The world of film and television starts from a young age

Chapter 181 Yuan Yuan's means, Nan Sun collapses

Chapter 181 Yuan Yuan's means, Nan Sun collapses
"Mr. Xie, our house in Dongli is really good. Whether you buy it for yourself or invest, you will never lose money. Please believe me, I..."

Although Zhou Chen was here, Zhu Suosuo felt very awkward, but she still wanted to sell the house, so she took the initiative to introduce it to Xie Hongzu.

Xie Hongzu was originally interested, but after knowing the relationship between Zhou Chen and Zhu Suosuo, he became more worried.

"Brother Ma, what do you think?"

Zhou Chen: "Hongzu, you bought the house, you decide for yourself, why do you ask me?"

Xie Hongzu was a little hesitant, he couldn't figure out Zhou Chen's attitude, but he could tell that Zhu Suosuo seemed to hate Zhou Chen very much.

So he thought for a while, and said to Zhu Suosuo: "Miss Zhu, I'm sorry, today is our private party, and the matter of buying a house will be discussed later."

Zhu Suosuo's face was ugly, but he still resisted the attack, and said respectfully to Xie Hongzu: "Mr. Xie, I understand, then I won't bother you, but if you still have the intention to buy, you must call me. I promise to be online 24 hours and serve you at any time.”

"Okay, Miss Zhu." Xie Hongzu didn't intend to leave Zhu Suosuo either.

Zhu Suosuo gritted his teeth, and finally gave Zhou Chen a vicious look, and left the box.

After Zhu Suosuo left, Zhou Chen also stood up and said to Xie Hongzu: "Hongzu, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Xie Hongzu said with a wicked smile: "Brother Ma, are you going to find Miss Zhu?"

"Just kidding, why do you like meddling so much?"

Zhou Chen greeted Xie Hongzu's cronies again, and left the box.

As soon as he walked out of the KTV, he saw Zhu Suosuo standing next to his car, and saw Zhu Suosuo kicking his Panamera vigorously with his high heels.

"You are deliberately destroying other people's property. If I call the police, you will be punished by law."

Zhu Suosuo was taken aback, turned around quickly, and when he saw Zhou Chen, he immediately shouted fiercely: "Report, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Zhou Chen sneered, without saying a word, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the alarm number.

"Hi, hello, I want to call the police, someone intentionally damaged my car..."

"You actually called the police, are you a man?"

Zhu Suosuo cursed angrily, she really didn't expect Zhou Chen to call the police, and she was a little flustered.

Zhou Chen sneered: "Aren't you the clearest if I am a man? If you destroy my car, I will call the police. Don't think you are a woman, I will always spoil you. A woman will also be punished if she commits a crime. law justicfication."

"Ma Hongshu, count yourself as cruel."

Zhu Suosuo roared, and was about to turn around and leave.

"A friendly reminder, I have already called the police. If you leave now, you will be escaping on purpose. There are surveillance cameras here. If you are caught back then, the responsibility will be even greater."


Zhu Suosuo stopped immediately and was about to rush towards Zhou Chen.

"I've said it all. There is surveillance here. If you do something to me, you will be filmed. Then you will add another crime of injury. You have to think about it."

Facing Zhou Chen's strong threat, Zhu Suosuo was sullen and speechless, neither dared to do anything to Zhou Chen, nor dared to think about running away.

Zhou Chen opened the car door, sat in the car, and looked at Zhu Suosuo with a smile.

Zhu Suosuo was filled with grief and indignation, and she was in a stalemate with Zhou Chen. It took about ten minutes before she felt something was wrong.

"Why haven't the police come yet?"

According to the normal speed of dispatching the police, the law enforcement officers must have arrived by this time, but there has been no movement until now, and there is only one explanation.

"Ma Hongshu, are you kidding me?"

Zhou Chen showed a gloating smile: "Yes, I'm just kidding you, what's wrong?"

