Chapter 176 The first confrontation
"Little Ma, can uncle borrow some more money from you?"

Jiang's father said to Zhou Chen with some embarrassment: "Don't worry, Xiao Ma, it's still the same as before, the interest will still be calculated, and I will pay you back when the stocks in my hand are sold."

Zhou Chen looked at Jiang's father: "Uncle Jiang, I'm not talking about you. This is the fifth time you have borrowed money from me. The five times added up to more than 400 million. Are you sure you want to borrow money?"

He has known Jiang's father for more than a month. During this time, in addition to lending money to Jiang's father, Zhou Chen also bought stocks himself, investing in four stocks in total. According to his research, these four stocks are similar to his The bull stocks that may explode in the impression are somewhat similar, so he wants to give it a try.

After more than a month, two of the four stocks have been falling, one of the other two stocks has risen rapidly, and the other is also rising, but the increase is average.

Zhou Chen didn't invest much money, because he was worried that if he invested too much, it would cause changes. Although his worries might be unfounded, for the sake of safety, he still chose to be cautious.

Although two stocks are falling, the other stock has risen astonishingly. It has doubled several times since the beginning of buying, so so far, he is still making money, and he has made a lot of money. It is also the confidence that he can lend more than 400 million to Jiang's father casually.

Father Jiang gritted his teeth, and said in a firm tone: "I want to chase after the investment. I have a hunch that it will explode soon. When I explode, I will return the money to you."

Zhou Chen rolled his eyes. When you pay back the money, the cucumber dishes will be cold.

However, he did not refuse. Now he is not short of money, and now that the company has been established, he will not be short of money in the future, so he is naturally not afraid of Jiang's father borrowing money. The more Jiang's father borrows, the better he will be in the future. For Jiang Nansun.

"This feeling, why does it look like a big villain?"

Suddenly, Zhou Chen inexplicably had such an idea in his heart, which made him feel very awkward.

"How much are you going to borrow this time?"

"5 million."

"How many?"

Zhou Chen’s voice suddenly became louder. Father Jiang’s appetite is getting bigger and bigger. The first time was 500,000, the second time was 1 million, the third time was 1 million, and the fourth time was 2 million. Just 5 million.

Father Jiang said: "Xiao Ma, I know this time is a bit much, but this time I really have inside information, you have to believe me, this time I will definitely be able to make money; as for money, you don't have to worry, even if I don't have any money, but you know my foreign building, it's worth hundreds of millions, I won't rely on your money."

He has already borrowed money from many people, and now he can't find anyone who can borrow money. Zhou Chen is his last hope, so he can only grab Zhou Chen to borrow money.

"Okay, come and get the money tomorrow."

Zhou Chen was not afraid that Jiang's father would run away. Anyway, the contract between Jiang's father and him to borrow money had legal effect. Even if Jiang's father died, with Jiang Nansun's proud character, he probably would not renege on his debt.

Taking a step back, even if Jiang Nansun wants to renege on his debts, he still has ways to make it difficult for Jiang Nansun. Anyway, his mission is to abuse Jiang Nansun. It is better for Jiang Nansun not to pay back the money, and he has more sufficient reasons.

Now don't care about villains or not, as long as they can complete the task, anyway, Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo are not good people themselves, and there is no psychological pressure when they abuse them.

"Thank you, thank you, pony, you are so kind, uncle thank you so much."

Jiang's father was immediately grateful to Dade. After getting along for such a long time, their relationship changed from the beginning to the current relationship between the creditor and the debtor. His attitude also changed, and he dared not continue to point fingers in front of Zhou Chen.

Zhou Chen smiled, but didn't answer.

It's just that he really can't figure out Jiang's father's brain circuit. They have only known each other for more than a month, and Jiang's father keeps borrowing money from him like this. Isn't he afraid that he will plot something wrong?

He couldn't figure out this question, but in the end it could only be attributed to the fact that Jiang's father has gone crazy in stocks and has completely lost the thinking of a normal person. Whoever is willing to lend him money now is the uncle.

Chenxing Real Estate!

This real estate company was just established by Zhou Chen. It currently has four major shareholders, Zhou Chen, Wang Feiyu, Yang Ke and Teacher Pan, and another person, Xie Jiayin.

