The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 169 Another resignation, Ye Jinyan's opponent

Chapter 169 Another resignation, Ye Jinyan's opponent

To Zhou Chen, it is very cost-effective to spend hundreds of thousands to get the opportunity and method to abuse Jiang Nansun.

However, lending out 500,000 all at once was a lot of pressure for Zhou Chen who didn't have much savings, so he had to find a way to earn more money as soon as possible.

As for the method of making money, he has already thought of it, but it is not yet time to use it.

Not long after Zhou Chen returned to Jingyan Group, he received a call from Fan Jingang, Ye Jinyan's secretary, asking him to go to Mr. Ye's office.

Zhou Chen received a call from Fan Jingang, thought for a while, and thought of a possibility, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He guessed that he might not be able to keep his job as a driver who had just worked for a short time.

Zhou Chen didn't pay much attention to this matter. He didn't intend to continue working as a driver. It happened that he had initially adapted to this world, and he didn't need to continue to be a driver for others.

Since his mission is to abuse the two heroines, of course he doesn't want to stay in Jingyan Group, because Ye Jinyan of Jingyan Group has something to do with the two heroines, and he doesn't want to be under Ye Jinyan's nose. Keep going down there.

Zhou Chen came to Ye Jinyan's office and saw Fan Jingang outside the office, but this time he was not as respectful as before, and his attitude was very flat.

On the other hand, Fan Jingang pointed at Zhou Chen in dissatisfaction after seeing Zhou Chen.

"Master Ma, Master Ma, I really have you. I really didn't expect such an honest person like you to do such a thing. It really disappoints Mr. Ye and me."

Zhou Chen smiled and didn't answer. He knew what he was going to face next, but the real caller was not Fan Jingang, but Ye Jinyan.

"You can still laugh, come in with me, Mr. Ye wants to see you."

Seeing that Zhou Chen could still laugh at such a time, Fan Jingang was really angry, he opened the door of the office angrily, and walked in with Zhou Chen.

Ye Jinyan was sitting on the office chair, and when he saw Zhou Chen coming in, he asked, "Master Ma, do you know why I asked Fan Jingang to call you over?"

Zhou Chen nodded: "I know."

"It's good to know, embezzlement of public funds, you should know what it means, I want to know why you did that, in order to fall in love?"

Not long ago, Fan Jingang was planning to raise Zhou Chen's salary, but upon investigation, he found that the company's public funds had been embezzled by Mr. Ma. Although the amount was small, it was absolutely unacceptable to Ye Jinyan .

So Ye Jinyan asked Fan Jingang to call Zhou Chen over to listen to Zhou Chen's explanation.

"Not all, I did encounter something a while ago, but I have already paid back the money."

"If you are still on the board, it doesn't mean you have no responsibility. Master Ma, you have been with Mr. Ye for several years. This kind of thing is strictly prohibited by our company. If Mr. Ye is not kind, you are not here now, but go to ..."

"All right, all right, Fan Jingang, stop talking nonsense."

Ye Jinyan interrupted Fan Jingang's words impatiently, and turned to Zhou Chen: "Fan Jingang is right, Master Ma, you have been with me for a few years, and I don't want to say more about some things, you can say it yourself Say, how do you want to solve this matter?"

Fan Jingang: "According to the company's regulations, if such a thing happened, it should be dismissed and the public funds should be refunded. Of course, you have already refunded it."

Zhou Chen immediately understood what they meant, and he answered immediately after being mentally prepared.

"Understood, Mr. Ye, I am very grateful that you do not pursue responsibility. The mistake was made by myself, and the company does not need to deal with it. I choose to resign."

"You resigned yourself?"

Ye Jinyan nodded, he thought that Zhou Chen would explain, and then tried to beg for mercy to stay, because he knew that his driver's family background was not very good, and he needed this job very much.

But rules are rules.

"Okay, that's fine. You've been with me for a few years. Even if you leave the job, I won't treat you badly. You will go to the finance department to receive three months' salary later."

Zhou Chen: "Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your kindness, but there's no need, this matter is my problem, so there is no need for compensation."

"Okay, you can decide for yourself, Master Ma, falling in love is a good thing, but you also need to do what you can. Young people, you should focus on your career."

As the boss of the company, Ye Jinyan's heart is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even if the driver did this kind of thing, he was not too angry when he did this, but he was not conniving. He would never be vague about what to do.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye, for your advice. Here are your car keys. I'll put them here. I'll take the things in the dormitory soon. It won't take up the company's resources."

"Okay, don't worry too much."

After Zhou Chen left, Fan Jin asked Ye Jinyan depressedly just now: "Mr. Ye, you just dealt with it like this? He embezzled public funds."

"Isn't it filled again?"

"It doesn't matter if it's filled up, it can be treated as if it didn't happen. Mr. Ye, you are just too soft-hearted, you..."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, get out."

Fan Jingang's words were interrupted, and he was embarrassed, "I'm going out, I'm going out."

Ye Jinyan's gentle handling did not surprise Zhou Chen. It was true that he embezzled public funds, but he returned them in time.

Even if Ye Jinyan really wants to hold on to it, it may cause him some trouble, but it is not too much trouble. He can have many reasons to avoid risks.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was Ye Jinyan's driver, Ye Jinyan would not have cared about the tens of thousands of dollars he embezzled.

In layman's terms, Ye Jinyan, a big man like him, didn't take him seriously at all. In the eyes of the other party, his dismissal or his resignation were just insignificant things.

Without the restraint of the driver, it made Zhou Chen a lot easier. Anyway, he was already familiar with the world. Even if he wasn't talked to today, he would voluntarily resign in a few days.

Well, he is used to things like resignation.

Glancing at Daxia of Jingyan Group, Zhou Chen left without looking back.

He already has a preliminary plan on how to go the next way. The first step is to find someone who can help him directly.

"Boss, someone came outside and said that he wanted to see you, and that it was related to Jingyan Group and Ye Jinyan."

In a spacious office, Wang Feiyu, who is sitting in a wheelchair, holds fish food in his hand and gently feeds it into the fish tank.

Hearing the secretary's report, his movements stopped suddenly, "Is it related to Ye Jinyan? Who is it?"

"That's what he said, the front desk said, it was a man."

"Interesting, go and bring him here."

Wang Feiyu and Ye Jinyan have known each other for many years. At the beginning, he and his brother were partners with Ye Jinyan, but something happened later, he and his brother had a car accident, his brother died on the spot, and he lost legs.

Because the car accident had an indirect relationship with Ye Jinyan, Wang Feiyu has turned against Ye Jinyan since then, and has been against Ye Jinyan all these years.

It's just that although his company is doing well, it's always not as good as Jingyan Group, so that even if he hates Ye Jinyan, he hasn't found a way to get revenge on Ye Jinyan for so many years.

So as soon as he heard that someone wanted to see him, and it was related to Ye Jinyan, he immediately became interested.

(End of this chapter)

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