One Buddha with Zhu Susuo was born, and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. It feels really bad to be played like a monkey.

"Ma Hongshu, I think my original decision was really right. Fortunately, I didn't stay with a narrow-minded man like you. If I were with you, it would be a real nightmare. A man like you deserves to live forever Can't find a woman."

"Woman, you really know how to pick it. At the beginning you broke up with me because I was a driver, but now you say it in such a high-sounding way. People who don't know really think that I am the villain, powerful, powerful."

Zhou Chen gave a thumbs up and praised a few words, and then said: "But what you said is not wrong, I am a narrow-minded man, especially for those who hurt me, I will never let go easily , I will explain to you today, I just want to play with you."

"Ma Hongshu, you are cruel, but the days are still long, I will not be afraid of you, just wait for me."

Zhu Suosuo put down his cruel words, stepped on his high heels and left.

Seeing Zhu Suosuo leaving, Zhou Chen shook his head and sighed, "It's boring."

Although the system gave him the task of torturing the master, after a few times of torturing Zhu Suosuo, he felt that it was meaningless, because as his status continued to rise, it was really easier to abuse a Zhu Suosuo. Feel a bit boring.

In a blink of an eye, a few days passed. Zhou Chen did not go to Zhu Suosuo these days, but started to study seriously. In addition to torturing the master, his task is to become a master architect. This professional task is actually is the hardest.

Now his age and status, he can no longer go to university to study like a student, so he needs to study by himself. Fortunately, he has enough foundation and professional level. It is difficult to study by himself, but he can definitely overcome it.

More importantly, he has a vision beyond this era, and has a stronger understanding of architectural thinking. Combining future and current architecture, he believes that his level can be improved rapidly.

Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun walked shoulder to shoulder and returned to Jiang Nansun's rented house. Jiang Nansun had moved out of Jiang's house and lived opposite Zhang Anren.

Originally, she and Zhang Anren got along pretty well, but Yuan Yuan's arrival disrupted her deployment, so she had to change her strategy and planned to get rid of Yuan Yuan first.

And Zhu Suosuo also traveled a long way for his best friend, temporarily living with Jiang Nansun, helping to monitor Yuan Yuan and Zhang Anren, and warning Yuan Yuan by the way, so that she should not be distracted.

Under the cooperation of the two best friends, Yuan Yuan, who came from a small place, was naturally no match for them and was bullied miserably.

But even so, Yuan Yuan still gritted her teeth and persisted. It was not until she met Zhou Chen that day that Yuan Yuan started her own actions.

"Suosuo, from what you said, your Mr. Ma seems to have an old love for you, otherwise he wouldn't target you so repeatedly."

Today Zhu Suosuo complained to Jiang Nansun about Zhou Chen again, saying how Zhou Chen bullied her. In this case, she said it almost every day now, and Jiang Nansun's ears were numb.

"What's the old relationship? I think he just wants to take revenge on me. Tell me, is he sick? Why does he have to be a driver when he is so rich? And after I found out, he didn't even explain , Turned against me directly, that’s all, and then he continued to target me, making me so embarrassed, do you think he just wanted to revenge me? His mind is too small. "

Zhu Suosuo drank alcohol today and kept complaining. The more she thought about it, the more sad she became. If she knew Zhou Chen was so rich and capable at that time, she would not have chosen to break up with Zhou Chen so decisively.

Jiang Nansun said: "It's not always said on TV now that those rich people like to play this game, pretending to be poor to test love, that must be the same with the surnamed Ma, but Suo Suo, don't think so much, that surname Even if the horse is rich, so what, you look at the things he did, he doesn't look like a good person at all, it's a good thing you didn't follow him, otherwise, it wouldn't do you any good."

When they met for the first time, she still had a good impression of Zhou Chen, and felt that her best friend had found a reliable boyfriend.