Wang Feiyu, Yang Ke and Xie Jiayin were all facilitated by Zhou Chen. The three of them did not trust each other, so they relied on him to mediate. Therefore, although he only holds 20.00% of the shares in the real estate company, he is the first general manager. .

The other three parties contributed money, but Zhou Chen did not contribute money, but the design plan he proposed and the plan for the company's future direction allowed him to directly control 20.00% of the shares. On this, the other three parties have reached a consensus .

Yang Ke originally wanted to compete for the position of general manager, but Wang Feiyu and Xie Jiayin didn't believe him. In the end, he became the vice president, but he competed for the position of chief financial officer for his girlfriend.

Compared with the small office area of ​​Yang Ke in the TV series, the new Chenxing Real Estate is different, directly renting the two-story area of ​​the building.

Except for Zhou Chen, the other three parties have their own contacts, so the framework of the real estate company was quickly set up, and they immediately entered the working mode.

Of course, Yang Ke is also credited for being able to go so fast. This man is really crazy. He alone drives the rhythm of other people in the company.

Zhou Chen will naturally have no objection that the employees of the company can get into the mood so quickly. Although he is the general manager now, this position is more for the purpose of balancing several shareholders. In fact, he rarely asks questions. He handed over most of the things to Yang Ke.

"Mr. Ma, thanks to you, we won the bid from Jingyan Group and got off to a good start."

Not long after Zhou Chen returned to the office, Yang Ke walked over excitedly and reported the good news to him.

"When your design came out, Party A was stunned. Not long after the bidding ended, they directly announced that our company won the bid."

Zhou Chen replied calmly: "Isn't this expected?"

The content of this bidding is the renovation of a school's teaching building. To be honest, this project does not have much profit, and it is more for reputation.

After all, it is a public school. If it is done well, it will definitely improve the company's image.

Ye Jinyan is a person with ideals and goals, and what he likes to do most is this kind of reputation-building project, so this time Jingyan Group also participated in the bidding.

Because it was the company's first bidding project, and the company hadn't found a famous designer yet, Zhou Chen personally went into battle and made the design for this bidding.

If it is not the case that he has lived in the world for more than [-] years without the last time, his architectural design level is still not top-notch, but with more than [-] years of experience, combined with his own architectural design level, his level Improving a lot at once.

He added some later ideas to the bidding design this time, so he was not surprised to be able to win the bid.

"How about the other two designs?"

After opening the door this time, Yang Ke has complete trust in Zhou Chen, and now he can't wait to finish the next work.

Zhou Chen said: "I'm still working on it. Anyway, there is still some time before the bidding, but you have to find a way to poach people. You can't let me do all the future designs."

Yang Ke said with a smile: "With you as a master, there is no need to use it for nothing. Now it is not so easy to recruit good designers. My original plan was to copy it, but with you, there will naturally be better choices."

"You are good at employing people, and you have calculated me, the general manager."

"It's too much work for those who can. By the way, you let me contact Tang Xin. I have already talked to her. Although she intends to make a move, she hasn't made up her mind yet. She probably hasn't given up on Ye Jinyan yet, but I think this It's a matter of time."

Zhou Chen nodded: "Our company is short of talents right now, especially talents like Tang Xin. We must find a way to recruit them."

Yang Ke said with a smile: "You are cruel enough. When Teacher Pan and I came here, I made Ye Jin very angry. If Tang Xin is poached here again, Ye Jin will not be mad?"

"In fact, I still admire Ye Jinyan very much. There are not many people in the country who can achieve this level from scratch, but I don't know if it is because they have made a lot of money. Now it is a bit too idealistic. In recent years, the company's profits It has been gradually reduced. In fact, many shareholders have opinions on him, but his ability is placed there. Before there is a major problem, even the board of directors dare not do anything to him."

After listening to Yang Ke's emotional words, Zhou Chen said: "I also admire people with ideals. In fact, what he did was not wrong. It's just that he touched the cakes of most people for his personal ideals, so he failed. to such a state."

"You're right." Yang Ke nodded in agreement: "Okay, go ahead, I'll go first."


Although Zhou Chen has been working recently, he has not forgotten his task. He has been staring at Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun.

Because Yang Ke was scooped up by him in advance, Yang Ke didn't have the chance to run into Zhu Suosuo, but what surprised Zhou Chen was that even though Yang Ke was gone, Zhu Suosuo still sneaked into the Jingyan Group.

(End of this chapter)

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