The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 171 Reaching a cooperation, first meeting Jiang Nansun

Chapter 171 Reaching a cooperation, first meeting Jiang Nansun
"Boss Wang should understand the meaning of drawing salary from the bottom of the pot, right?"

Wang Feiyu nodded, without speaking, he motioned Zhou Chen to continue.

Zhou Chen said: "I said to help you deal with Ye Jinyan, but it's not just a joke. As long as you agree to cooperate with me, I can assure you that I will instigate the top management of the Jingyan Group and make them betray Ye Jinyan. , join our camp."

Wang Feiyu's eyes flashed brightly, "For example?"

"Yang Ke!"

"Yang Ke?"

Wang Feiyu sat up straight, holding the handle of the wheelchair with both hands, "Can you instigate Yang Ke?"

I can't blame him for being shocked, because he has been fighting with Ye Jinyan for so many years, and he is very clear about the top management of Jingyan Group. As the sales manager of Jingyan Group, Yang Ke may not be the top of Jingyan Group. Yang Ke's house can sell so well, Yang Ke must take the lead.

In private, Wang Feiyu also had the idea of ​​poaching people, but the people he sent couldn't poach Yang Ke at all. Now he was so shocked when he heard Zhou Chen said that he could instigate Yang Ke.

Zhou Chen replied confidently: "Of course, there are few corners in the world that cannot be pried. I have a way to dig out Yang Ke, but it only takes a little time and Mr. Wang's support. In fact, it is not only Yang Ke, but I can also dig out the elite. Talk about other high-level executives of the group, but it is too early to say these things now."

He has read The Golden Years two or three times, and he is very clear that many people in the current Jingyan Group have had second thoughts about Ye Jinyan, except for Yang Ke, Tang Xin is also the same.

Not everyone is willing to work for others forever. As long as he pays enough benefits, Yang Ke, Tang Xin and others who have long been dissatisfied will definitely be able to find them.

Others dare not say it, but Yang Ke, even if he can't say it, he still has skills and money to clear the way, so Zhou Chen is absolutely sure that he can win Yang Ke over.

Wang Feiyu's expression became serious now, and he felt that he underestimated the driver.

"It seems that you are really confident."

Zhou Chen shrugged his shoulders and said: "I must have self-confidence. What I lack now is money. You also know that in this society, if there is no money, no matter how good the plan is, it is useless, so I am the first one. I came to find you."

"According to what you said, if I don't invest, it will be difficult to implement your next plan?" Wang Feiyu smiled.

"Back to this topic again, it is definitely impossible to only consider one family when attracting investment. Mr. Wang, you are a smart person, I think we don't need to discuss this issue any more?"

Wang Feiyu smiled, and didn't dwell on this issue.

"Cooperation is fine. You tell me the specific details, and I will consider it."

Seeing that Wang Feiyu finally agreed, Zhou Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and then began to tell his plan.

After more than an hour, Zhou Chen left Wang Feiyu's office contentedly. He was very satisfied with the result of this negotiation.

"Boss, you just promised him like that? That's 20 million."

The bodyguard who has been with Wang Feiyu, Xiao Xiao, couldn't help but asked Wang Feiyu. He had witnessed all of this. Zhou Chen persuaded his boss with empty words and took out 20 million, which really made him mad. vision.

Wang Feiyu sneered: "This money is not so easy to get. If he doesn't satisfy me, I have a lot of ways to make him spit it out, but I hope he can do what he says and cause enough trouble for Ye Jinyan. As long as it can make Ye Jinyan feel bad, I will pay 20 million."

"But you still have to be on guard against him, Yu, you send someone to watch him, as long as he doesn't leave the city, don't worry about him, but if he wants to leave the city, break his leg."

"Understood, boss, I will arrange it now."

Yu immediately obeyed Wang Feiyu's order and went to arrange staff.

Businessmen like Wang Feiyu who started real estate in the early days are not simple people secretly, but now that the society is peaceful and the legal system is sound, the previous methods can't be put on the table, so they are not so arrogant.

But once this kind of person becomes ruthless, he can do anything.

With 20 million in his pocket, Zhou Chen is still in a good mood. Although the money is not his yet, it will be a matter of time.