But she never expected that this kind of affection didn't last long before she knew Zhou Chen's 'true' identity, and then Zhu Suosuo broke up with Zhou Chen like lightning.

They broke up as soon as they broke up, but who would have expected that things would turn around again. Although Zhou Chen is a driver, he is not poor, and he soon became the boss of a real estate company, and now he dares to fight Jingyan Group. Wrist, defeated the Jingyan Group several times.

Facts have proved that this 'Mr. Ma' is not only rich, but also very capable.

What surprised Jiang Nansun even more was that she heard from Zhu Suosuo that the reason why Chenxing Real Estate was able to defeat Jingyan Group several times and successfully won the bid was because of the good architectural design of Chenxing Real Estate, and these plans were said to be made by Zhou Chen of.

Zhu Suosuo sighed and said, "I just feel unwilling. My sisters waited for so many years, and finally met such a good opportunity, but ended up being buried in my own hands. I am so unwilling."

The chance to fly on a branch and become a phoenix was ruined by myself. If I say I am not reconciled, it must be a big deal, but now it is useless to regret it.

It's just that Zhou Chen abused her several times, which made her very helpless. She was not afraid of things, but she was afraid that Zhou Chen would pester her like this. If Zhou Chen targeted her, it would be really difficult for her to accomplish anything.

"Suosuo, don't be so pessimistic, even if we don't rely on men, we can still make a difference."

Jiang Nansun is full of confidence. She is still in the ivory tower and has not been hit by social reality. She is still in the state of a student boasting.

"Yes, Nansun, we will definitely be no worse than those men in the future."

Zhu Suosuo also spoke loudly, but only she knew how unrealistic such words were.

Unlike Jiang Nansun, who was raised as a princess since she was a child, she is at the bottom of society. She understands the cruelty of this society better than Jiang Nansun. It is normal for women to rely on men. How many women do they really not rely on men?
The two opened the door, turned on the light, and saw that there was no one in the living room, Jiang Nansun was taken aback for a moment.

"Where's Yuan Yuan?"

Yuan Yuan shared a house with her, but after Zhu Suosuo moved in, Yuan Yuan could only sleep on the sofa in the living room.

The two of them came back very late today. It stands to reason that Yuan Yuan has already come back from get off work, so why is there no one?

Although Zhu Suosuo drank some wine, she was still conscious. She suddenly exclaimed: "Nan Sun, that girl is probably in Zhang Anren's room?"

Jiang Nansun was startled, but she still said with certainty: "It's absolutely impossible, Zhang Anren is an honest man, and he would never do such a thing behind my back."

In this period, although she was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Anren, she still firmly believed in Zhang Anren in this matter, and felt that it was impossible for Zhang Anren to do such a thing.

Zhu Suosuo snorted coldly and said, "No man can believe it. It's impossible. Let's just go and have a look. Don't you have his key? Let's go quietly. It's best if we don't have one. If so, we'll catch them right away."

Jiang Nansun hesitated: "Isn't that bad? After all, it's his house. Although I have the key, but after this time has passed, isn't it too disrespectful to him?"

Zhu Suosuo urged: "Now it's not about respect or disrespect, but about whether Zhang Anren betrayed you. If you don't go, give me the key and I'll go. Anyway, I'm not afraid of Zhang Anren getting angry."

When it comes to the matter of her best friend, Zhu Suosuo didn't care whether other people's privacy would be involved or not, and made a decisive decision. Even if Jiang Nansun didn't go, she would go for Jiang Nansun.

Jiang Nansun hesitated for a while, and finally decided to believe what his best friend said, so the two took the key and went to the house of their boyfriend Zhang Anren opposite.

The two quietly opened the door and walked into Zhang Anren's house. Zhang Anren's house was only about [-] square meters, and there was only one bedroom.

After the two walked in, they saw that the lights in the room were still on, and then saw that the table was full of wine bottles. Jiang Nansun felt something bad in his heart.

