now, and you have come to San Francisco to participate in the exchange meeting on behalf of the company."

In Su Mingzhe's eyes, Su Mingyu's ability to be sent abroad to attend such an important meeting must be because he did well.

He only knew that Su Mingyu was the sales manager, but he really didn't know how much power he had or how much money he had.

Su Mingyu said with a smile: "No way, this was originally the position of the boss of our group, because he has something to do temporarily, so I took advantage of the loophole."

"That's because you have the ability to send you here. Among the brothers and sisters in our family, you are the best."

Su Mingzhe looked at Zhou Chen who was playing with his mobile phone behind him through the rearview mirror, and asked, "Ming Yang, I also want to thank you. A while ago, I was thanks to you for taking care of Dad."

"Should be."

Zhou Chen didn't take the credit. Although Su Daqiang didn't treat him very well, he was still unambiguous when it was time to be filial, and he really didn't spend too much time on him.

"I heard from my father that you seem to have opened a bar, and the business looks good, isn't it?"

"It's not bad. It was also when Mingyu was handed over to me. The foundation is very good. I have only taken over for more than ten days."

The business of June Bar is really good now, making a profit every day, but Zhou Chen didn't take the credit for himself. If he didn't have the background of the bar itself, even if he sang a few original songs, he would definitely not be able to become popular so quickly.

"Seeing that you are all developing well now, I, the big brother, can feel relieved."

Su Mingzhe said so, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, because he was incomparable with Su Mingyu, and now with Mingyu's help, Zhou Chen was better than him. Let him be the big brother, and the gap was very big. big.

Now he won't think about it anymore, Zhou Chen is able to live well because of Su Mingyu's help, because he has already known the experience of these two younger siblings from his father, and as the eldest brother, he has no right to accuse Zhou Chen of relying on him. Su Mingyu.

Su Mingyu put down the mobile phone that took pictures, and asked Su Mingzhe: "Brother, I heard that you have encountered some troubles here, so there is no way to bring Dad to the United States. What kind of troubles have you encountered here?"

Before coming, Zhou Chen had already told her not to ask this question, but she still couldn't hold back, she wanted to know what was going on, whether there was something wrong with the sister-in-law.

Su Mingzhe was a little embarrassed at once, and pondered: "It's not a big deal, it's just that I'm discussing with your sister-in-law to change the house."

Su Mingyu believed it when she heard it, and said with a smile: "Can you change to a bigger house? Yes, brother, you are doing well now."

Because she had never contacted Su Mingzhe before, she didn't know where Su Mingzhe lived. When she heard that Su Mingzhe wanted to change houses, she naturally thought that her elder brother wanted to change to a bigger one.

After the cowhide was blown out, Su Mingzhe's expression became more rigid, and he could only bite the bullet and continue blowing.

"Isn't it because the last time I came back, I told your sister-in-law that my father wanted to come to the United States to retire. Coincidentally, your sister-in-law's parents also wanted to come here. She is the only daughter in your sister-in-law's family, so her parents can only rely on her , I can't stop it either;

But if the old people from both parties come over, the current house will not be enough, so I thought about changing to a bigger house. We also saw one a few days ago and thought it was good, and we are talking to the landlord..."

Listening to Su Mingzhe bragging in a serious manner, Zhou Chen who was sitting in the back row couldn't stand it anymore, and really wanted to say, 'Brother, I'm so disappointed in you'.

Although that sentence was not uttered, Zhou Chen still interrupted: "Brother, we are all brothers, brothers and sisters, you should tell the truth."

Su Mingzhe, who was planning to continue talking, suddenly became very embarrassed when Zhou Chen interrupted him so suddenly.

"Ming Yang, what I said is the truth?"

Hearing what Zhou Chen said, Su Mingyu's expression suddenly became surprised: "Mingyang, what did you say?"

Regardless of Su Mingzhe's ugly face, Zhou Chen made it clear.

"Brother, if it's just a house problem, you won't hide it, but even if you don't tell the truth, I can guess something. You are so filial. If you don't pick up Dad at this time, it will definitely not be a house problem. It's that you have a bigger problem."

"Either it's an economic work issue, or it's a sister-in-law issue."


Su Mingzhe braked suddenly, and said with an ugly face: "It's not your sister-in-law's problem. Your sister-in-law is very filial, and she doesn't object to me taking Dad over."

Although he had a conflict with his wife because of his father's support, it was a matter of their family, and he would still defend his wife when it was revealed by others.

"Is that an economic or work problem?" Su Mingyu asked.

Su Mingzhe felt very ashamed, and was exposed by his younger siblings on the spot, which dealt a huge blow to his self-esteem.

Zhou Chen said: "Brother, don't you say that we have already guessed it, why bother, this is not a shameful thing, we are blood brothers, why would we still laugh at you?"

"Why not?"

Su Mingzhe suddenly raised his head, and his voice amplified: "Everyone knows that I am a talented student studying in the United States. If others know that I, a so-called talented student, can't even find a job now, what will others think of me? What will you think of me? I?"

"Is face really that important?"

Although he knew what Su Mingzhe was thinking, Zhou Chen still couldn't understand it. Now that it was a difficult time, and even life became a problem, Su Mingzhe's first consideration was actually his own face and self-esteem.

"Important, of course it is important."

Su Mingzhe said in a deep voice: "After studying hard for decades, if I can't even find a job in the end, then what is the purpose of my hard work and struggle all these years?"

"Mingyu, Mingyang, if you come to see me and your sister-in-law, I welcome you, but if you just come to see how I am doing, then you all know by now that I have no job, and you want to laugh at me Me, just laugh at me, and go back after laughing."

"Brother, what are you talking about?"

Su Mingyu was angry: "You are our eldest brother, how could we laugh at you? And you are a top student at Stanford, how could you not find a job?"

Su Mingzhe said: "That's because you don't understand the current pressure in our industry. There are too many technicians like me, and the old beauty doesn't care about human feelings at all. I have worked in the original company for so many years, but they said layoffs are just Cut me off, as Chinese, we have nothing to do, because we are too weak."

"Okay, Mingyu, Mingyang, I don't want to talk too much, I'll take you to meet your sister-in-law and Xiaomi first."

After finishing speaking, Su Mingzhe restarted the car with a gloomy expression.

Zhou Chen didn't fully agree with what Su Mingzhe said. Su Mingzhe was right. Foreigners really don't care about human feelings, but the reason why Su Mingzhe couldn't find a job was also related to his own personality.

Good face, can't let go of social status, and is unwilling to do manual work.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with Su Mingzhe's thinking. He has studied hard for more than ten years just for a better life. If he is doing physical work, then what is the purpose of his years of hard study?So what is the use of the techniques and knowledge he has learned?
(End of this chapter)

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