After living for so many years, he will no longer wrong himself.

Since I left Jingyan Group and returned the car, the most urgent task now is to get a car.

The next thing he has to do, if he doesn't have a car, it will be embarrassing, and it will be inconvenient to get in and out.

I went to the Porsche 4S store, and luckily, there happened to be the Panamera he wanted, so Zhou Chen paid directly to pick up the car, and he didn't choose the license plate, so he entrusted the 4S store, and it was done quickly.

After driving away from the 4S store, Zhou Chen called Zhu Suosuo directly. When he was so happy, of course he had to find someone to cheer him up.

"...Oh, okay, I'll take you there now."

I called Zhu Suosuo. Zhu Suosuo said that he was visiting the campus with his best friend. Zhou Chen knew it was Jiang Nansun at a guess, so he said to pick her up, and of course Zhu Suosuo agreed very happily.

Looking at Zhu Suosuo with a happy face, Jiang Nansun teased and said, "Is it your Mr. Ma?"

Zhu Suosuo covered his mouth and kept nodding: "He said he would come and take me to dinner, Nansun, you can come with us."

Jiang Nansun said: "You two are going on a date, why should I go with you? No."

"What's the matter, no matter how important a boyfriend is, it's not as important as your true girlfriend. You can call Zhang Anren together." Zhu Suosuo said.

Jiang Nansun waved his hand: "No, Zhang Anren is at work, he won't be free, so you can go to the two-person world with your Mr. Ma at ease."

Zhu Suosuo took Jiang Nansun's arm and said happily: "Go, Nansun, I will take you to meet my Mr. Ma."

"I'll go with you, don't pull me."

Zhou Chen drove to the gate of the university. With a glance, he saw Zhu Suosuo standing with another girl who was shorter than her, so he drove the car over.

Zhu Suosuo was chatting with Jiang Nansun, but her eyes were always looking around, looking for the BMW, but before she saw the BMW, she saw a brand new crystal purple luxury car parked beside them. before.

Before Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun could react, they saw the driver's door of the purple car being opened, and a short-haired man in a casual suit stepped out of it.

"Mr. Ma, when did you change your car?"

Seeing Zhou Chen, Zhu Suosuo cried out in surprise and joy.

Zhou Chen smiled slightly, walked over, and said, "That BMW is too business-like, so I won't drive it in the future. I just picked up this one today. After picking up the car, I thought about letting you experience it for the first time."

As soon as she said this, Zhu Suosuo immediately burst into a smile. Although she didn't know how much this Panamera was worth, she seemed to know that it was worth a lot.

If you want to change the car, you can change the car, and they are all luxury cars, which gave her a new understanding of Zhou Chen's financial resources.

"Mr. Ma, you are very kind."

Zhu Suosuo smiled sweetly, and then pulled Jiang Nansun beside him, "Mr. Ma, this is my best friend, Jiang Nansun."

Zhou Chen kept smiling, stretched out his right hand, and shook hands with Jiang Nansun lightly: "Miss Jiang, hello."

"Mr. Ma, hello, I have heard about you from Suo Suo a long time ago, and today I finally met the real person."

Jiang Nansun has been looking at Zhou Chen all the time. She found that although Zhou Chen is not very handsome, he has a very friendly smile and bright eyes.

Especially that special aura, which is different from ordinary people, seems to be full of confidence, not at all artificial.

Although the two in front of him were the ones he wanted to abuse, Zhou Chen didn't show it at all, and still kept a sincere smile.

"Really? Then I don't know what Suo Suo said about me?"

Jiang Nansun laughed and said: "Suosuo boasted that you are in the sky, but there is nothing in the earth. There is no second man as good as you in the world."

"I hate it, how can it be, Mr. Ma, don't listen to Nansun's nonsense." Zhu Suosuo couldn't stop his embarrassment.

Zhou Chen suddenly looked sad: "You don't let me listen, do you think I'm bad?"

Zhu Suosuo was even more shy. He rushed over and grabbed Zhou Chen's right hand, swaying it non-stop, and dragged his voice coquettishly: "Mr. Ma, you bully me too."

(End of this chapter)

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