Zhu Suosuo was more experienced. As soon as she saw the situation in the room, she knew something was wrong, so she walked directly to the room without the slightest hesitation.

"Lock the lock."

Jiang Nansun suddenly grabbed Zhu Suosuo, shook his head at her, and pleaded.

But Zhu Suosuo said firmly: "Nan Sun, you must not hesitate at this time, catch the moment, it is best if nothing happens, but if something happens, we must not condone it, and we must not be soft-hearted at this time."

After finishing speaking, she ignored Jiang Nansun's tugging and pushed open the bedroom door. The next moment, the situation in the room made them both angry.

I saw clothes everywhere on the floor of the bedroom, and even torn underwear. More importantly, on the bed, there were two people lying on the bed at the moment, half of their bodies exposed, hugging each other.

These two people are none other than Jiang Nansun's boyfriend Zhang Anren, and his ex-girlfriend, Yuan Yuan.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Nansun was completely dumbfounded. Although she had prepared herself before coming in, she still couldn't accept it after seeing it with her own eyes.

"Bastard, bastard!"

Zhu Suosuo was furious. When she saw the couple on the bed, she was several times more angry than when she saw Zhou Chen. Although Zhou Chen abused and bullied her many times, he never did such a thing.

In her opinion, Zhang Anren's behavior was countless times more hateful than Zhou Chen's.

Especially when she saw that she and Jiang Nansun had already entered, these two people still didn't respond at all, as if they were really tired, which made her even more angry.

"I'll let you sleep."

The angry Zhu Suosuo let out a low drink, turned around and left the bedroom.

"Shuo Suo, what are you doing?"

Jiang Nansun grabbed Zhu Suosuo.

Zhu Suosuo said coldly: "Nan Sun, leave me alone, I must teach them a good lesson today, and vent my anger on you."

After finishing speaking, she quickly rushed into the bathroom, picked up a basin, filled a large basin of water, then went to the bedroom, and regardless of Jiang Nansun's dissuasion, poured a basin of water on the two people on the bed.

The icy cold water was splashed on the sleeping Zhang Anren and Yuan Yuan, making them both feel refreshed, and no matter how drunk they were, they woke up instantly.


Zhang Anren sat up with a scream, and Yuan Yuan next to him did the same. The movement of the two of them was immediately exposed.


Zhu Suosuo gave a low shout angrily.

Hearing Zhu Suosuo's voice, Zhang Anren woke up instantly. He first looked at Jiang Nansun and Zhu Suosuo who were standing at the door of the bedroom, and then looked at Yuan Yuan beside him, and immediately realized something.

"Ah, I, I..."

Looking down and seeing the situation of himself and Yuan Yuan, he immediately wanted to stand up, but just as soon as he moved, he realized that his situation was not right, so he quickly wrapped himself in the quilt.

"Nan Sun, listen to my explanation. I drank too much. I really drank too much. I don't know what happened."

"You don't know what happened? Zhang Anren, I really underestimated you. With Nansun, you can still do this kind of thing with this bitch. You really make me feel sick."

Jiang Nansun remained silent, but Zhu Suosuo reprimanded Zhang Anren coldly.

"Okay, Suo Suo, let's go."

Jiang Nansun pulled Zhu Suosuo, turned around and left directly. Before leaving, he didn't even look at Zhang Anren, but instead gave Yuan Yuan a cold look.

Jiang Nansun is still very smart. She knows Zhang Anren's character, so she should not do such a stupid thing, and it must be Yuan Yuan's plan to make him do such a stupid thing.

She felt that she had underestimated Yuan Yuan. Originally, she was going to deal with Yuan Yuan, but she didn't expect Yuan Yuan to do so. Although she was very angry, she also saw Yuan Yuan's insidiousness clearly, and her heart was full of pain and discomfort.

 The update has not been effective in the past few days. It is really due to health reasons and many family affairs. When I recover, the update will come up. Please rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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